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nebule's avatar

Chronic Cystitis and What to do about it?

Asked by nebule (16472points) March 19th, 2009

I have suffered with cystitis on and off since I was a young child. The doctors have never got to the bottom of it. I send tests off but invariably they come back clear and the doctors say it doesn’t mean there isn’t an infection there… sometimes they just can’t “grow” them! So he give me anti-biotics and after antibiotics…which don’t really seem to cure me.

I’m currently going through a really bad patch of it and am going back to the doctor tomorrow after being on anti-biotics for a week and they haven’t sorted it

The doctor has said previously that i might have to be on long term anti-biotics…which i really don’t want to do…I don’t like them anyway – they are so bad for you in the long term… Is this really a solution?

So I wondered if anyone else has had similar problems and if there is another way out of this horrible painful, debilitating discomfort and evident problem..

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11 Answers

shilolo's avatar

The best treatment for chronic cystitis is in fact long-term antibiotic suppression. I assume you have had a full urologic evaluation to make sure that everything is working correctly since there are anatomic reasons for recurrent infections as well (like poorly functioning valves in your bladder). You can also try the home remedies, such as drinking lots of cranberry juice (but I assume you’ve tried that already).

nebule's avatar

bugger… ok but! aren’t they really bad for your immune system in general and therefore might get rid of the symptoms but in effect cause long term problems…and once you stop taking them the underlying issue (whatever that is) just causes the symptoms to come back again… no?

I ahev tried cranberry juice and have had a partial urological examination – multiple urine tests, 24 hours tests, blood tests etc… i have friends that have had cystoscopies… i haven’t had one of those…as yet…

casheroo's avatar

This doesn’t cure it, but I had a nasty UTI not to long ago (i think i may have chronic cystitis..but, it never even shows up on the tests that i have a UTI, they give me antibiotics for it anyways) I’ve tried that AZO stuff, from the pharmacy and it really does help with the pain. It made functioning much easier. It numbs you when you pee. Have you tried it?

nebule's avatar

AZO… no not tried this… is it american?..will do a quick google….

shilolo's avatar

New research shows why your situation is not unique. Bacteria such as E. coli like to form small communities called biofilms in the bladder, and these communities resist both the immune defenses and antibiotics. So, they are like little dormant “pods” that can hide out for months or years only to rear up again.

casheroo's avatar

Lynne, here’s the site It doesn’t cure you at all, just makes urinating not painful. Everyone I know uses it when they get UTIs, I was wary of it, but it really did help. I tried the standard one, I haven’t tried any of their other products.

nebule's avatar

@shilolo evil little basatards aren’t they! lol

@casheroo thank you i might give it a go!

scamp's avatar

I had constant problems from the age of 9 until 18 due to Urethral Stricture. The treatment for it was pretty barbaric, and very painfully done in office with no anesthetic every 6 weeks. but it eventually solved my problem. I hope it’s not the cause of your infections, but if it is, the treatment is much more gentle these days.

UTI’s are no fun at all. I feel for you lynneblundell. I hope the cause and right treatment for you are found soon.

I found a link for AZO for you. I used something similar once. It helps quite a bit with the pain, but I don’t think it cures infection, just treats the symptoms, so you would still need your doctor’s advice.

nebule's avatar

thank you everyone…I’ll have a go with AZO and see what the doctor says this morning xx

nebule's avatar

phoned doctors this morning for results – no infection.
booked me in to see the doctor on Monday…
it’ll be interesting to see what his next plan of attack is… think i’ll plump for AZO in the meantime… thank you once again…
from a disillusioned and disheartened (but ever yet hopeful) lynne x

nebule's avatar

ho hum… you can’t get in the UK and they won’t ship it over here…:-(

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