What is wis.dm-ers??? and Why have we got lots of new Flutherites all of a sudden to sink our tentacles into?
Asked by
nebule (
March 23rd, 2009
I’m not complaining…I’m rather excited and have come over all of a Fluther!
Just wondering if anyone can clear this perplexing excitement up for me?
I am presuming some kind of other question-answer site that has been closed down???
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81 Answers
From what I’ve gathered you are right, Wis.dm was a question asking site which is closing down, and some of their members (wis.dm-ers) have decided to call here home.
It’d be nice if one such person could come give the Wis.dm side of the story, why the site is shutting down (the closing message from the site creators doesn’t really tell), how Wis.dm was used before, etc.
We used wis.dm to have fun and socialize, much unlike this site where we get censored hardcore just because we like to be a little frivolous on occasion.
@AlfredaPrufrock – well, I could ask questions in LOLspeak if I wanted, which was fun for me because I like to share LOLcats. And I don’t like the idea of chat.
What we did on wis.dm, originally, was simply ask yes or no questions and then comment, but that changed to open ended, etc. But the questions could be anything. There was absolutely no moderation whatsoever, and we liked it that way. It was sort of a social experiment, to see if people could get along with no one really telling them what to do, and for the most part, we did. Recently we had to have some block features because there is always going to be some jerk out there, but most of us liked each other or at least pretended to.
And it was fun. For us. Probably like Fluther is fun to you. Unless it’s not. I can’t describe fun to you.
@dynamicduo The site has been around for a while now; a couple years at least. The community grew and shrank, grew and shrank. The style of the website changed a few times and some users left in protest, being Wis.dm purists of sorts. In short, the format of the site lent itself to really fun, and effective interaction. Some great friendships resulted. Some great more-than-friendships resulted. It allowed you to really share a lot of yourself. It’s shutting down because they couldn’t get enough money from ad revenue to keep it running. That, and there were no moderators other than the site administrators so they became pissy whenever a complaint would come in.
Guys, welcome to Fluther. I know it isn’t what you’re used to, but please play by our rules.
@please_not_to_ask2, I’m afraid you’ve dropped yourself into the middle of a group of people who, for the most part, are well-read, and well-educated. It’s a very, very diverse group of people, from all over, of all ages, many with a wicked sense of humor. Some are droll. Others aren’t funny at all. And that’s okay. We do have a lot of funny questions on here, but we do also get a lot of people who are really lost in their own lives and need advice, or at least confirmation of “It’s not me. I’m not crazy.” You probably need to spend a little time with it before you leap to a decision about whether or not you fit in with us, and what value you can bring to the group and the discussion. Everyone has value to add.
But please, LOLspeak. It’s really annoying to read, and perpetuates bad grammar.
@AlfredaPrufrock – Getting a little condescending are we? I’m pretty well-read myself, but that doesn’t mean I need to show it off every chance I get. Geez—I had no idea I was entering such a place. Maybe I should go back to Idiotsville.
thanks! I feel very welcome here.
@AlfredaPrufrock We’re well read and well educated, too. Probably equally so. You gave good advice, but on Wis.dm questions about current events or philosophical things would generate quite long and thoughtful and, at times, contentious (though fair) discussions. I think we might have been misjudged as being people who favor LOLspeak over thoughtful discussion. That’s inaccurate. We’ll be ourselves, and everything that entails.
@Jiminez- I’m not having any fun. I asked like two questions, and I have one person telling me I’m a huge jerk already. yeah.
@please_not_to_ask2 Then why stay ?
We have one kind of community with one set of values, while you came from another with different values.
You are beeing welcommed into our community with open arms, but that does not mean we will make fluther into wis.dm V.2.
We are willing to share, lurve and learn, but we will wl still be FLuther.
