Meta Question

Jude's avatar

What is the longest time you have spent "fluthering" (in one sitting)

Asked by Jude (32210points) March 22nd, 2009

Only to break for a bit of sustenance and/or perhaps, to use the ‘facilities’. It’s highly addictive, isn’t it? (:

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6 Answers

Myndecho's avatar

I don’t think I’m ever going to stop associating fluthering with farting, I think it must be because of fluffing.
Oh the the question, so far about 1.30 hours.

arnbev959's avatar

8 hours +

SuperMouse's avatar

I have it up pretty much my entire shift on the reference desk which is six hours.

asmonet's avatar

Like, 14+ hours when I was laid up in bed. I did other stuff but I was consistently fluthering.

casheroo's avatar

probably like, 5–6 hours. I am on the computer a lot at night.

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