General Question

Strauss's avatar

In a nutshell, what is your philosophy of life?

Asked by Strauss (23886points) March 18th, 2009

Life Is Too Short, Break The Rules, Forgive Quickly, Kiss Slowly, Love Truly, Laugh Uncontrollably, And Never Regret Anything That Made You Smile. Life May Not Be The Party We Hoped For, But While We’re Here, We Should Dance….

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60 Answers

wundayatta's avatar

Used to be: Life is long, school is hard, and people are weird.

Now: Life is not long enough, work is hard, and people are weird.

asmonet's avatar

I live like a crazy person.
Do silly things, roll down hills, find shapes in clouds and have milk-chugging contests.

So, I guess:

Never act your age.

dynamicduo's avatar

Life’s too short to do things you don’t like.
The Golden Rule, do to others what you would like having done to yourself.
So far, life is about happiness.

KrystaElyse's avatar

Find something you love to do and you’ll never have to work a day in your life.

And most importantly, always be yourself and let no one change who you are.

Lupin's avatar

Don’t bank on the afterlife. It’s this one that counts.

bythebay's avatar

Life is not a dress rehearsal.

cak's avatar

Don’t spend your time on the sidelines, participate in life. Give of yourself, what you get in return is far better than any amount of money in the world.

Sellz's avatar

Life is what you make it. Simply put.


peyton_farquhar's avatar

Treat others the way you yourself would like to be treated, without expecting to be treated that way in kind.

Bagardbilla's avatar

Learn from & Be like water!
Take the path of least resistence.

galileogirl's avatar

Ask “why”, “why not” is for idiots.

augustlan's avatar

Do the right thing. Period.

essieness's avatar

Be honest, have integrity, and love everybody.

delirium's avatar

May the world breath easier for my having been born.

alive's avatar

get out of your nutshell! :)

charliecompany34's avatar

you live. you enjoy life. and then you die.

cookieman's avatar

Work hard at something you love. If you don’t know what that is – figure it out.

Show the love you feel. Kiss and hug regularly. There should be no doubt in their mind that you love them.

Do no harm but always defend yourself and others. You may be called upon to fuck someone up. Be prepared for verbal fisticuffs.

Be kind and be positive. No one wants to hear you whine about your issues. We all have issues.

Never be afraid to learn new things. Even if it proves you were wrong all along.

Take the time to do something right. Or don’t do it at all.

TitsMcGhee's avatar

Fuck a lot of women, kid. Not just one woman – a lot of women.

asmonet's avatar

^Lurve. To cprevite and Tits. :)

cookieman's avatar

@TitsMcGhee: Simultaneously?!

@asmonet: Thank you my dear.

nebule's avatar

work hard, play hard

Harp's avatar

Pay attention.
Be content with little.
Cultivate a tender heart.
Learn how to forget yourself.

Bluefreedom's avatar

The following words of wisdom sum it all up quite nicely for me and especially the last sentence at the very end:

All I ever needed to know, I learned in Kindergarten

Most of what I really need to know about how to live, and what to do, and how to be, I learned in kindergarten. Wisdom was not at the top of the graduate school mountain, but there in the sand box at nursery school.

These are the things I learned. Share everything. Play fair. Don’t hit people. Put things back where you found them. Clean up your own mess. Don’t take things that aren’t yours. Say you are sorry when you hurt somebody. Wash your hands before you eat. Flush. Warm cookies and cold milk are good for you. Live a balanced life. Learn some and think some and draw some and paint and sing and dance and play and work everyday.

Take a nap every afternoon. When you go out in the world, watch for traffic, hold hands, and stick together. Be aware of wonder. Remember the little seed in the plastic cup? The roots go down and the plant goes up and nobody really knows how or why. We are like that.

And then remember that book about Dick and Jane and the first word you learned, the biggest word of all: LOOK! Everything you need to know is there somewhere. The Golden Rule and love and basic sanitation, ecology, and politics and the sane living.

