General Question

Jude's avatar

"Fallen in love with a city". One city that you've been to and loved (above all others)

Asked by Jude (32210points) March 22nd, 2009

I’m in a New York state of mind….

I loved everything about it.

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34 Answers

laxrrockr18's avatar

Krakow, Poland.

mcbealer's avatar


Garebo's avatar

Vancouver, B.C.

chyna's avatar

San Diego

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

St. Pete Beach/St. Petersburg/Tampa

Night life. Beach Life. Cocktail Life. Baseball Life. Gorgeous women life. Museums (Dali!).

Great place.

bezdomnaya's avatar

Oxford in the UK
Florence and Rome in Italy
Moscow in Russia and I’d have to second the Krakow, Poland because it is extremely beautiful and peaceful,
I would have to agree with jmah: New York City is the best. Lurve for a fellow NYC fan. Fell in love with it the first time I went, and, if all goes well, I will finally be moving there in October.

SuperMouse's avatar

For me it is a toss up between New York City – Manhattan to be exact – and San Francisco.

Vincentt's avatar

I’ve not been at that many places but I really liked Dublin. And I quite like the city I grew up in, too :)

pekenoe's avatar

Ekalaka, Montana…. be still my heart!!!!

jonsblond's avatar

It’s not a city, it’s a tiny little town in northern Wisconsin called Eagle River. It’s simply heaven up there!

marinelife's avatar

One? This is hard. Impossible. I think of so many that I love different things about. One? OK, then for me it is:

San Francisco.

cdwccrn's avatar

I really liked Boston.

nikipedia's avatar

San Francisco. I miss it every day.

exitnirvana's avatar

I love Washington D.C. and Providence, RI. I’m sure Seattle will be added to that list eventually (I just haven’t gotten there yet!).

A_Beaverhausen's avatar

NYC. mmmmm…
im gettin hot just thinkin about it

ubersiren's avatar

Ocracoke Island North Carolina. Though, the term “city” is used loosely.

juniper's avatar

Seattle. But maybe that’s because I fell in love while I was in Seattle, and now Seattle feels like him.

Garebo's avatar

Oh yes, Dubois, Wyoming, next to Jackson Hole-awesome!

Mr_M's avatar

Boston gets my vote, too!

Jack79's avatar

Prague in the early 90s

asmonet's avatar

Quito was nice.
Avignon was beautiful.

Judi's avatar


adreamofautumn's avatar

New York City owns my heart, probably always will. However, i’m also a big fan of Boston and Heidelberg, Germany. Norwich, England isn’t particularly “city” like, but it is beautiful (and a “city” by UK standards).

row4food's avatar

I fell in love with Buffalo, NY and was lucky enough to spend four years of my life there.

janbb's avatar

“I left my heart in San Francisco”...but other parts of me are in Boston, Providence, Rome, and Bristol and Bath in England.

mzgator's avatar

New Orleans, Louisiana has my heart.
I also love:

Moab, Utah
Lake Tahoe, Nevada
Telluride, Colorado
Destin, Florida. And….
All of the towns on the island of Kauai!

OpryLeigh's avatar

Lodon is my favourite place in the world!

Crick7's avatar

New Smyrna Beach, Florida

exitnirvana's avatar

Providence, RI

mcbealer's avatar

@exitnirvana ~ I second your vote !!
any word on Waterfire this year? I’ve been to their website a few times, but still no dates for this summer’s river lightings :l

The_Idler's avatar

Paris: most beautiful
London: most fun
Rome: most interesting
Frankfurt: most civilized

Best all-rounder is probably London,
but you do have to have plenty of money for it to be (for you) the Greatest City on Earth.

I hopefully will be doing Berlin and Tokyo + {rest of japan} this year, and they may well make that list for one of those – or some other – reasons.

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