Have you created a nation on NationStates?
Asked by
jlm11f (
March 18th, 2009
It was recently discussed on Fluther. It is a pretty cool idea and we now have a Fluther location on there (created by uberbatman), called Jelly Land So if you do have a nation on there, you should move to Jelly Land! Also link to your nation as an answer on here, so we know who created what.
Here’s mine
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174 Answers
Oh, so that’s where the liberal socialist paradise is. I always thought it a myth.
Well done!
Welcome to my little niche.
@robmandu – We are open to all nations. So you should create one and then we can be a little less liberal :P
Here i be
my economy is in the shitter right now :(
Wow, what a great idea, I will definitely do this when I have time (job search is taking priority now).
Gah! I can’t think of a motto!
@dalepetrie it takes two seconds to make one and they only give you 1 issue to vote on a day so as far as time consuming goes, its not.
its actually kind of upsetting because i wish there were more for me to do in a day lol.
A really long time ago. I actually read the book first. It is truly exceptional.
I shamelessly stole my country’s motto from Anhk-Morpork, does that make me a terrible person?
Finally someone asks.
Here is mine. :)
@uberbatman: You can set it to give you more than that a day. :)
And what the shit is up with your taxes Uber?!
@MrMeltedCrayon Pah! No! Just pledge allegiance to the great turtle and the elephants and its all good.
I have, played for quite some time, then they introduced NS2, which was down most of the time and I kind of lost the interest.
@asmonet i set it to give me two a day, but i only got 1 :(
@uberbatman: I usually get one in the morning and one at night. It might take a day or so to get you on the right schedule to get you two a day. That sometimes happened to me. I’ve had like 20 nations by now. It’s a problem.
@asmonet well i turned it to 2 yesterday so hopefully later tonight ill get another :)
Ruled by Lady Whorebag? ;-]
That’s Dame Whorebag to you.
You know what? If I ever start a war, your nation is first on my AK list. <4 Not that I ever would. My people don’t like conflict. We’re lovers.
@Allie lovers? you mean sluts right?
Tali rules the land of sluts. I just visit occasionally. (PS – I’m invading Ethnogen after Tali SS.)
You’re not allowed to visit. It’s a law in the Grand Duchy of Tali SS: No sluts named Allie allowed. If they decide to visit despite this law, they will be tortured and taxed 100%. Why do you think our economy’s so good?
there are that many Allie’s illegally crossing the border into GDoTSS?!?
maybe I should visit, too… with that kind of action going on there.
@omfgTALIjustIMDu: If you’ve got “loose ladies”, you’ll love the men from my country and vice versa…The Queendom of Oyster Stew. (You know what they say about oysters!)
@bythebay, Only the ladies named Allie, but since they’re illegal and prone to 100% taxation torture, we’ve pretty much eliminated the problem. If it wasn’t so good for economy, I’d have sent them over to you instead.
I hope you country sinks into a depression and ROTS! Have a nice day. =]
Oh no guys can’t we be friends please? :<
I have four telegrams asking me to join up with other states. As you all might be able to tell by our name, or motto, and our currency, the main focus of The Republic of Juliville is its founder’s narcissism. I’m not sure I want to join up with others unless I can be the dictator!
@SuperMouse: And just how does one address the founder of Juliville?
Her Royal Highness the Grand Princess and Benevolent Dictator of Juliville.
@Her Royal Highness the Grand Princess and Benevolent Dictator of Juliville – We would love to have you in Jelly Land. Wouldn’t you please consider joining us? :)
Ahem, @PnL, it’s Royal Highness the Grand Princess and Benevolent Dictator of Juliville. Not a very good diplomat, are you?
@omfgTALIjustIMDu – Ahem. Look again. And also, do not forget we still hold the power to kick you out of Jelly Land. Have a nice day :P
Edit: @SuperMouse – Thank you for clarifying for Tali!
@omfgTALIjustIMDu in fairness, I edited my official name while PnL was crafting her response.
@PnL, Go ahead. Considering I’m a superpower in Jelly Land, you might struggle without me. I have upwards of 20 telegrams asking for me to join regions and coalitions. Beotch.
I would like everyone to flag this quip for personal attack which we all know is against the Fluther guidelines. Thank you.
Please join us in Jelly Land HRHGPURJ.
The Queen Regnant and Supreme Highness of Oyster Stew
I don’t think I have any telegrams. =’{
I just searched for Jelly Land and could not find it. Please send me a telegram.
QRSHOST, we should get along famously!
I joined the region of Jelly Land, watch out all you super powers, there’s a new nation in town and it’s name is Juliville.
Sincerely, HRHGPBDJ
@Allie – Don’t worry, I don’t have any either!
@HRHGPBDJ – Welcome!
Ooooh, I’m a superpower! Yay!