I am truly sorry for the loss of wis.dm, but alas that is the facts.. try to make the best of what you got…
@Staalesen – people are being rude to me because I’m not being 100% serious. And they’re making judgments without really knowing me. I don’t like that. I don’t feel like I’m being given a chance when I’m giving this site a chance. So far it has aggravated my highly sensitized nerves (my fault, my problem), and I would like to be able to still have a place to ask questions without being treated so badly. A couple of people have been helpful while others have been quite rude, and I understand there are differences in personalities, but I’ve been here less than 24 hours, asked like three questions, and I’m being met “geez you suck.” And I’m actually a nice person. A really nice person (not to toot my own horn or anything but..ya know)
I spent a little time over on wis.dm yesterday; it’s very different from Fluther. More chances to break down your actions and more sub groups. It’s very different here. I don’t know if you’ll end up liking it or not; but you’ll never know unless you try – with an open mind to something new.
I imagine if we had all shown up at wis.dm, en masse, and complained about how different it was and how much we disliked it, you all would have defended it. Give us a chance, or don’t, but I think you could be happy here. And @please_not_to_ask2…I’m a really nice person too, and there are many of us here! :)
I understand that, but here we are used to serious questions turning into a lighthearted discussion, or a lighthearted question asked in a serious way, if you understand what I mean. (ref. the zombie survival question as an example)
It might take some time getting used to, but It in ur opinion it is worth it… :)
wis.dm’ers are an awesome internet subculture, we are invading and delivering our propaganda to your doorsteps with love
@MadParty And like everyone else we dont like to be the target of propaganda… :p
well…i just think it’s nice to have an influx of people to Fluther..hope you all enjoy it here even if that does mean getting used to some new rules…(which incidentally we’re not all overthrilled with either) but they can be very useful..
@MadParty: Propaganda, even thinly veiled, is unnecessary here.
@bythebay its a joke don’t take it so serious
We should stop thinking about them and us… More like us with different backgrounds :)
@MadParty – how would we have known it was a joke?
@dynamicduo well technically about 85.000 and maybe 800 active users
@dynamicduo well i thought it was funny, did you not catch the sarcasm
@MadParty – The thing about sarcasm is it’s a verbal thing, not a written thing. It does not work over the internet, because there is no tone of voice, no rolling of the eyes, no obvious nature. And yes, there have been users who seem sarcastic but are really just trying their best to communicate (sometimes English is not their first language).
In this community some people use a tilde (~) to denote a sarcastic comment.
I simply choose to not use sarcasm. I find an honest comment does the job much better than a sarcastic quip could.
Let’s see @MadParty: So far this morning you decried the boring site, insulted people and complained about everything…tell me again how we’ll know when you’re joking or being sarcastic vs. when you’re just being an ass?
@bythebay who have i insulted,really and i have not complained about everything, thats way too much stuff to complain about, and sarcasm btw is do-able over the internet.
[mod says:] You do not need to start a new quip for each reply. If your last quip is still editable, just add your new replies to that.
@PnL – in the past, the page would not autorefresh to see the new edited comment. Has this changed? Otherwise, someone staying in the discussion would not see the edits, thus requiring a new quip.
Response moderated
@PnL please do not set me on proverbial fire i am still getting used to the format of fluther
@MadParty – you’re right, sarcasm is doable. But it was not done at all with your comment.
@FBI – How about you quit your bitching then? You’re not contributing anything positive to this discussion at all with your comment. Congrats on being a valuable member of the team.
@MadParty – I understand that. The mod says comment is not meant to be seen as derogatory or as a rebuke of any kind. This is just the easiest way to explain the format of the site to you.
Tentacles? I hope it doesn’t hurt.
ok… well 800!! wow…. interesting….
@Staalesen duly noted! will do!
I didn’t mean to start a riot as such…was just wondering where our new extended network had appeared from….
and i think anyone who on solemn reflection think they could be construed as “having a bit of a pop at the other side (whatever that is)” would do well do look at this thread
lets all be cool can we just do that, and @dynamicduo and it does not really matter whether yo saw the sarcasm i would expect you though to have keener powers of observation bruce, some detective crimefighting team you are/lol
@MadParty there you go again…
It matters if people get the sarcasm or not…
@MadParty – the simple point I am trying to get across is that sarcasm is a blunt and often unneeded tool, and that a proper eloquent comment can convey one’s thoughts much better than relying on sarcasm which can be and IS misinterpreted.
