General Question

jsc3791's avatar

How much should I pay for a portrait done by a friend?

Asked by jsc3791 (1991points) March 18th, 2009

I close co-worker of mine is an excellent painter and paints in her free time outside of the office. She is currently doing a weekly studio session where she can paint whatever she likes, as sort of a treat for herself each week. She is a busy mom of two and doesn’t get to spend as much time as she’d like on her art.

She recently painted a portrait of my new puppy in her class. The canvas is approx. 14×18 inches and took her three sessions to complete.

Of course she has not asked for anything for the painting, but I would like to compensate her for it.

Does anyone have any recommendation on what the going rate for a portrait of this nature would be? Or perhaps a suggestion of how I could repay her?


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11 Answers

wundayatta's avatar

If you figure $50 per hour is reasonable for an artist’s creativity, and she worked 8 hours a day, I get $1200. If it was only 2 hours per session, then maybe $300. If you want to add a bonus for quality, go ahead—maybe between 100 and 500 dollars.

kapuerajam's avatar

How much do her portaiats usually cost ?

nebule's avatar

oooh tricky one…. not sure…I would say that really you could only be the judge of that….as art is generally subjective… pay what you think its worth and if you can afford it…pay the highest price you would be willing to pay…

laxrrockr18's avatar

nothing, its ur friend! they would do if they were your friend

jsc3791's avatar

@kapuerajam That is a good question. Maybe I should ask her that.

SeventhSense's avatar

Say ,“I would like to buy that painting from you” and leave it in her court. If she has a price and offers one, then pay it. If she says no she won’t accept money, accept graciously but leave her some cash somehow or take her out to dinner for her kindness.

Dog's avatar

I agree with @SeventhSense with a twist-
Offer to purchase and if she will not accept money there is not an artist in the world that does not covet a gift card for a favorite art supply store.

teirem1's avatar

Absolutely agree with Dog on the gift card from an art supply store or more studio time (if that’s something she has to pay for)

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

I agree with SeventhSense and Dog.

Jeruba's avatar

Did she give it to you as a gift, and yet you want to offer her money for it? Or is it in her possession, and you want to buy it?

If she has given it to you, it would be rude to offer cash. That cancels out her gift and turns her generosity into a transaction. You can do something nice for her instead, but don’t insult her by treating her gift as a sale.

If she was planning on keeping it, then it seems fair to offer her a reasonable price or ask her what she would accept for it.

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