Are the avatars on Fluther too small?
Asked by
JamesL (
March 22nd, 2009
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62 Answers
If you want to see them better you can click on them, open them in a new page, and delete the bit that says “thumb” to get them to regular size photos.
Yes, I think so. And they don’t get bigger on the person’s profile page even. I’ll be missing something fierce.
@boots sorry fluther doesn’t live up to your precious other site. You know, the one that failed.
@elijahsuicide that was snarky in a way that I found absolutely amazing and wonderful. Lurve. :)
I edit to say that I actually like having the here. They add a great new voice, but if you’re going to use the threads to wallow, don’t be surprised when some quick-witted Jelly’s hit back.
(perhaps the avatars have just been swimming in cold water!)
It’s all part of the ‘clean’ interface here.
Oh you know I will be missing it as well.
Ahh ok, I just find them rather small as I am used to the ones on I am sure that I will soon grow accustomed to them. Thanks.
I like having new people here as well, I’m just tired of the complaining. I understand people are sad about it, but no one is being forced to use fluther. Different sites do things differently. It’s not the end of the world.
@JamesL I know change can be hard. Just stick around for a few days, and see if this is the place for you.
Also, another part of our clean interface is the ability to edit your answers for up to 5 minutes (I think), so you can add to them, rather than posting several answers in a row. I’m not complaining, just trying to help you assimilate!
Are there cliques here too?
@JamesL I asked the same question a week or so ago, I agree that they are small but as @adreamofautumn said you can enlarge them. Unfortunately I can’t from my iPhone.
I don’t think there are cliques, exactly. There are bound to be people you get along with better than others, but it’s not high school.
Ohh I welcome the change and will be staying.
@Ender Regarding cliques, I can only speak for myself. I find myself in complete disagreement with someone on one question, and lurving them like crazy in another.
@Ender I agree with @elijahsuicide I think things sometimes get heated for a moment, but I generally get over it and I think most others do as well. I don’t think we necessarily have “cliques”, sure some people know each other better than others, but they’re always willing to take in whoever comes along!
Actually, you have to delete _thumb from the URL, not just thumb.
And no one likes multiple repeat posts in a row, not that many anyway. James, try to keep it in one post. :)
Yea, I found that out after a few tries. Thanks!
Haha, thanks again for the heads-up… haaa
@elijahsuicide precisely. Nobody is being forced to fluther. Mass-exodusing into here in a big disruptive group and then complaining is ungrateful, and I find it embarrassing.
@augustlan Thank you. :) It’s one I use for everything, I’m quite attached to it. I feel at home with this underwater theme.
@3or4monsters: GREAT avatar; and for the record…I don’t think it’s too small either.
No. Fluther is perfect the way it is now.
jp, you could enlarge Rufus for the viewers delight…
@bythebay :: You obviously missed the discussion about naming my penis in the chatroom.
here is a bigger version of the love dog.
@jp: Didn’t you name it Rufus?
@bythebay—I did name it Rufus. Whatever it takes to keep allie happy..
So, if you decide to enlarge rufus…for your avatar…make sure you warn Allie ahead of time!
@3or4monsters I’m sorry to embarrass you.
@elijahsuicide I was pointing out a perceived (from my opinion) fault in this site. No need to get defensive.
maybe it’s time for everyone to be one community, leaving the baggage of the old site and the perceived problems with fluther at the door I want a nice, happy group of Jellies!! :):):).
BTW: true fact, I had the worst night/morning ever and yet the collective has made me literally laugh out loud at least 3 times in the last 10 minutes! Awesome!
@adreamofautumn I think that forgetting our old site and accepting this site blindly would be a bad thing.
@Ivan I am not saying it wouldn’t be, i’m saying that maybe any hurt feelings, squabbles, etc that I have noticed popping up in some threads should stay where they are. Let them go down with the ship and start a fresh crew over here. made the choice to come to Fluther, accepting it isn’t a bad thing.
@Ivan I agree that you shouldn’t forget your old site, as so many of you have good memories from it.
I just find it rude to come to a new site and start pointing out “flaws”.
We all want to get along, in fact I’ve already added some of you to my fluther. I’m sure if the tables were turned and we came to your site you would also feel offended by such remarks.