I lol’d (and lurved) at your crimefighting comment though :)
you guys are awesome, this is quite the fun time, i am beginning to like this place
Can we not delve into the art of sarcasm here, please. Fluther members feel as though we are encroaching on them and making unwarranted demands. Wis.dm members feel as though you are treating us with hostility and fascism (for the lack of a better word). Somehow this needs to be resolved.
@MadParty Lurve seems to be the fluther equivalent of points. Who are you, by the way?
Yes, there should be an easier solution.. We should learn to get along better, and I think that after some time it will normalize and even out…
@madparty Lurve is our way to reward good questions/answers and contributers..
@Ivan I am madparty one of the wis.dm refugees so to speak, who are you??
I don’t know any wis.dm member named MadParty, sorry.
One feature that is definitely better than wis.dm is the live updates of threads. I wish there was a better reply notification system though.
@Ivan well i don’t know of any wis.dm’er named ivan
@Ivan – I’m surprised by your hostility in your comment. Why is it that we cannot discuss sarcasm here? The issue has been discussed in the past as well. No issue is beyond discussing, ever.
From my perspective, you guys kinda are encroaching on our territory. I fully understand that I was once the encroacher, albeit not arriving in a swarm as the wis.dmers have. I do not mean to make wis.dmers feel bad or anything, in fact I have tried to help others get a feel for the place, only to be met with harsh words and snide attitudes.
However do you not see my point of view, that you guys and gals are swarming in here, asking the same questions that all newbs ask, sometimes having an attitude or being presumptuous or not reading the guidelines? Such as, for example, your comment regarding “not delving into” a topic of discussion. Who are you to tell me how to act on this website, when you are a newbie who doesn’t know the site as well as I do? I find this offensive.
And I am certainly not saying all of you are doing this. It is the exception to the rule. But it still hurts when it happens. I feel as if we are opening our arms to help you become a part of our different community, and you are spitting in our face because you don’t like the decor.
Maybe it’s always like this when older ask sites fold and mass migrations happen. If so, I can certainly emphasize with those members who chose to leave the site.
I kinda feel like I’m in Season 1 and 2 of Lost, and we’re a part of the main tribe and the wis.dmers are the Others, and we’re still trying to find out who they are and what they want from us…
Is “community” defined only by the voices of it’s loudest members? This is not a walled environment. We are all different. Embracing diversity makes community happen.
Come on, guys. These new people are trying to figure this site out & get the feel of the place. Coming from another site myself, I know the feeling. It’s pretty intimidating. If I’d have read some of these posts when I was new, I don’t know if I’d have stayed. Some of you come across as being superior to us ‘peeons’. You’re not. We’re all equal people who just like to share ideas, get answers & meet new people. Ease up a little. This is not the way to make a good first impression.
No but we are a bit set in our ways here…. MAybe we think in the ways of if it aint brke, dont fix it…
I try to see all sides of this, but I am not sure I always can.. and that is a bit sad…
so how does one give lurves or is that not for the standard user to do?
@MadParty: See above where it says “Great Answer” – you can click on that, and also in the question box where it says, “Great Question”. You will see you amount climb the more you participate. Watch, I’ll lurve you.
@bythebay ahh i see now, like i said before this format takes some getting used to
@MadParty et al One gives “lurve” by clicking on the “Great Answer” at the bottom of each comment. Anyone can do it.
There is a very friendly “Welcome wis.dm-ers” banner at the top of the homepage that gives you Fluther FAQs and guidelines. Worth spending the time to read.
@MadParty: I was totally lost when I came here; but I also had nothing to compare it to. It doesn’t take long to get into the swing of things.
wow i never expected such a dick wad question that i asked would eventually get me to actually likng this site,though in a roundabout way.
I remember when the collective was apprehensive about those of us who migrated from assville. Lets all play nice and give each other the benefit of the doubt until we get to know each other better, shall we?
@Judi Great point. Some of us have been around long enough to remember several “waves” of new users (even if our lurve may not immediately suggest such longevity). Each time the collective goes through this process. Newcomers bring in parts of their old culture which then tends to chafe the veterans. In the end, though, Fluther has always come out the other side better off.
