Meta Question

Jude's avatar

Getting to know your fellow Flutherite. Where are you all from? What do you do for a living?

Asked by Jude (32210points) March 20th, 2009


Teach 3rd grade.

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75 Answers

marinelife's avatar

All over.

Writer and editor.

essieness's avatar

The Bible belt of east Texas. I’m still a college student and have recently gone back to being a waitress until I finish school. I’m also a divorcee.

TitsMcGhee's avatar


New York City.

College student of Photography and Psychology.

jrpowell's avatar

Portland Oregon.

Unemployed by choice.

31 years old with a penis.

gimmedat's avatar

From suburban Los Angeles, transplanted to the same place as SuperMouse. Middle school literature, English, and American history teacher.

marinelife's avatar

@jp Obviously, or how else could you punch yourself?

SuperMouse's avatar

Southern California, non-traditional student* working toward a teaching credential, mom, and library employee, divorcee (as of 3/31 it will be final – Wahoo!). Big sister to the best little sister anyone could ask for and Fluther’s own gimmedat.

*I’ll leave out the age, let’s just say I am north of 40.

chyna's avatar

West Virginia. Government auditor. In the general age range of SuperMouse. Mother to the sweetest boxer ever. Well, except for that one “eating through the drywall” incident.

girlofscience's avatar

I am “from” Philadelphia, PA. I currently live in Durham, NC.

I am a graduate student in cognitive neuroscience.

Out of curiosity, when someone asks “from” in this context, does it mean “born” or “currently live”?

TitsMcGhee's avatar

@girlofscience: Ask a question! That’d be a good thread.

casheroo's avatar

I live in the suburbs of Philadelphia. (born in Michigan, moved here when I was 4…I’m a Philadelphian.)
I’m a college student, most likely going for my RN. I just have to get off my ass about it.
I’m a mother, I stay at home all week. I work weekends as a hostess in a restaurant.

casheroo's avatar

what’s the no name thing?

tinyfaery's avatar

Home: Los Angeles
Job: Legal Assistant
Career: Laziness

Jayne's avatar

Reppin’ E-Town, yo.
By which I mean, of course, that I am a lifelong resident of Evanston Township in Illinois.

Barring accidents, I will be an engineering student at Cornell University as of next September-ish.

adreamofautumn's avatar

Currently a college student living in Worcester, MA, originally from New Hampshire. I work at a restaurant and as a painter for my school’s physical plant when i’m not in classes.

Jude's avatar

@girlofscience, I was thinking more of where you’re living now. You can add where you were born, as well.

Bluefreedom's avatar

Phoenix, Arizona

Military Policeman

DeanV's avatar

Humboldt County, California (Trinidad, to be exact)
High School student at “early college high school”

Edit: Male

Allie's avatar

Northern California.
College junior.

I like long walks on the beach. Actually, I’d rather go to the woods.

EmpressPixie's avatar

Chicagoland, soon-to-be grad student. 23. I think.

mij's avatar

I’m originally from Scotland…
Live in Perth, Western Australia…
I work with native plants, collecting the material and then extracting the seeds from same.

row4food's avatar

Albany, NY
Currently an unemployed graphic designer (not by choice)
23 F.

TaoSan's avatar

Las Vegas.

Until just recently I owned a translation company serving the military. Diminished order volumes, bad economy and what not and now I’m back to translating myself, German to English that is.

blondie411's avatar

I am from NYC and desperately looking to get home. I am currently living in Boston, MA
Currently I am a 23 year old graphic designer.

jonsblond's avatar

Illinois, between a cornfield and the Illinois River.

Former travel agent, now stay-at-home mom of 3 children.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Raised in Milwaukee, living in Brooklyn now.

Unemployed and inching my way into writing and performing.

pekenoe's avatar

Montana, big sky country, mountain living 20 years, prairie living the other 40. SS Disability from a lifetime of hard work and a 4 wheeler accident.

SuperMouse's avatar

I grew up in So Cal, but not unlike the Blond family, I am currently living between a cornfield and a river.

jonsblond's avatar

@SuperMouse I grew up in Vegas and I used to spend my Christmas vacations in San Diego. I’ve been in the Illinois river valley for 18 years now.

asmonet's avatar

Born in St. Pete, FL in my mom’s house.
Grew up in Clearwater, Largo and Safety Harbor, Fl.
Moved to Northern Virginia at 13. Haven’t thought about FL since. Good riddance.

Woefully unemployed student.
Hopefully working towards two PhD’s. :D

aisyna's avatar

Live in SA town Texas and a High School student (soon to be College student in DC) im pretty sure you can guess my age by me being a HS kid about to go to college

tiffyandthewall's avatar

born and raised in south florida.
lazy, jobless high school student.