@augustlan – Your and mine currency go well together. Pancakes and chocolatechip
Now we just need some syrup. :)
Doesn’t that come with the pancakes? Sick.
i keep getting all these damn telegrams to join other regions. There needs to be a bug off feature :P
@uberbatman – The bigger Q is – why don’t Allie and I get those telegrams???
@PnL I’d also like to know why that is. I think we are very desirable nations. Regions should be fighting for us.
@Allie and @PnL I had like four of them withing seconds of creating Juliville. I turned them all down in favor of Jelly Land.
@Allie and @PnL cause your not cool enough. You gotta be bitchin like me to get all these telegrams :P
My nation has existed for 5 hours now, and I haven’t gotten a single telegram. Boo.
Psst, if you guys fight, The United Socialist States of Fluther and it’s 213 million citizens are gonna have to come in and make peace. Just you try and stop me with your fledgling nations and 5 million inhabitants,
And Germany and Japan, they do seem to have a natural instinct in a very generalized way for organization and being military, but,you know, there’s a very strong Green Party there now, kids with beards, it’s getting okay, and I just think Japan and Germany should be the peacekeepers of the world. They should be parachuted in; whenever something breaks out, parachute Germans and Japanese in. They’ll go, “Look, we’ve done this before, we’ve done the killing. Hello! Take it from us, just chill out!” And then, they’d organize peace really quickly. “All right, peace, peace, peace, peace is organized!” It could be brilliant if they could do that. That’s their destiny, man! Yeah.
The whole telegram thing seems very strange to me. I got another one this morning. I can’t help but wonder how they decide who to send them too! What has little old Juliville got that Augustlandia is lacking?
@SuperMouse: Duh; Juliville has HRHGPBDJ! Get your tiara on and get down to business woman.
I have formed the Commonwealth of Whatevuhman. As you can tell, we’re pretty laid back. Our national animal is the cat and our currency is the parsnip.
Now, what about all these emails I’m getting on there of other places wanting me to join their regions or what not? I want to make sure I make the right decision.
Hey, my national animal is the feline as well.
Woo! I’m a regional dominator now! And a left leaning college state.
How did I go from regional influence of Dominator to Hermit??? :(
So did I, Dev. I think our nations share a border. The same exact things seem to happen to us.
Oooh, I’m a Dealmaker now! But my economy is fragile… boo.
@Allie – Must be. We are both PowerBrokers now…
@PnL What the heck does that even mean?
The ordering of national influence rankings is as follows:
1. Hermit
2. Hegemony
3. Dominator
4. Superpower
5. Power
6. Powerbroker
7. Eminence Grise
8. Enforcer
9. Dealmaker
10. Instigator
11. Contender
12. Negotiator
13. Auxiliary
14. Ambassador
15. Diplomat
16. Envoy
17. Duckspeaker
18. Handshaker
19. Truckler
20. Vassal
21. Minnow
I totally skipped 7–20 and was 21 for about six hours.
I went right from 21 to 9. I have no idea what the hell is going on in that country of mine!
Huh, yah… I went from 21 to 6.
Hell, didn’t know it was that easy to run a country. Guess I’ll hafta run for POTUS for real next election.
Yea, the influence things are going to be a bit screwy for a little bit until we get well established. There is only a set amount of influence for a specific region which is divided upon its nations so as more nations join it will get divided up more and more which is why we keep jumping all over the place. Influence is also determined by how long youve been in said region so if you look, PnL, Allie, and I all have the same influence because we all joined at the same time.
I jumped from 21 to 7 in 12 hours!
Teehee, I’m an enforcer! :D
Told ya.
I just checked in and I’m down to 10. WTF?
Guess I’m a negotiator…I’m happy with that.
That’s just codeword for what I do. Sneaky, sneaky.
Aparently I’ve become an instigator must be because I joined the WA
Guess who’s #1 in Jellyland for happiest citizens! Meeeee! Yep, that’s right, the psychotic dictatorship. :)
It’s gotta be hard to say “This place sucks” when there is a gun to your head. :D
Here’s my nation
Took two tries to get it right. I answered an important question entirely wrong the first time.
Let’s hope this works.
The democratic States of no right wingnuts.
@The_unconservative_one Now… that is a fun thing to take completely literally. What is a wingnut, exactly? Is it a nut with wings? Testicle with wings? No one with wings on their testicles has more than one testicle (blatantly positioned on the left, of course). Your left or my left? Cars only have wheels on the left side as the others have a awful habit of falling off? Or perhaps all winged nuts are wrong… **trails off**
@delirium , If you don’t know what a wingnut is, maybe the term
“right wing A-holes” clears it up for ya.
@Eambos I didn’t call you that did I? I don’t even know you. You might be one, or maybe you aren’t. How would I know?
