General Question

Jude's avatar

Have you ever felt as though you should of been born in a different time period? Or, maybe, you have a connection to a certain time period?

Asked by Jude (32210points) March 19th, 2009

The late 30’s early 40’s for me. I dig the wares, the music, the decor…

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4 Answers

dynamicduo's avatar

I often contemplate how I would have rather been born a few decades later, just so I have a better chance of seeing how technology evolves after those decades.

But in general, looking back at the past, there is no time I would rather be in than right now.

Les's avatar

The 50s or 60s. Not only were the clothes and music better, but what without the academic inflation, I’d be able to get a great job in meteorology or atmospheric science with just a Bachelor’s degree.

bezdomnaya's avatar

I’ve basically wanted to live in every time period since the Classical period. Except maybe the Middle Ages, but even that would be cool. As far as recently, I love 20s and 50s fashion and music. Also, the 80s has a certain coked-out charm to it and excellent subcultures.

I wouldn’t want to be born any later than I was (1985) because I think that the younger generations are too reliant on technology. I love ‘old-fashioned’ methods (typewriters, snail mail, etc.) of doing things.

As I’m reading Nick Hornby’s High Fidelity right now, I’ll give my top 5 time periods to live in (in chronological order):
1. Classical Greek times
2. Italian Renaissance
3. Victorian Era
4. 1920s Chicago or New Orleans
5. 1950s Hollywood (or California in general) or Paris (these two are kind of different culture-wise, but both equally cool)

Nancy13903's avatar

Victorian England (shades of Dickens) Have always felt I did live then..unfortunately in Poverty not the gentry..and it was a very hard scrabble existence.

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