Dr_C's avatar

From: San Diego CA (Born in Tijuana Mexico)
Job: Physician, currently providing free medical care to rural and indigenous communities in the San Quintin Valley of Baja California

Cardinal's avatar

Retired from high end sterile disposable medical devices to diagnose coronary and peripheral vascular diseases. Live near Seattle and drive a 45’ Bluebird school bus 40 some hours a week.

Dr_C's avatar

@casheroo after reading your answers on a bunch of threads i believe you are a great communicator and the definition of a people-person… i think you would make a FANTASTIC RN… just my opinion.

rancid's avatar

I am currently living in Hatrack, where I am keeping an Inn. I can not say where I am from.

Likeradar's avatar

@rancid Where is Hatrack? I looked at your profile a while ago and I’m kinda curious about the places you’ve lived. Can you shed some light?

casheroo's avatar

@Dr_C Aw, I hope you’re not being facetious, that was very kind of you. I just need to take the entrance exam, and I’ll be in for Fall 2010 :)

jonsblond's avatar

@casheroo I would have to agree with Dr_C. You would make a great RN.

Dr_C's avatar

@casheroo very much not (facetious). I meant what i said :)

cak's avatar

I live outside of Charlotte, NC. I am self-employed – I develop databases (and maintain for some small companies) and/or streamline inventory control for local businesses. I also work with a few construction companies tracking project costs. I work – part of the year helping charities apply for grants. Full-time mom and full-time pain in the rear, too! ;~)

Like @asmonet – I lived in Florida for a good part of my life, but moved. I will never live in Florida, again. Blah…no seasons.

creativejuices's avatar

Upstate of SC.
Student of web/graphic design, soon to graduate.
28 – with a womb.
Job: Photo Editor for an online travel magazine.

augustlan's avatar

Born just outside of DC. Recently migrated to West Virginia. Previously an Office Manager, I’ve been a stay-at-home mom to 3 kids for over a decade. Just when I decided to go back to work for extra income, not only did the economy take a nose-dive, but my husband got laid-off! So now we’re both unemployed, not by choice.

@johnpowell How does one survive [and have a beer budget ;-) ] being unemployed by choice? Maybe I can work that out, too!

babiturtle36's avatar

Born: Tampa Bay Area, Florida
Now live: Houston, Texas
Preschool Teacher

Mtl_zack's avatar

Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
I’m a student at Dawson College, which is a CEGEP here in quebec, because the school system is fucked. I’m either going to Ottawa, Ontario to study History and Anthroplogy, or I’m staying here to study Anthropology.
I’m unemployed, but I do some odd jobs babysitting and such.

augustlan's avatar

@Mtl_zack What is a CEGEP?

Mtl_zack's avatar

@augustlan In Quebec, we have secondary I, II, III, IV, and V. Then, we graduate from high school and go to CEGEP for two years. I have no idea what it stands for, and no one else knows either. Anyways, when you graduate high school, you are compared with the rest of your class, and you don’t pass or fail, you are graded on how well you did relative to the entire class. Then, in CEGEP, for every class, they take how well you did, realtive to the entire class, keeping in mind your similar score from high school. This is called an R Score, which is some mumbo jumbo statistical stuff that no one understands. When you graduate (usually after two years), if you go to university in Quebec, they compare R Scores. If you go to university elsewhere in the world, it was a waste of time and it’s more complicated for you. And you only have to do 3 years of university for a Bachelors. In CEGEP, you have a very general program, kinda to guide you in the right direction. For example, I’m taking General Social Sciences, and I’m gonna go into History. My friend is taking Health Sciences, which focuses more on biology, chemistry and physics, and he wants to be a doctor or neurologist.

It has it’s pros and cons. Pros: The people who deserve to get into a more challenging program get in, and it is more “fair”. You only have to do 3 years to get your bachelors. Cons: It is different from everywhere else in the world and it can screw you over. It is REALLY complicated

I’ve explained this TOO many times, le sigh

augustlan's avatar

That’s really interesting! Thanks for taking the time to explain it again. :)
It sounds kind of like Community College here in the US (except for the whacked out grading system), but it’s not mandatory here.

Mtl_zack's avatar

Its not mandatory here either. If you don’t do it, you don’t get your DEC (high school equivalent).

augustlan's avatar

What I meant was, you graduate with a high school diploma here. Then you can go straight to college/university without ever having attended a Community College. Some people opt to go to Community College for different reasons… not ready for university, grades not good enough to get into a 4 year school, less expensive, only want a 2 year Associates Degree, etc. Some people go to CC for two years, then transfer over to a 4 year school. Of course, some people decide not to attend any college at all, too, and some – like myself – never even graduate from high school. Good for you for doing the work required to get into university… make us proud!

kelly's avatar

Northern Illinois near wisconsin border. Retired after selling family business of selling industrial products.

creativejuices's avatar

Between my two majors at two (one for social anthroplogy) and the one Im at now for photogaphy and design.

