General Question

Jude's avatar

At my apartment I have a small balcony. At the one end of it, I would like something there to give me a bit of privacy. Any suggestions?

Asked by Jude (32210points) March 17th, 2009
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12 Answers

Mr_M's avatar

Tall, artificial plants on BOTH ends, so that no one gets offended.

bythebay's avatar

Maybe a trellis with some full foliaged plants. If it’s not subject to windy conditions, you could even use a decorative bi/tri fold screen.

Jude's avatar

@Mr_M It’s a house apartment, though. I’m only looking to get some privacy from the home owner.

Thank-you both for the ideas.

EmpressPixie's avatar

A little tree? I’m pretty sure those exist and would block nicely.

basp's avatar

a climbing vine.

Lupin's avatar

Try a couple of pots of morning glory seeds. They’re cheap, grow fast and thick and are fun to look at in the morning. See if you can find any that grow up the trellis left handed instead of right handed.

dynamicduo's avatar

A big bushy plant might work nicely.

casheroo's avatar

I’m guessing a plant is the only thing you can use. I can’t think of anything else, that wouldn’t be obvious.

bythebay's avatar

Depending on the surface above you, you might also be able to mount a rolling shade of some sort; it might be less obtrusive and then you could simply roll it down when you were looking for privacy.

Judi's avatar

Check your apartment rules before you make a big investment. Many apartment communities limit what can be put on the patio because they want the area to look clean and consistent. I would also take my clues from what has been allowed for other residents. Putting something up that draws attention might cause friction with your landlords.

Supergirl's avatar

I used bamboo in large pots. The grow tall and fast, require little care and are pretty dense. They also are lovely :)

augustlan's avatar

If you don’t have a green thumb, you could even just use bamboo rods ‘planted’ in a window box set on the floor.

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