What kind of cancer is silent and painless?
my mother has cancer ,she is in no pain.
she says she never knows when it spreads unless tested often.
what form of cancer is this that runs in my family?
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28 Answers
Hmm… I did a Google search and thyroiditis is what kept coming up. Now, my dad had liver cancer and was in virtually zero pain up to his death. He was on the lowest dose of morphine and rarely even had to take it.
Wouldn’t your mother know? Is she withholding the information from you for some reason?
Ovarian cancer would fit that description.
she does not understand the doctors lingo she says and i am too far away to be connected with the doctors.
i do know her mother died of the same cancer and never knew then
what kind eather.
she said it started in her throat
My Mom had Ovarian Cancer and there were no warning signs. They call it ‘The Silent Killer”. It wasn’t until she was in advanced stages that we knew that something was wrong.
If it’s in her throat, then @essienes is probably close with thyroditis.
Can you ask your mother to give her doctors a release of information so they can talk with you directly?
I did this with my father’s oncologist so I could get information directly from her and not filtered through my mom.
Some forms of brain cancer can also be painless. My brother died from brain cancer and did not experience any pain.
I am sorry to hear about your mother’s diagnosis and I wish you the best.
@Dorkgirl thank you for the idea,i will ask her for that.
i often get a lump in my throat ,kinda like when one cries alot.
i pray this is not a bad sign for me.
i do not want to bring it up now for sure with her going threw what she is now.
@earthangel , go to an Ear, Nose and Throat doctor and have him look in your throat. Are you a smoker?
I had a biopsy that discovered malignant cells in my right thyroid 10 years ago, so I guess that’d be Stage 0 or 1. Didn’t feel a thing. It wasn’t until someone asked me if I had gout that I was even aware there was a problem. All fixed now. Whew!
@earthangel – Yes, see an ear, nose and throat specialist, ASAP.
yes i smoke,maybe thats all it is.right?
my glands stay swelled up ,i just thought that was a botched tonsil removal.so they told me anyway.
It’s real easy for an Ear, Nose and Throat doc to check it out. Make an appointment today.
she told me her blood count is what determines if it spread
If she doesn’t understand the doctor’s ‘lingo’ she needs to make damn sure they know that so they can explain things differently. And you need to ask her for her doctor’s names and communicate with them directly if you have to, as long as she agrees to it.
i plan on doing so,thank you all.
i just lost my son to a heart attack and dealing with my moms cancer.
my hubby is on 14 meds, to just stay alive and raising my other disabled son has kept me busy.
thanks all .lol
Pancreatic cancer can be silent. Very many times the symptoms associated with this form of cancer are mistaken for other maladies. My mother passed away from this form of cancer March 21, 2008, three weeks after diagnosis.
so sudden that must of been very hard,my heart goes out to you raggedy ann
testicular, im just kidding, i would think none
If “in your throat”, “runs in family” and “silent” are the three links, then the most likely is medullary thyroid cancer. Of the three major types of thyroid cancer, it is the primary form of thyroid cancer that is inherited. You certainly should try to find out from her what she has, and what your other family history is so that you can (perhaps) undergo genetic testing to best understand your risk. Management of this cancer involves complete and total removal of the thyroid gland (and neck dissection). Blood testing for a protein called calcitonin is used to measure recurrence. Has she had a complicated neck surgery? Is she taking thyroid hormone replacement? That would help figure this out.
Another alternative is lymphoma or leukemia, which can often be “silent” and would go with your mom’s description of measuring her counts. Lymphoma can be found in the lymph nodes (maybe in her neck), and CLL, a relatively mild form of leukemia can be measured in the blood.
wow great answer,now i am going to get checked out for sure.
You should. I was a smoker and went for a routine Ear, Nose and Throat checkup. No symptoms of anything. Turned out I had a benign nodule on my vocal cord. It was removed before it turned cancerous.
Thanks @earthangel. It’s one thing to be given the diagnosis and have time to prepare but when you don’t have time to prepare…
My friends mother was diagnosed with lung cancer, and passed away within six months. She was sick, but thought it was from smoking and getting easily sick from that.
A lot of cancers don’t cause pain. That’s why it’s so scary.
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