Think of what a better world it would be if we all, the whole world, had cookies and milk about 3 o’clock every afternoon and then lay down with our blankets for a nap. Or we had a basic policy in our nation and other nations to always put things back where we found them and clean up our own messes. And it is still true, no matter how old you are, when you go out in the world, it is best to hold hands and stick together.

—- Robert Fulghum

nebule's avatar

@Bluefreedom beautiful xxxx

Bluefreedom's avatar

@lynneblundell. Thank you. The first time I ever read that, it became an instant favorite of mine. I’ve always loved the messages it contains.

cookieman's avatar

@Bluefreedom: I loved that book also when I first read it.

Now I find it a bit polyana-ish, but it still has charm.

ninjacolin's avatar

Life is what you remember.

ubersiren's avatar

No masters, no slaves.

Blondesjon's avatar

“The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.”

Alan Watts

i’m a go with the flow kinda guy

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

I take life with a grain of salt and a shot of tequila.

MacBean's avatar

Live and let live.

DrBill's avatar

Wrong is wrong, even if it helps you.

Do the right thing, even when no one is watching.

alive's avatar

hey, dr.bill, will you take a look at this question

just wondering what you think

Blondesjon's avatar

Wrong is subjective. Even when no one is watching. So is right. So is taste. So is reality…

kevinhardy's avatar

follow your heart
ignore the negative agianst you
rule your own world
you can have it all, everyone else is wrong

MacBean's avatar

@kevinhardy Didn’t you recently ask why people are assholes to you? If you’re still wondering, I suggest you take a look at your philosophy of life. Because after “follow your heart,” you just sound like a snotty, self-centered, entitled jerk.

cookieman's avatar

@kevinhardy: “everyone else” -really?

galileogirl's avatar

MacBean exaggerated. When we all voted only 95.72% agreed.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

These three work for me:

1. Don’t compare yourself to other people, they are probably more fucked up than you realize.

2. Don’t be afraid to live your life as if you matter, because to someone else, you do.

3. Life is too short to eat cheap food, drink cheap beer or hang out with idiots.

TitsMcGhee's avatar

@evelyns_pet_zebra: I raise my glass of Blue Moon to you.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

@TitsMcGhee ah yes, Blue Moon, one of the few Americanized Belgian beers worthy of the name beer. if you ever get a chance, look for ale made by Trappist Monks. A very awesome drink, and also worthy of the name beer. Lurve to you for knowing the difference between beer and that mass produced watery swill most people mistake for beer.

essieness's avatar

@TitsMcGhee Blue Moon… sneaks up on me every time. “I’ll have ONE,” I tell myself, and every time I end up shitfaced. Yummm.

Blondesjon's avatar

@essienessthe last two words in your answer are unfortunate and hilarious out of context

TitsMcGhee's avatar

@evelyns_pet_zebra: It’s what I start my nights with, then I get cocktails, then I end the night with a black and tan (with Blue Moon in it, if I’m feeling feisty).

@essieness: Welcome to every Friday night of my life.

kevinhardy's avatar

everyone else being every other negative person

essieness's avatar

@augustlan This seems to be a theme with ole Kev.

asmonet's avatar

So, we girls are going drinking and enjoying the Blue Moon + Orange Slices, yes?


bythebay's avatar

@asmonet I wanna go tooooo

asmonet's avatar

Seriously, we all need to stop pussyfootin’ and get this done.

Strauss's avatar

@asmonet does is hasta be girls only?

TitsMcGhee's avatar

raises hand I’m in toooooooo. And I think there should be two nights; one for just the girls, and one where the boys can come along and woo and flatter us.

asmonet's avatar

@Yetanotheruser: Girls rule, boys drool. :P

Strauss's avatar

@asmonet if the girls are cool, you know I’ll drool!

veronasgirl's avatar

Take a risk, because not only could today be your last day, but you might miss something incredible.

Strauss's avatar

If the nutshell is planted (with the nut still intact) the tiny nut will grow into a large tall tree.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Redo until perfect.

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