These are completely different types of schools… i have have been going for almost 6 years!! AH! but i’m almost done now.

casheroo's avatar

@Mtl_zack That sounds ridiculous. I don’t understand the grading system at all. So, finishing school after high school is 5 years?

asmonet's avatar

@cak: I loved the thunderstorms though, and the beaches when it was misty rainy. I’m sure you know what I mean, when everything is slate gray and there’s a cool breeze and just a handful of horseshoe crabs roaming about. :)

What I don’t miss isn’t the lack of seasons, though I love seasons. It’s the shocking number of psychos in that state. Next time you see an article online about a rape, murder, pedophile, someone being locked in a basement dungeon….ten bucks says it’s Florida. I actually had a blog going for a while where I tallied it up. 60% of the entries:

Central Florida.

augustlan's avatar

@asmonet Must be that god awful humidity!

asmonet's avatar

That and everyone is running around in bikinis whether they should or not.

SeventhSense's avatar

Somewhere on Long Island, NY.
Art Teacher turned business owner,
41 male

SeventhSense's avatar

Pick a fold and f**k it

cak's avatar

@asmonet – ha! great, I spent time in Central Florida! That was my least favorite area. I like Brandon, FL, though. It wasn’t as bad. In South Florida, we lived right in front of a canal. It was very disconcerting when I went outside to play with the dogs to hear an odd hissing sound and look up to see an alligator in my neighbor’s yard. They weren’t home, good thing, too. They didn’t have a fence and often let their dog out to play in the yard. We had one, though. When you buy a house, they hand you the number for Wild Game Patrol…I thought it was almost a joke. Before we moved, I had called 6 times – for extremely large snakes (one escaped his home…a python) or seriously poisonous snakes…to alligators.

I did love the thunderstorms. I would sit on my porch (screened in, of course…protection for all the bugs), drink a cold beer and just listen.

SeventhSense's avatar

I was born in Monrovia, Liberia.

asmonet's avatar

@cak: Yes. To everything.

We had a gator who was born and grew up in the retention pond behind our back fence. He scared the shit outta me, cause I had a four pound dog. Otherwise, it was just like, oh a gator. Next.

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

@casheroo, the Quebec school system is like requiring everyone to do a year of junior college between high school and university. I personally think it’s a great idea. If you don’t get university tracked, you can come out with marketable skills. Of my three cousins still in Montreal, one did the university track, the other two took business courses. One worked for an airlines, the other became a stockbroker trainee, went on to university on her own later.

I was born in Montreal, but living in Kentucky, and work in corporate marketing after a long time in ad agencies.

Grim's avatar

Just a small town girl, living in a lonely world.
(sept for the small town girl in a lonely world part)
but other then that I’m just some kid in the bay area. Its a really vibrant place with tons of exciting activities at my disposal, yet I choose to sit at my computer all day playing games :)

rooeytoo's avatar

Born in the USA, lived past 10 years in Australia, started in the south and get a little further north each year. But sick of the tropics now so hope to soon move down south again. Have lived and worked in the “normal” world and tired of it, so have been self employed since 1983, first in the dog business, now have a little boutique type shop where I sell indigenous art and other unique and wonderful things.

2corgis's avatar

35th generation Connecticut Yankee, Educator

jbfletcherfan's avatar

Born & raised in Iowa.
After 22 years in Texas, am back home again in my parents’ house.
I work part time at the library.
Our family is close by.
Life is good. :-)

cookieman's avatar

Born in/live in Boston area.

Graphic Designer and College Instructor teaching same.

Possessing a Schlong.

srmorgan's avatar

Born in the Bronx, live in Coastal North Carolina

Chief Financial Officer…........


SeventhSense's avatar

I want your life!

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

I have multiple careers:

Chemical Sales.
Professional Wiseass.
Official product tester for Adam and Eve dot com
Mystery Shopper for

adreamofautumn's avatar

@rancid your answer raised my interest. I did some stalking around and found out…that you’re kind of a fanboy (or girl) and that’s great :). If I hadn’t bothered to look around I would have just assumed Hatrack was in iceland or something.

rancid's avatar

@adreamofautumn: Sometimes people say I do not inhabit this world. Obviously I am here, but they think also that I am not here. Hatrack is real to me. For me, Hatrack is here. Other people think it is there. A place they do not, or will not go.

adreamofautumn's avatar

@rancid i’m not sure if it’s either here or there, but I do know that my Iceland assumption was wrong. ;).

rooeytoo's avatar

@SeventhSense – Thank you, yes it is a good life and I am grateful, well most days, I am grateful!

FrancisRude's avatar

22 m San Diego, California

Studying at SDSU, Junior, Communication emhpasis in Advertising, Allied Discipline in Management

I got two jobs. Pharmacy Technician CPhT, and corporate events organizer.

For folks in San Diego hit me up and lets get together.

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