Are th corn syrup commercials make anyone else but me mad?
We have a new commercial for corn syrup here in my state. They talk about a product, then one person says, “but that has corn syrup in it.” The other person says “what is wrong with corn syrup, it is all natural, so it is just like sugar. Besides, it is all about moderation.”
Have these people LOOKED at a label lately? I read the average American eats 62 POUNDS of corn syrup a year and they don’t even realize it. I have been looking to avoid it, but they caught me today. It was in the Smoked Sausage I use for Jumbalaya. HELLO!!! sasuage?? Ketchup sure, meat no!!!
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48 Answers
I think it is smart advertising. The commercial is non verbally telling you to read the labels of the food you eat. I know its in “everything”, but it is possible to avoid excessive amounts of it. It is true that it is nutritionally the same as sugar, and, like sugar, you shouldn’t eat too much of it. Just be smart about the things you buy. Maybe it is time for you to buy a new type of sausage.
The corn syrup lobby has commercials out now? Lord love a duck. I don’t watch TV except for Mad Men and Doctor Who, which are both done for their seasons, so I’ve not seen these ads. They’d’ve been better off saying nothing. But it’s a good opportunity to reiterate how bad HFCS is for people!
I hate lobby groups in general – they should be banned from advertising at all. Besides the Corn Syrup ads I also hate and laugh at the “Drink more milk!” ads paid for by the Dairy associations of the world.
I hate those commercials, they’re highly disturbing.
The way I see it, it is like anything else. I hate it when I have no time to cook, and I have to bring Ramen for lunch at work. I always get some comment from my peanut gallery friend along the lines of “Enjoy your sodium lunch!” Leave me alone. I’m not making you eat it. I’m sure we can all agree that there are things we should not eat excessive amounts of: sodium, trans fat, HFCS, etc. But I don’t see why people have to get all hot and bothered if I choose to eat these things. I don’t eat a doughnut under the impression that it is health food; on the contrary, I know it is bad for me. But one won’t kill me. I know Ramen is loaded with Na and MSG, I know. But I’m not making anyone else eat it, so lay off me. I don’t eat these things all the time, its OK.
Yes, HFCS is in lots of products. But it is the choice you, the consumer, makes. It is easy to read a label and see if that ingredient is in it. And if it is, choose a different product. I have this beef with trans fats. Some brands of frozen waffles had trans fats. So I bought the other brand.
And as for the advertising, television in general is meant to sway the viewer one way or another. You see a commercial for the new iPhone, and you make a choice about whether you need one. You see a commercial for an early bird sale at Target, you make the decision to go. If you see a commercial for eating more dairy, you make the decision to eat dairy. And the same goes for the corn syrup commercial. Make the decision. All you have to do is choose to listen to the commercial or not.
Marketing is marketing. It all makes me mad. So I’ve removed the majority of it from my life. For instance, my TV is actually a monitor, it has no receiving box so I can’t even get basic free cable. I watch things on DVD or through Bittorrent. It means I have full control over TV and not the other way around, and ultimately I buy more TV DVDs of series I truly love and enjoy.
I HATE the commercials. As if label readers are STUPID enough to believe their propoganda!
Ugh! We have SUCH trouble finding products without cornsyrup to replace in recipes…Anyone know of a good substitute for Special K?....
DAMN Kellogg’s for producing CRAP products full of HFC!
I thank you all for your comments. I understand it is a matter of choice. I would never ever comment to anyone about what they were eating, it is not my body, and I also enjoy sneaking a donut now and then. I never gave HFCS a thought until I heard the numbers! I just figured there has to be a backlash if the CS lobby is doing a commercial! I was just questioning the necessity of having CS in some things.
I hate those commercials. Their entire purpose is to set up strawmen and knock them down, making you feel foolish about your concerns about HFCS in the process. The concerns about HFCS are legitimate and should be treated as such.
Anything in large quantities is bad for you. I grew up eating eggs, then eggs where bad for you. Now it’s ok to eat the whites, yet sometimes it’s ok to eat a yolk. It’s rediculous.
HFCS is bad for you. So are a thousand other things. If you eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruits and veggies (Organic is good! Organic is bad!) you can eat other things in moderation. You don’t have to eat anything you don’t want to, like @Les said. We run into problems when some parents are uneducated about food, or too lazy to prepare healthy foods. Some parents feed their kids frozen pizza, chicken nuggets and canned raviolis every day. It’s gross.
I am going to make some Eggo Waffles with Mrs Butterworths high fructose corn syrup and some Sausage patties. Who has it better than me?
i feel your angst. i know those commercials too. they show here in chicago. i must say, the girl convincing her boyfriend that the pop-sicle is OK to eat, is quite attractive.
ya fuck that! it is in fact not the same. high fructose corn syrup is a processed food, and corn growers in the US get subsidies from the government. there are “scientists” who claim that it is not bad for you, but how is that any different than the “scientists” who “prove” smoking is not bad for you! what do they takes us for!?