To the new members: many welcomes! I hope you’ll give us a few weeks to show you the value of Fluther.
To the veterans: let’s put our best foot forward. I hope you’ll give the newcomers a few weeks to acclimate and show us their value!
@dynamicduo This is exactly the problem I am having so far. Everything I say is perceived as some sort of offensive swipe. Jesus Christ, I only meant to say that this discussion about sarcasm was getting us off topic and getting us angry at each other over something incredibly trivial and pointless. I think you will notice that my comment was not directed at you specifically, but at everyone who was getting carried away with the discussion. How that could possibly be perceived as ‘hostile’ or ‘offensive,’ I have no idea.
I have seen an effort by a significant number of fluther vets to welcome us and answer any questions we might have. But an equal number have treated us like second class citizens and gotten defensive about every little remark.
@Ivan ; Change is scary for some. Please forgive their aprehensiveness. I hope you will hang out a while and get a feel for the place.
As in any family we have a few kookie uncles (I have no one particular in mind when I say that!!!, Well…. Maybe Mr_M) and some people are nicer than others.
The nice thing about fluther is that if a question stops “doing it” for you you can just stop following it. That’s what I usually do when people start making it personal, and the moderators are great to intervene when they get downright mean.
I love it here. It gives me a place to bounce ideas, get feedback, and feel like I am contributing as well. Welcome!
@dynamicduo , not all of us liked the un-moderated format. It was less than ideal to many of us who preferred to NOT read racist diatribes or page after page of silly, stupid questions.
@The_unconservative_one – indeed, moderation adds the flavour and steers the community into being the one which the guidelines set it out to be. Our moderation here is very light compared to other places.
@Ivan – we have had a discussion in the chat room in response to your comment. For anyone else who wonders why I don’t give another answer to him, this is why. :)
Wis.dm started out as a kick ass site. It had one page for questions instead of the current breakdown format it took on last summer. There was a pace with members because of the one page format and a lot of energy went back and forth, many wis.dm members have become wonderful virtual and in real life friends. We’ve had people meet and become lovers, marriage partners, new parents and all the other stuff in between.
Wis.dm wasn’t censored except for a rudimentary block feature which didn’t work very well. You all have inherited our wis.dm troll, sorry about that. Our site thrived on comments to posts and there was no limit to the number of posts a member could make within 24hrs so a kind of momentum could build up at times, very intense depending on the mindset going around. We did have some sort of advertising but the ads were very odd, nothing much I’d expect our community to be interested in and maybe that’s why they didn’t get revenue, who knows.
@VzzBzz, who is the troll? Do you know what their Fluther name is?
@VzzBzz Thanks for the background – it’s very helpful!
A troll won’t last very long here. Our moderators keep the site clean, and it’s a very pleasant place because of it. I truly appreciate their efforts and am grateful for the rules even when I am occasionally discomfited by them. This isn’t the place for a free-for-all. It’s not a bone-china tea party, by any means, more like a club with diligent bouncers.
@Ivan , you do know that it isn’t the original LS, but our friend Shell?
@VzzBzz Thanks for that info. We don’t dig trolls here.
I would like to (once again) welcome the wis.dmrs. But please guys, realize this isn’t wis.dm and please try to get to know us and give it some time before making judgments. Like several people above said, change is scary and difficult at times, and you will go through some ups and downs with Fluther, but I really think you’ll grow to like it here.
@essieness , I already prefer some aspects of fluther to wis.dm. I didn’t care for the general harrasment which was allowed and rampant on wis.dm. They also, seemed to have more of a problem with a person defending themselves against attacks than they had with the original attackers.
@The_unconservative_one Ew. Doesn’t sound like a very friendly place. We’re glad to have you guys as long as we can all get along and be kind to each other.
I’m very excited about having new people, new questions and new input, and I’m looking forward to getting to know new Flutherites. This is sort of like having two companies merge without any notification to the employees, and having to work out how things are going to be. The space is large enough, and Fluther is fluid enough, that there’s room for everyone. It will just take a little time for everyone to settle in.
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