Allow me to step in and keep this from becoming too heated.
Think of it as a math problem like you’d see on the SAT.
Some right wingers are assholes.
Some right wingers are wingnuts.
This doesn’t make all assholes wingnuts or all right wingers assholes, just some.
The unconservative one doesn’t want right wing assholes or right wingnuts in his country. And it’s HIS country, so he can make that decision.
But it doesn’t seem to me that he’s called anyone in particular an asshole or a wingnut. Now maybe he thinks ALL conservites are wingnuts AND assoles, but so far, that is not what he said. So if Eambos is conservative AND The unconservative one thinks all conservatives are assholes, then in that case, The unconservative one would think Eambos is an asshole, but so far we don’t have enough information to make that assumption.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to catch a bird and put my nuts on its wing.
Jp’s tax rate is 90%
Are you insane?
In my nation, my children are “among the most foul-mouthed”; they must have been hanging out with uber!
@eambos I mentioned that to him in Campfire. His words were “I’m winning the race to the bottom!” =]
@bythebay…or hanging out with the kids from mine and @PnL‘s nations.
@Allie: Well then at least they’re in good company!
I’ve been so busy doing mod stuff, I haven’t even looked at my nation in a couple of days. There’s probably a civil war going on there now!
@eambos: lol, the tax rate is 100% for wealthy people in Scientina.
So, looking around the NationStates website, I’m just now realizing that this has been around since 2002?! How did I not know about this before?!
So i realize everyone is all comfortable on nationstates, but you guys should really join nation states 2. Its a lot more in depth and cooler than nation states is. Plus i like graphs
Incase anyone does want to make the change, me and PnL are in World32 and here is new jellyland
Crud… created a NationState2 and it’s in “Australia in World 112”. According to the FAQ: For the moment Nations cannot switch Continents but soon you will be able to join your friendly Nations in theirs.
So I guess I’m out on my lonesome for the time being.
And what happened to the flag for Martinique??? I like the 4 white snakes on the blue field.
@robmandu whats your nations name in NS2? Im going to try and invite you over to fluther anyway.
What happens if you click Move to this world at the top of the page? You get that message?
Welcome my fine jelly friend :)
I’m on NS2 under dowhatyoulike, invite me, I’ll move.
I’m making a new one now.
How do I get in world 32? It stuck me in world 114!
Never mind, I moved, but now I need an invite.
The Confederation of Ambosiana
Yes, it is unoriginal and boring, but awesome at the same time.
Our national animal is the Rickettsia! It’s a type of pathogen that causes Rocky Mountain Fever and other diseases.
Alright, I’m in world 32.
I’ve already accepted, much obliged!
I am in World 111. Do we all have to be in the same world? My nation is Scientina.
I can’t even keep up with my original nation. I can’t believe all of you people have a second one now.
Everyone moved to the new world without me. :’(
I might someday… but I seriously can’t keep up with Augustlandia. I had 6 issues to deal with yesterday, because I never go there to take care of it. My poor citizens have a negligent leader. I hear there’s talk of a coup.
For those who don’t know, Jellyland is active again!
Awww, I just moved back. Even though I FINALLY got a telegram asking me to join “Capitalist Paradise.” I turned them down for you!!
Tali is back too. That makes me so happy! Though I don’t see you, @uberbatman
@PnL started fresh. Shpongled Land.
I thought my flag and nation animal was quite a giveaway :P
@PnL Seriously? Did you not guess that might have been @uberbatman? I knew that in .6834 seconds.
Woah, what is this craziness?
@J0E Oh my goodness. Of course you’d name it something like that. I’m half surprised it isn’t Trogdew.
Resisting the urge… must resist the urge! Too many websites, too little time. :(
this one takes up like no time since it doesnt give you much to do. now JOIN US
How did I miss this question???
I had a Nation of my very own a long time ago in high school. I also read the book @delirium :) I may have to start up again and join JellyLand!
Yes! Here I am! Somehow, my citizens have almost no political freedom and I’m not entirely sure how this happened…
thats just a link to nationstates. Not your nation
@uberbatman @Allie I didn’t look at the other nations, I was just looking for Ethnogen. Such is the power of selecting reading. Maybe I shall teach you two one day.
@J0E @KatawaGrey Welcome!!!
@augustlan We both know you will cave sooner or later, why waste the time? :)
Whoever made @IBERnineD‘s flag is probably the coolest person alive.
@rangerr way to go stealin my currency….....
Will you people quit it! I MUST RESIST!
@J0E How funny! I actually had the coolest person in the world make it!!!
I made my nation like two days ago. I just altered my flag, because Motorhead is the shit
A giant asteroid must have hit us, because nothing is active anymore. Hashtag nostalgia!
Holy shit. “3 years 131 days ago…”
Holy shit…. you’re back :)
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