Here is a spoof that I included on the thread I linked earlier. Kind of puts things in perspective.
oh ya… and why is it a white women who is anti-corn syrup, and a black woman for it?? sheesh! what were they thinking!?
I think they are legit. How is sugar from corn any worse than sugar from a beet? All sugar is processed. Even if you object to corn subsidies, how does that make the commercial wrong?
@AstroChuck Too funny. Yes…in moderation all evils are still no less evil.
@alive they have another version with a cute white woman in a park with her nerdy boyfriend. did i say that already?
I personally do NOT support free choice when it comes to eating; at least not here in Canada where I have to pay for the triple by-pass, or dialysis treatment for some dude that CHOOSES to ignore his own well-being by eating eggos, corn syrup, and breakfast sausages all the time. If it didn’t affect me then sure – kill yourself, but it does affect me and everyone else. Especially when the next generation of kids think eating at McDonalds for dinner is normal.
@kruger_d the commercial is wrong because it is misleading. corn is not sweet. not as sweet as sugar at least. high fructose corn syrup goes through a chemical process to make the sweetness. it is not longer “corn.”
cane sugar on the other hand is a very simple process where they squeeze out the juice, some of it crystallizes (sugar crystals) they evaporate the rest to get the crystals at the bottom. if you have ever chewed on a stalk of sugar cane you can taste the sugar.
it does matter WHO is telling you what. the commercials are funded by corn sellers. they obviously have an investment in feeding us AS MUCH high fructose corn syrup as humanly possible (or not possible because it is causing “adult on set diabetes” in children and unhealthy obesity which kills people).
if i was a coca plant grower, or poppy plant grower i could make the same argument about cocaine and heroine… they are all natural so they must be fine in moderation
Google “HFCS and mercury” and you’ll quickly realize how that TV ad is absolutely false.
I figure that everything I eat could eventually kill me, so I don’t bother too much. Everything in moderation indeed. Chuck Klosterman actually spent a week eating nothing but McDonalds Chicken Nuggets, and managed to gain only a pound and his cholesterol and blood pressure went down. I’m not saying that I would want to do that (I generally avoid the golden arches), but I’m just saying that all this freaking out about every single thing we’re eating, how many bacteria are on our counters and how many vitamins and minerals our hair has is ridiculous.
@btko, I understand you point. Eventhough here in the U.S. we don’t have “Socialized” Medicine per se, don’t let that fool you. I pay $600.00 per month for med insurance for my family of 3. That does not include, co-pays, lab fees, etc. I had surgery 2 yrs ago, and the hospital charged my ins. $9,848.00 for me to lay in a recovery bed for 4 hours and have a candy striper bring me a diet coke. Total cost for my surgery, $60,000. Insurance paid $40,000. I paid $2,500.(my max out of pocket) the rest, was contractually, written off. I was in at 7:30 am Home in my bed at 3:30 pm, after having some major organs removed. Not bad that the hospital, Dr.s, ect made $42,500.00 for 7 hours. So, we do in a sense pay for everyones medical care here also. The hospital prices are so inflated to help cover the uninsured.
With obesity on the rise, no recess in schools, I just thought we should all be aware. Like I said, they even caught me unexpectedly this time. I am pretty good about label reading, but I just didn’t expect this one! Little Debbie’s,....sure. But, Beef Sausage, NO!!
@SeventhSense I love all of those things, but in my case if I ate them all the time, I would be bigger than my house!!! lol
Actually it’s Spring so it’s time for me to get on my maniacal health routine where I flog myself relentlessly for a week and then binge on pancakes.:)
I remember I did the Atkins diet religiously for a while and man did I want a bagel but I lost a lot of weight and I was ripped. But my emmotional state was horrible. My nerves were shot and I didn’t feel settled at all. There’s a reason they call it comfort food.
I’m not fat by any means but I just wish I could get my metabolism to a point where its on auto pilot and I can just eat in moderation and maintain one weight.
@dynamicduo: Try Surf the Channel, too.
In response to the question, most commercials advertising anything that’s at all bad for you piss me off, even if they put a disclaimer like the moderation thing.
The best way, that I’ve heard, to increase your metabolism is to lower the amount of calories… not drastically or anything, but the average 2,000 calorie diet is too high, and most people go way over that.
A person doesn’t need to be a calorie-counter either, just eat less.
Thanks, but I think I would die from malnutrition on a 2000 calorie diet. I am a big guy naturally 6ft 2 over 200 pounds with a lot of muscle. It’s really the combinations for me. And my body will just shut down and preserve fat on a too strict diet.
When I lost weight on the Atkins diet I could eat 2 pounds of beef or fish at a sitting along with mayonnaise, bacon, butter, eggs and you name it. Every protein and fat imaginable. In addition, I lowered my LDL and raised my HDL! And I had a six pack and looked good. It was just tough on my nerves and the long term effects of that diet are sketchy and you’ll find yourself holding up a convenience store for a twinkie eventually :).
