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SuperMouse's avatar

Does a good cry make you extremely tired?

Asked by SuperMouse (30853points) March 18th, 2009

I’ve noticed that whenever I get emotional and have a good cry I end up thoroughly exhausted. I am pretty much done for the day unless I take a long nap. Does crying do that to you?

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37 Answers

cdwccrn's avatar

Gives me a bad headache.

trumi's avatar

I envy you, SuperMouse. It’s very difficult for me to cry. When I am able to it’s because I’m very drunk, and so I usually pass out crying. So it’s probably a combination.

mangeons's avatar

Not really… but it makes me feel so much better in the end. :)

cak's avatar

Yes, along with leaving my eyes swollen the next morning…and the massive headache that accompanies the swollen eyes. It’s almost worth it, though. I feel like I finally have let all those feelings out.

elijah's avatar

I agree with @cak. Unfortunately I’m a big baby so I cry a lot.

cak's avatar

@elijahsuicide – I wish I could just learn to let it out more often. I keep everything inside, and it is so overwhelming. I don’t think it’s being a big baby – it’s just dealing with those feelings. I also feel like I’ve shown so many different levels of emotions going through the past few years, that I just try to temper my feelings.

tinyfaery's avatar

Yes, and everything said above. I always need a nap after an emotional breakdown.

elijah's avatar

@cak nope, I’m really a big baby. I cried three times during Wall-E.

Jayne's avatar

Real men never cry.
Anyone wanna armwrestle?

marinelife's avatar

It can if it was a really long, very intense crying jag, which I don’t have often, thank goodness.

babiturtle36's avatar

I do get very tired. Its a very emotional thing. Example….. I was just vacationing in Florida, visiting all my family and friends of which I havent seen in a year. Yesterday was my last day there, and my brother, his wife, and 8 month old child were the ones to take me to the airport. I was a wreck. Crying non stop. Today I basicly slept all day because yesterday I was a mess.

SeventhSense's avatar

Yes if it’s a good cry it can be tiring. It’s like you suddenly realize that you’ve been carrying something for a long time, you’ve released it, it has been exhausting and you were somehow in denial of how tiring it was carrying it all along…and you collapse.

SeventhSense's avatar

Oh and of course men don’t cry.

Mr_M's avatar

Only if it’s preceded by a beating.

SeventhSense's avatar

And that just dirt in your eyes

aviona's avatar

I feel that way right now: emotionally drained.

with the headache, I might add

Jayne's avatar

It’s not dirt, I just got a little carried away with the war paint.

Garebo's avatar

I would have to say yes, a strong emotion, i.e. fear, grief is equivalent to rappelling down a wet, slippery cliff in sandals.
When you finally get down you are extremely happy you made it, but are physically exhausted from the adrenaline induced emotion.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Yes. I’ll feel like conking right out.

augustlan's avatar

Absolutely. It’s completely draining. After a nap though, I feel quite perky.

Plus, I’ll use any excuse to take a nap. :)

alive's avatar

yes! totally! i am like the dane cook joke about crying! and after crying that much for that long, i am totally physically exhausted (but usually emotionally refreshing!) so yes i need a nap to re-energize, and like augustlan, i too feel quite perky afterward! hooray for cries!

cookieman's avatar

I always end up crying in the car. Your driving, zoned out a little, the song stirs some emotions, then WHAM, it hits you like a ton of bricks.

It does wipe you out, but I feel much better afterwards. If I know I’m over-stressed, I will try to induce this on purpose.

Oh, and real men do cry.
we just do it alone so as to not embarras ourselves

Blondesjon's avatar

I always want a nap afterwards as well (it’s been a long dry spell since the last one). I also think Dennis Miller said that women always want men to open up and cry until they actually do. Then they never, ever want to see that shit again.

May2689's avatar

I cry a lot, but after a good cry I zone myself out and usually sleep till the next day. It takes all my energy away!!!

Garebo's avatar

I prefer to drink, than cry the next day.

essieness's avatar

Oh my gosh, YES. And especially since I have Addison’s. It completely wipes me out.

May2689's avatar

Ive cried for two days straight and I cant keep my head up anymore…thats how tired crying makes me

mangeons's avatar

@essiness—What is Addison’s?

essieness's avatar

@mangeons Primary adrenal insufficiency. It’s a chronic disease that I have.

mangeons's avatar

I’ll look into it more. It sounds like an interesting subject to learn about. Is it curable, or will you have it forever?

SeventhSense's avatar

Big Hug

SeventhSense 0000o @May2689 o0000 SeventhSense

tiffyandthewall's avatar

i get a headache and very tired. or i just want to sleep because i’m sad, and don’t see any sense in sitting there thinking about things that make me miserable, so i’d rather sleep on it.

May2689's avatar

Thank you SeventhSense!!!!! Im much better now :)

essieness's avatar

@mangeons I was diagnosed in July 2008 and I will have it forever, unfortunately. JFK also had it… little tidbit for you :)

AussyBacca160's avatar

No, crying makes me feel better and doesn’t make me tired.

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