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LostInParadise's avatar

How do I hook up my television analog converter?

Asked by LostInParadise (32286points) March 22nd, 2009

I feel kind of stupid asking this but I did what I thought was obvious and nothing happened.

First I hooked the 3 wires from the converter box to my television. I was expecting an instruction screen to come up that would be handled by the converter box remote. All I got was my regular televison reception. Then I switched the antenna connection to the converter box and it was like removing the antenna. I just lost reception.

Could someone help me so I don’t have to contemplate whether I should buy a new television, which I do not watch very often.

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3 Answers

critter1982's avatar

The 3 cords you hooked up, I assume are your A/V cords (red, white, yellow). Make sure your TV is turned to your A/V input.

LostInParadise's avatar

How do I do that?

critter1982's avatar

Does your remote have an “input” button?

- Right now your television is trying to read information either coming from antennae or the coaxial connection. You need to change the location your TV is reading the information from. Typically this button is labeled input. It might be something else on your remote control?

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