General Question

Jeruba's avatar

Happy vernal equinox! What does spring mean to you?

Asked by Jeruba (56249points) March 19th, 2009

To me it means
– daffodils
– longer days
– putting away the winter bedspread
– explosion of weeds
– blossoms and color
– a certain amount of New England Puritan guilt for not having suffered through the winter (in California)
– T.S. Eliot

What does it mean to you?

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18 Answers

trumi's avatar


augustlan's avatar

Happiness. Plain and simple, Spring fills me with joy! : )

sandystrachan's avatar

Fishing and FORMULA1 !

thorsdal's avatar

- Being happy for no reason at all.
– Renewed energy (depots almost depleted during winter)

babiturtle36's avatar

*Heavy duty cleaning time!
*I mowed my lawn for the first time yesterday, it’s so purty, but hello weeds!
*I can’t wait to go out and buy some flowers. :)
*Opening the windows to air out the house, yummy :)

blondie411's avatar

Boston didn’t quite get the memo this morning that it was spring, 34 degrees

aprilsimnel's avatar

It’s snowing here in Brooklyn right now, so it’ll be a few days before I’m bouncing around Tigger-style. :/

gailcalled's avatar

Water in outside dish for Milo was frozen this AM. MIlo, who is begging to be let in, looks pretty frozen himself. (Eastern central NYS).

sandystrachan's avatar

temp is a great 9–12C its scotland thats hot.
time for hayfever to start playing up thats what spring means to me

zephyr826's avatar

Hooray for open windows and promising myself , yet again, to start running.

bythebay's avatar

Birds in the bird bath
Ospreys trying to nest on the roof of the boat
The sounds of the Watermens boats early in the morning
Frog sounds at dusk
Worms on the sidewalk after spring rains

blondie411's avatar

I just want it to be warm enough to wear a dress outside WITHOUT tights underneath. Spring does mean that baseball season finally is here which means that summer starts and then the real fun begins!!

Jeruba's avatar

Sorry about you folks who are still deep in winter. My lilacs are about to bloom, but I know some of you won’t see flowers budding until April or May. Even if it’s still frosty outside your window right now, what does spring means to you whenever it comes?

aprilsimnel's avatar

Buds on trees. Shedding heavy clothing. Lilacs and tulips are coming!

Even though it was snowing, I saw this bird perched on a branch outside my window today. That made me happy, because I don’t see many birds around here that aren’t gray, black, white or dun-coloured.

gailcalled's avatar

Being able to force the forsythia inside is keeping me sane. I have huge sprays of yellow blooms in a translucent cobalt blue vase (see avatar). I also have about twenty purple crocuses in bloom. The rodents ate all the white and yellow ones. And the snowdrops are trying their best.

Spring means storing my four pairs of fleece pants or perhaps burning them ceremoniously.

@aprilsimnet; I’ll take your jay and raise you two Eastern bluebirds, who perched on my deck railing yesterday.

aprilsimnel's avatar

@gailcalled – Oooh! Bluebirds!

You know, I’ve lived in NYC for 15 years, and I’ve only ever seen ONE cardinal. Maybe two robins. It’s disappointing.

gailcalled's avatar

@aprilsimnel: There is a huge sub-culture of birders who get up at dawn and huddle together in the various parks with binocs. and scopes. There are lots of small hidden treasures in Central Park or Prospect Park, for example. But to really see birds you have to get out of the city. Pairs of cardinals now feeding each other sunflower seeds, which is a lovely wooing ritual.

fireside's avatar

Yesterday at sundown, we celebrated the Baha’i new year, or Naw-Ruz.

Spring is also a great time to reconnect with that natural energy that comes from hiking and walking and just being outdoors. I’m looking forward to more warm weather photography and will be sure to spend as much time as possible in parks.

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