General Question

Kelly27's avatar

Do you think if a woman wants to be a prostitute she should be able to?

Asked by Kelly27 (1501points) March 22nd, 2009

What are you objections to this, if you do object.

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21 Answers

EmpressPixie's avatar

If she wants to sell her body, I think she should be legally able to. It would be much better for the women, I think, because then they would be more likely to go to the police over abuse and rape. Plus, it’d be easier for them to keep the money (though it would be taxed). And if it were legal, we could put in some standards surrounding STD testing and the like.

All in all, I’m pro-prostitution legalization.

I’m cool with guys doing it too.

Jayne's avatar

Most certainly- people have sex for love, for gifts, for fun, for glamor; who’s to say they can’t do it for money?

Father_Guido's avatar

Yep, her body, her time.

pekenoe's avatar

Hey….. be all you can be, I think if a woman wants to sell it, she should be able to.

asmonet's avatar

Yep, and I think it should be heavily regulated.

SuperMouse's avatar

Her body, her choice. I think prostitution should be legalized, taxed, and regulated.

the_force's avatar

Of course, men too.

cwilbur's avatar

@Jayne: it’s not having sex for money that’s illegal—that’s why we have terms like “sugar daddy” and “kept woman.” It’s having sex for money and being honest about it.

Garebo's avatar

Yes, if she accepts the consequences.

Jayne's avatar

@cwilbur, precisely; drawing the line on prostitution is arbitrary and even harmful. It is mere naivety to try to fight what has always been and will always be a part of life. In fact, we should go a step farther, as others have suggested, in not only decriminalizing prostitution, which allows abusive pimps etc. to flourish, but actually legalizing it, so that it can be regulated and made relatively safe.

Blondesjon's avatar

A person should be allowed the freedom to do with their body what they choose so long as it hurts no one else.

they’re starting to regulate what we eat people…time to wake up

Garebo's avatar

Regulation would breed corruption.

EmpressPixie's avatar

… because the system now is so awesome and free of taint?

Likeradar's avatar

@Garebo Can you elaborate?

casheroo's avatar

I’m pro-legalizing prostitution.

Garebo's avatar

My concern is that the government will abuse and enable prostitution for money. They will encourage it, and enable it, in order to sustain their existence and profit from it. So, one pimp for another.

cwilbur's avatar

See, I spend 8 hours a day using my brain to make other people happy, and that’s taxed. I don’t see why using other body parts should be any different.

Garebo's avatar

@cwilbur: You go, girl go, and put that sweat equity into that new business and you can change your name to Heidi.

cwilbur's avatar

@Garebo: I beg your pardon?

Garebo's avatar

It would be taxation without representation.

asmonet's avatar

@cwilbur: lol4rl. ow.

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