Meta Question

kenmc's avatar

I'm very new here, could you provide some helpful hints about how to use Fluther?

Asked by kenmc (11786points) March 22nd, 2009

I was a member of, but that site is closing up shop very soon. It will be missed dearly.

But on to bigger and better things. What’s the deal with this place?

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32 Answers

essieness's avatar

Wow, I’m a little afraid to be the first to answer, but here goes.

Don’t be blatantly rude.
Try to see issues from both sides.
If you piss someone off/hurt someone’s feelings, apologize. Jellies are a forgiving bunch.
Speak from your heart.

And welcome! We’re glad to have you.

dearest_prudence's avatar

boots from

omfgTALIjustIMDu's avatar

You might start by looking here for some tips. Welcome!

jlm11f's avatar

Hey boots. I am a community manager on here. Check out our guidelines, explore the site and get to know our culture. Hopefully you will have a seamless transition to Fluther. Also, feel free to visit us in the social chat room and contact any of the mods/managers if you need additional help. Welcome :)

This question has additional tips for newbies. I will paste my answer here, but be sure to check out the thread for others.

1. Read the guidelines linked to.
2. Use Fluther search religiously before asking a question (search box on the top right corner).
3. When you have questions about the site, PM one of the moderators. Some mods include me and richard
4. If you find something offensive, use the “Flag as” button and let us know!
5. Only respond to questions when you feel you have something to contribute. Ex: don’t answer a “how do i bla bla bla?” Q with “I don’t know.” That is pretty pointless.
6. Check out our public chat room
7. Don’t be afraid to PM any of us for any questions!
8. GA (great answer) a quip/answer if you like it/if it helps you. Same for GQ (great question)
9. Add people to your Fluther if you want to specially follow their questions. To do this, go to their profile, and just click on “Add to my Fluther.”
10. Be yourself and enjoy your stay!!

You can reply to other people’s comments. If the reply is on topic with the question title, just reply as normal (you can use the @ feature, so they know who you are talking to, ex: @essieness), if the reply is off-topic, you can either PM them or use the whisper feature.

Once again, welcome!

A_Beaverhausen's avatar

welcome to fluther!

youll lurve it here. if you have any questions, just ask!
and dont bring up the CIA. lol

lillycoyote's avatar

I’m kind of new here myself :)

omfgTALIjustIMDu's avatar

This is also a very helpful thread for noobies.

A_Beaverhausen's avatar

@lillycoyote take your coat off, stay a while!

kenmc's avatar

Hello Lilly and Dear Prudence :)

Are you guys liking it here?

lillycoyote's avatar

Boots, can you respond to someone else’s comment on the thread or just to the question itself? I can’t figure out how, if you can.

jlm11f's avatar

@lillycoyote – You can reply to other people’s comments. If the reply is on topic with the question title, just reply as normal (you can use the @ feature, so they know who you are talking to, ex: @essieness), if the reply is off-topic, you can either PM them or use the whisper feature.

kenmc's avatar

@lillycoyote I don’t think that’s available here…

lillycoyote's avatar

@PnL We have to stay on topic? :)

jlm11f's avatar

@lillycoyote – Not necessarily on this thread, since this is your welcome thread. But on most threads, we prefer that people stay relatively on topic until the actual Q has been answered. This is so that the OP (original poster) doesn’t get frustrated because his/her thread is being used as a chat room. This is exactly why we provide a chat room so people can still socialize and interact when not on a thread

It is hard to explain exactly how much you can stray from the title and still be on topic. But as you explore the site and see how the questions are being answered, you should get a feel for the place. If you are still not sure, feel free to ask me or other mods Qs. Also, many of the jellies who have been here for a while are more than happy to help!

nikipedia's avatar

I think @essieness, @omfgTALIjustIMDu and @PnL pretty much covered it, but here’s another welcome to all the new jellies!

jlm11f's avatar

Here are some Fluther memes and Flutherisms that people on the site reference to a lot.

lazydaisy's avatar

hey boots. This is all so new and confusing, but so far, runs faster!

kenmc's avatar

@lazydaisy I noticed the speed also. It actually freaked me out a little. was also new and confusing at first, too…

lazydaisy's avatar was. We’ll see how it goes. Can you subscribe to certain users questions?

I know you’ve only been here five more minutes than me…...

nikipedia's avatar

@lazydaisy: Yep. That’s what it means to add someone to your fluther. Go to their profile page and look for the link next to their avatar to do this. :)

kenmc's avatar

@lazydaisy I think you can. Go to the profile page and click “add to my fluther” or something along those lines.

lazydaisy's avatar

Got it. Thanks.

btw…you have crazy lots of responses already!

Jiminez's avatar

What it do!? I can’t help ya buddy. I’m just as new. Duh!

Looking to get to know this community, though.

kenmc's avatar

@Jiminez Drop some sociopolitical bombs on ‘em!


lazydaisy's avatar

Hi all you fugees!

A_Beaverhausen's avatar

ha, refugees :)

adreamofautumn's avatar

Hey all the newbies, it seems like most things have been covered, but i’m just saying Welcome to the Collective! :)

tiffyandthewall's avatar

i’m sorry your home was shut down ):

my best advice would be just to lurve, let lurve, and be lurved in return.
oh, and the jellies here tend to get especially hostile when commonplace questions are asked. be mindful of the search box up in the right corner, and you should be fine.


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