Can someone do me a favor and just admit that this site is not absolutely perfect in every conceivable way? Because no one has done that yet. Just the opposite, actually. I cam to this site because of, not fluther. I don’t blindly accept or anything else in my life, I am certainly not going to blindly accept this site.
@Ivan no one said it was perfect, we said that it was rude to make comments about it just because it’s not what you’re “used to” in your old site.
I hate to be the rude one to say it, but someone has to…if you don’t like it you don’t have to stay. They may have some space for you over at SodaHead that you’ll appreciate better. I think the Collective has been trying very hard to assimilate as quickly and smoothly as possible to this transition. We’d like the same respect, that’s all.
Well of course we’re not perfect! Nobody/nothing is. That doesn’t mean we appreciate the constant insults of certain newcomers. Most of the have been quite gracious, but some of you are basically nitpicking on every little thing. Here’s the deal: This is Fluther, warts and all, not
@Ivan I can admit it’s not perfect, actually I would like the avatars to be bigger too. My point is instead of pointing out how we can’t possibly hold a candle to your site, maybe you could just accept that we don’t want to be like your site. I’m sure your site had a lot of features I would of liked, but I can’t say for sure because I haven’t been there. Truth be told from what I’ve gathered your site seemed a bit too “myspace” for my tastes, but I’m not saying it didn’t have positive features.
A positive: This site is much faster than By quite a bit.
@elijahsuicide Ivan was actually known for telling people, “This isn’t myspace. No one wants to see your emo crap here.”
I think coming in here with too many expectations is unfair. It leaves too much room for disappointment. Just accept it for what it is…. different.
@boots well then I guess I could turn around and say to @Ivan “This isn’t No one wants to see your complaining crap here.”
Listen guys, I’m not trying to be the bad guy here. I’m just asking that you accept fluther for what it is (good and bad). You don’t have to be here if you don’t want to be. You don’t have to forget your roots, but you don’t have to bring it up constantly either.
Sooooooooo, do you think the avatars are too small?
I think @elijahsuicide is being realistic. What is best for this integration is for that realism to happen. Walking on eggshells around each other isn’t going to help any of us. I really want us all to be one Collective and I think @elijahsuicide does too. We’re not asking that you forget we’re asking that you try and integrate. Lots and lots of your fellow “Refugees” have done so and it’s great (a few of them are in my fluther now!).
@bythebay yah, I kind of do! Haha.
I agree with what you are saying. To critique something is only to better it. It is not our way of saying this/that place sucks…
Listen, I don’t think anyone is saying that Fluther should morph into the new We all recognize that this is a different site with it’s own rules. That, however, does not mean that the rules are fair or good. The same can be said for the features. This is independent of Some things make websites good, others make them bad. We may be noobs to Fluther, but we are not noobs to Q/A sites. We know what a good question is and we know what a good user interface is. Now, I understand why many of you feel as though we are trashing your shit right now; I can empathize. However, that does not mean that I can tolerate being treated like I don’t know what I’m talking about and getting my ass chewed every time I remark about a feature I happen to dislike.
PS. was nothing like Myspace. What a joke.
@Ivan seriously. If you don’t like the site…well, no one is forcing you to stay. There are a number of other Q&A sites. I respect your opinion to dislike the site, but I see no reason why you’re bothering to stay if you don’t like it.
@Ivan You’ve been using the site for one day. I’m sorry your place collapsed, but that doesn’t have anything to do with Fluther.
You know what you are used to on, and you know what kinds of questions were considered good there by that community. However, this is Fluther, and we are happy with the way things are here.
@Ivan If your need to critique everything supercedes being polite, then fine. Do what you gotta do.
Have a nice day.
@adreamofautumn Disliking a few features does not equate disliking the entire site. Besides, I go where goes. That is independent of the site quality.
@elijahsuicide I only feel the need to critique that which deserves to be critiqued. To be honest I feel as though most of these tales about me complaining are fabricated. If you think that what I have done so far equates to ‘critiquing everything,’ then this place really must quiet people with fear, because I have hardly said anything. Besides, I don’t feel that criticism is impolite. No one was criticizing you or any other Fluther vet personally.
I keep hovering my mouse and bitching at it for not doing it’s job to expand the image and then I realize… oh.
Haha, ain’t that the truth…habits.
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