But I don’t think fat is the culprit as much as sugar from carbohdrate sources. Carbohdrates, fructose, sucrose, dextrose all just break down to glucose in the body which is stored as fat. The idea that fat consumed contributes to body fat needs more research. I think it has much to do with the combination of fat with carbohdrates that’s the 1,2 punch to heart disease. It wasn’t until the 20th century that heart disease was even widely documented. And people lived off the “fat of the land” for centuries. Of course dying from every other disease.:)
I just need to find a healthier high protein, lower empty carb diet. Something rich in greens and protein but low in sugar. I think some of my cravings are just genetically programmed.
And all kidding aside, Beverly is actually right, in that sugar from the break down of sources like corn is really the danger in this country. But I would add the addition of empty calorie carbs like my aforementioned waffles.
But I’m just a bad boy.:)
Fair enough, I guess I’m coming from a 5’7” 145 Ibs perspective, haha. I agree totally on finding good sources of protein and full carbohydrates. Honestly, one of the best sources of both is a plate with plenty of beans and some brown rice. The amino acids from both the beans and the whole rice create a complete set of proteins—something that meat and dairy can’t claim.
I certainly need to work on what I eat – I’ve been trying to stop drinking juices, and sticking with water and tea for my drinks. I use honey or maple syrup if I feel the need to sweeten something. I eat way too much bread… I’d say a loaf or more a week—it’s just so filling and satisfying.
Natural doesn’t always mean “good for you” or even “good.”
“But that arsenic! It’s natural, because it’s found in apple seeds! That means arsenic is as wholesome as a dish of grandma’s applesauce.”
@SeventhSense I understand about the twinkie thing. When I cut back on carbs I get really cranky! My mom will say, “are you on another diet??” “Just go have some mashed potatoes or something.” Doesn’t she understand potatoes suck without butter and gravy!
@btko You need to get some Natures Own High Fiber bread! 5 grams of fiber a slice. It will cure you of your bread addiction really fast!! Really though, it’s not bad, especially for toast. I am also hooked on Thomas’ Light English Muffins. No HFCS, only 100 calories and 8 grams of fiber. Just drink lots of water.
I know what to say about corn syrup. The body does not recognize it as a sugar so it does not create insulin to help your body process it as energy. You see commonly HFCS doesn’t need insulin to travel into the cells. But since our bodies don’t recognize it as a sugar we don’t feel the same satiating effects of sugar. So our bodies just wants more, or in most cases we just don’t realize that one serving of say soda contains 10 tsp worth of sugar. (that’s a serving not a can or bottle!)
So it’s not eating in moderation it’s being aware how the taste alone can be deceiving. Does the ad say how many tsp of sugar equivalency that little Popsicle contained? No! The results is over saturation of blood sugar levels. Eventually resulting in obesity, high cholesterol, and diabetes.
It’s been driving me nuts were my article went. I think I deleted it while cleaning up my computer. ARRRRGGGGG!!!!
Not the article I was looking for but will give some information.
Maybe it’s in my Diabetic Bible which is on loan to someone at church. hmmm…
Yes beans and good rice is a nice medium.
Whole grain breads when you are on a low carb diet are like pure decadence. The real good ones are just expensive and that’s the other thing that sucks about all the good organics. It’s all so expensive. Some day I hope it will be as cheap as the junk.
And most important of all whatever you eat, let it be natural and organic whether it’s vegetables, meat, cheese, grains or drink.
@cooksalot – Exactly! Natural (although highly processed), but not necessarily good.
@SeventhSense: If the government subsidized the good stuff as heavily as it subsidizes the junk, it would be a lot cheaper.
YES! i especially hate the lady that is at the kids party and says to the other mom “oh, so you dont care about what the kids eat”
i would have punched her and been like “fine, have the party at your own damn house if you know how to be a mom and i dont”
...just an opinion
one other video that is pretty interesting. they actually MAKE their own high fructose corn syrup in their kitchen! sulfuric acid and all! :-D
@SeventhSense What is it with you and pancakes?? Maple Syrup, yuck…try berry, I use a triple berry blend and make it myself. It is so yummy. If you want to do it the “cheaters way” you can take your favorite flavor of “Simply Fruit Fruit Spread” and nuke it for 45 seconds and it turns into syrup. And it has NO HFCS!!
@EmpressPixie Ok now I get it… I just joined 2 days ago so I had missed this great question. I would like to know If I can change my word to waffles? My hubby and son eat waffles like they are going our of style, but they don’t like pancakes! I am sure I would be a lot nicer if I could have my spontaneous orgasm when someone said “Can we have waffles for breakfast”!! Of course, if I had not made waffles for a while, I could end up a broken heap at the bottom of the stairs! All of that with holding makes for a great orgasm, but if it happend at a bad time, in a 3 story house I could end up dead and not just wonderfully blissed out! Thank you Empress for the link! Have a PANCAKE day!! ;0)
@fullOFuselessINFO Nah! I would have just told her Sure I care obviously a lot more than YOU!
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