General Question

janbb's avatar

How many of you Jellies work in libraries and if so, what do you do?

Asked by janbb (63361points) March 22nd, 2009

Don’t know if this counts as a polling question but it was sparked by SuperMouse’s comment on another question that she was at the circulation desk. I know that some of us do library work and I think there is some connection between reading, intellectual curiosity and Fluther. I’m a part time collection development and reference librarian at a large community college.

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7 Answers

SuperMouse's avatar

I do! I do! I work three nights a week in our campus library, one at the circulation desk and two at the reference desk. I know of at least two other flutherers who work in libraries. Library geeks of Fluther stand up and be counted!

janbb's avatar

Yay for us! Yay for us! Books, Books, BOOKS! Rah!

cough. Sorry about that.

eponymoushipster's avatar

i did – i just quit a week or so ago.

i was a computer class instructor/computer tech, and i sometimes worked at circ.

janbb's avatar

@eponymoushipster I thought you had said you did. Are you looking to stay in the same field?

eponymoushipster's avatar

yeah, basically. I’m in the Philadelphia area now, which isn’t exactly hiring zone for libraries right now. :) Libraries are nice places to work.

but teaching is ok. Either computers, or language (ES/Russian). I did that in Chicago.

If anyone has an opening…

Staalesen's avatar

Used to… Was security peronell/police go between/ and consultant to some extent… They had ALOT of problems,,,

jbfletcherfan's avatar

I do. Our library is small. I work part time, but I’m there every week. There’s only two of us there, so on the librarian’s day off I’m there, or any other time she needs to call me in. I love it. I know 90% of the people who come in & it’s great fun to talk to everyone.

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