General Question

chyna's avatar

It's the first day of spring, so is there anything you have been looking forward to the most?

Asked by chyna (51768points) March 20th, 2009

I’ve been looking forward to seeing the blossoms on the bradford pear trees and the dogwoods. They are just now starting to peek out.

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16 Answers

SuperMouse's avatar

No more snow! That and seeing some green grass and leaves on the trees.

Bluefreedom's avatar

Spring showers (hopefully). We get a dreadfully small amount of rain in Phoenix, Arizona and anything would be welcome.

sandystrachan's avatar

samething i said in the other post like this one earlier today
FORMULA1 and something else

Likeradar's avatar

Cruiser ride pub crawls!

marinelife's avatar

Florida has its own weird spring. The amaryllis are blooming (outside in people’s gardens unlike the northern climes). The azaleas are about gone. My angel trumpet tree is blooming (which it does cyclically during the year).

I love this song. Warning for the lovelorn or broken up, it is sad.

chyna's avatar

@sandystrachan I looked before I posted and didnt see another question like this today. Could’ve over looked it though.

chyna's avatar

@Marina That is a fantastic tree. I bet it won’t grow in my state.

Jamspoon's avatar

Getting back on my longboard and being able to sit outside and read a book.

marinelife's avatar

@chyna I don’t know, but I had never seen it until I moved to Florida. It is like a weed. I stopped one night while I was walking my dog to speak to a lady watering her lawn to tell her I loved her tree. She said that she had picked up a branch of it from a neighbor’s yard waste pile, tuck it in the dirt and it grew. She said, “Want a piece and broke off a branch and handed it to me”? I love gardeners!

ubersiren's avatar

Spring cleaning, yeah!

AstroChuck's avatar

Yeah. The things that animals do in spring!

eponymoushipster's avatar

- Free First Day of Spring Rita’s Water Ice (in Philly!)

- as @Likeradar said, Pub Crawls!!

- as @AstroChuck said, birds, bees and their copulation.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

time to clean up the yard, re-arrange the flower beds, move all those damn daylilies to the backyard, and plant and dig, dig and plant, get ready to grow tomatoes and fire up the Mantis tiller. Woo hooo!

I love Spring. I can’t wait to dig my fingers into the dirt and commune with the earth the best way I know how.

tiffyandthewall's avatar

spring break. i’m going on a trip to orlando for a few days. :D
of course, i’m sure my teachers are excited for break too. is there any better time to give a million projects and reading assignments? of course not. spring break was invented to spend more time on your school work while you’re not in school than you would while you are.

cak's avatar

The different bulbs blooming, tulips…my favorite of them all! I love spending more and more time, outdoors. I hope we actually have a spring, this year. Not a straight jump into summer! We love to camp in the spring, perfect weather in the day and still cool at night.

chyna's avatar

@cak Yes, it is my favorite time to camp too. Its cool enough at night to have camp fires.

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