General Question

A_Beaverhausen's avatar

Do you ever find yourself with writers block for questions?

Asked by A_Beaverhausen (2443points) March 18th, 2009

i looked today and i noticed that it had been 6 days since i asked a question! thats unusual, usually im writing them down till the next time im near a computer! i feel all used up :(

or do you think maybe i know all the answers?!

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10 Answers

asmonet's avatar

I ask when it occurs to me to, sometimes I write it down and lose it before I reach a computer. I’ll fall asleep swearing I’ll ask the jellies in the morning and inevitably forget. The frequency of your questions is surprising. I don’t think I could do it. :)

marinelife's avatar

I don’t ask just to ask. I ask if I want to know something.

Garebo's avatar

I suppose if I were a regular participant, I may need to stretch for one.
Growing up, ( have I ) my family were often annoyed by the number of questions I asked.
The majority of my opening remarks to someone usually start as a question.
However, there are tons questions I am timid to ask for the likely wrath and rhetorical dissent.

A_Beaverhausen's avatar

@Marina i dont either, thats why it was so weird that i had been 6 days since i asked a question, i was surprised that i had all the answers for so long!

DeanV's avatar

I see no real need to ask just for the fun of asking. I think that’s how spam, poll questions, and other spam-like questions start.

And most of my questions are either general curiosity or tech support…

and marina about hit the nail on the head here

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

I agree with the folks that say ‘don’t ask silly questions, unless you have a real need for an answer’. I assume some people ask a zillion questions in an attempt to build their lurve score; that strikes me as disingenuous. The lurve will come, no need to rush it.

Garebo's avatar

Being new or seasoned, I could care less about the score. I am captivated by the spontaneity, and how things are interpreted by others and what is interesting-it’s rather humbling, yet fascinating. I suspect my curiosity will wane; and, my questions will become more focused and deliberate and less frequent.
Looking at the scores, there are a whole lot of people who ask and answer a whole lot of questions, and have for a long time to get such high scores. So, a relevancy quotient or however you may term it for those who like to watch there box score, would probably be a plus.

augustlan's avatar

Apparently, I don’t ask very many questions. I was surprised to see my stats on my profile:

# questions asked: 37
# responses written: 7475

I’ve been here since July 2008. I guess I’m much more of an answerer. Does this mean I have all the answers? Nah, it just means that I forget all those ‘great’ questions I think of when I’m not here. :(

Garebo's avatar

Wow, your RBI production should get you into the Hall of Fluther!

augustlan's avatar

I just spend waaay too much time here! ;-)

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