Why not use Hemp to conquer the greenhouse effect and save the earth?
Asked by
seVen (
March 21st, 2009
from iPhone
Hemp is a blessed plant that can be good for all necesity of life: food, clothing,shelter,fuels,medicine.
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9 Answers
I don’t know! I use hemp (almost) for everything. I also use bamboo for a lot
Many plants would be able to replace many current, unsustainable human industries, but we are confronted to several major problems here:
– If we used plants for fuel, we would have to use enormous quantities of land to grow them, which would leave no place for other plants used for food etc.
– A replacement of fuel by biofuels would enormously increase the price of that particular plant: In poor countries where plants are the number 1 food people would starve through a lack of money.
– Many big countries like Irak and Russia are based on oil: They wouldn’t accept a decrease of their power and thus, just as traditional car-industry, they work against thesd new technologies
– Our whole society is based upon oil: What would we be without plastics and electricity?They still are greatly produced with oil
So, as you can see, this kind of transitions is possible but takes much time!
I watched a show a while back about all the wonderful things hemp can be used for… Unfortunately, they talked about the fact that hemp is a cousin to pot. Eventhough it only has about 1/10 of the THC pot has. They don’t want to let to many people farm it cuz they are worried about people getting high. Give me a break! Do you know how much hemp you would have to smoke to get high. They don’t want the cotton farmers to go out of business! Hemp fiber last way longer than cotton!
Can you elaborate on how using hemp is going to conquer the greenhouse effect?
Check out the Wompom, also considered a universal plant/animal.
For all the lyrics.
Another Flanders and Swann brilliant satire…
Wow seVen, can there actually be something we agree on?!
Hemp is one of the first cultivated crops by humans. It has so many purposes. It’s a shame that it is banned under the umbrella of marijuana.
Actual hemp has 0.00–1% THC (commonly 0.3%). You cannot get high by smoking it, you’d damage your lungs before getting anywhere near high. That’s not why they banned it, they banned it because it was a competitor to cotton, paper, and many other new industries around 1915–1925; and they were able to capture the paranoia they created about marijuana and apply it to hemp as well.
The reason it’s not used is the same reason why marijuana is still illegal – the government can never admit it was wrong, and it leaves them in a sticky situation regarding what to do with people currently in the judicial system being penalized for crimes that are now legal.
That said, as with most of seVen’s questions, this is a hyperbole at best, and blind dreams at worst. Hemp will not save our problems. The first step in “saving the Earth” is simply realizing that the lifestyle we lead in the past is not the lifestyle we should live in the future.
Unfortunately, it seems like a lot of public policy is based not upon what is good for the world/country, but on what is most politically expedient. Fixing that would require a much larger change in thinking than “simply” adopting hemp as the new eco poster child.
Is cotton so much cheaper because it is subsidized by the government? If hemp clothing was 1) readily available and 2) also cheap then I would buy it.
Hemp actually can save the world. It can replace many of the industries that kill our planet, and it replaces much of the dangerous chemical medicines that cure nothing and make us sicker.
THC varieties of hemp cure cancer and an array of other diseases but it has been made illegal and so it remains that way because money controls the world, common sense and goodness do not.
A person can live off of hemp seeds alone, as they provide massive nutrition. This is not about smoking, although many people already do smoke it, and who died from hemp?
Our governments are to blame for this travesty.
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