General Question

Mtl_zack's avatar

Have you heard about the guy who turned his finger into a flash drive?

Asked by Mtl_zack (6781points) March 19th, 2009

this guy turned his finger into a flash drive.

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21 Answers

SpatzieLover's avatar

I’ll tell ya’ what…I am * NOT* going to share this story with my “geek” husband…That is for sure ;)

MrMontpetit's avatar

Hmm.. that’s a handy way to keep track of your USB flash drive.

excuse me for the pad pun

eambos's avatar

If I ever lose a finger, I’m getting a 128gb drive. I have too many flash drives on my keychain already.

mangeons's avatar

@Eambos Do they even MAKE those? 128 gigs?

SuperMouse's avatar

Yes I have and it creeps me right out.

TaoSan's avatar

is that guy ugly, or what?????

mangeons's avatar

You shouldn’t be talking, TaoSan…

You know I’m kidding. That was a nice chat, Hm?

TaoSan's avatar


multi tasker :) Yeah, was a good thing….

That guy is still ugly as hell, haha

SeventhSense's avatar

No but
What’s green, slimy and smells like Miss Piggy?

SeventhSense's avatar

Kermit’s finger.:)~

eambos's avatar

They have 64gb, so I don’t see why 128 is unreasonable.

By the time I’m willing to lose a finger, they’ll have 10tb flash drives in the dollar bucket.

Jeruba's avatar

Awww, I thought that question was a setup for a joke.

lefteh's avatar

I agree with TaoSan. I could not focus on the finger. The man was too ugly.

mangeons's avatar

I didn’t even notice his looks, @lefteh… but GOD, is he ugly or what?

What if he was on Fluther right now? What if the guy is mtl_zack?? I feel ashamed.

SeventhSense's avatar

Poor guy looks like the Joker or the Cryptkeeper

mangeons's avatar

…except not.

SuperMouse's avatar

He bears a striking resemblance to Marilyn Manson. Creepy I say, very, very creepy.

SuperMouse's avatar

@mangeons our mtl_zack would never set his fellow jellies up like that! Would he?

Mtl_zack's avatar

Me, that guy? I look much better than that ugly fellow. LOL.

mangeons's avatar

@SuperMouse With zack, you never can tell. ;)

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