Can you describe the biggest effort you've ever made to get laid?
I’m wondering how far people will go for sex. Would you court someone and get married to them in order to have sex with them, if that’s the condition they required? Or has it always been easy for you, and you’ve never had to put much effort into it at all?
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44 Answers
I usually rent a few billboards with my picture that says “Would you lay this man (for free)? Are you female? You would? You are? Then call 555–5555”
Um, I’ve never had to exert any particular effort. As a matter of fact, I have the opposite problem. I’ve had several men that I’ve been in relationships with who want to get married, when I preferred to keep it casual.
Hey! Daloon’s back!
The only times when my goal has been to have sex, I’ve been in a love relationship, so the most effort has been preparing myself, the situation, and the mood. As for what I’ve done to create a love relationship… traveling half-way around the world, poetry, long letters in multiple languages, intense exercise programs, fantasies, accomplices, giving up things I thought I’d never give up… tons of stuff. And as for maintaining a love relationship, even against my better judgment, way way too much…
What is this effort you speak of?
No, I’ve never had to make any effort to get it. I’ve been with the same man since I was 17 years old, so it’s always been right here in front of me. And I’ve never had to even say anything. Actions speak clearly. We know each other very well.
Like jbfletherfan, I’ve been with the same man for 18 years. All I need to do is look at him and he is ready.
@jonsblond It feels good, doesnt’ it? I could never be the kind of woman who jumps from man to man, bed to bed. That’s not my style.
I don’t think my efforts to get laid have ever gone past what most would call normal, but I did go to extreme lengths to avoid a girl once. When I was 21 I slept with a girl who told me she had no interest in anything bu sex, this was a lie. After having known her for less than 2 weeks she became a little salker-ish. I tried to separate myself from her, but this ended up making things worse.
I eventually came up with the idea of telling her that I had gotten in trouble and was going to flee to Canada for a couple months. Luckily for me it worked and after about a week or two I heard from a mutual friend that she had started dating someone else. Sorry not really what you asked.
@jbfletcherfan I agree. It’s nice being with someone that knows everything about you and knows exactly how to please you. Knowing how much he loves me makes it even more special.
I only ever tried really hard to get with one guy. I never had to try otherwise, having a vagina. He never did give it up. He revealed to me on one of our last dates that he was raped by another man while he was in the army. I guess that’s a good reason to be uncomfortable in the sex department. Either that or it’s the most disgusting break-up lie I’ve ever been told.
I think it was the most disgusting break up lie you’ve ever been told.
I have never exerted any effort whatsoever, other than combing my hair, brushing my teeth, and putting on some nice earrings.
Isn’t it interesting how most of us guys remain silent on the subject. I wonder why that is. Ashamed of how badly we want it, or just can’t think of a story?
Actually the reason I’m not answering is because I never had to exert any particular effort and I was concerned how that might come off. Anyone I had sex with I had it on the first date.
@daloon part deux
WELCOME BACK DUDE! I think you should change the ass avatar too.
I have made significant effort at times. I’ve played with framing, body language negative playfulness and you name it. Sometimes it’s a lot of focus and other times it’s just fun. Regardless the goal is to connect and that takes effort. Sometimes like now I’m just lazy.
Effort? i think you must have me confused with someone far less awesome.
lol.. hi daloon you’re the best.
@SeventhSense: I don’t even want to know how you came across that picture.
@daloonagain Don’t get too shook up. That’s clearly not real.
@jbfletcherfan: What I didn’t want to know was what he was doing in order to find that picture, made up, or not. This is not something you find unless you are… umm…. never mind.
@daloonagain Hahahaaaa….It’s pretty easy to just type in “big ass” & come up with something, I’m sure. Now, that’s definately not where your picture came from.
@SeventhSense i think there might be a whole baby hidden in the back.
It wouldn’t last for very long there. It’d smother!
I don’t think I ever really made an effort. If it happened, it happened. And quite often it didn’t.
I guess that’s because that wasn’t really the goal. The goal was the relationship, not the sex.
Sadly, me and my BF have reversed gender roles…. I want it more than him! D: Because of this, I would have to resort to trying every sad thing I can to get him to do it! Sometimes, ill just bluntly say it “F*** ME ALREADY!!!”. Usually, this only happens after ive tried everything else. Ive drawn naughty pictures, encouraged him to watch more porn, considered BC, made myself up, get naked in front of him and do a little naughty dance, etc etc :) Sometimes i hate resorting to these. I hate feeling like im some type of whore. I just wish my guy wanted it more than me, than it would be alright…. WHY CANT WE BE NORMAL!!!! ;_;
Try a trail of nachos to the bedroom.
I have a friend who got married to a girl just so he could have sex with her (she insisted on no sex before marriage). They divorced a few months later.
I have never gone into extreme lengths to get laid, giving up quite easily. But I can tell you a story of me going to far greater lengths than it was worth it.
A couple of years ago, fresh out of my divorce and in a generally asexual mood, I started singing at this place where a particular girl used to hang out. Nothing special, sort of cute but a bit rough around the edges, northern Yorkshire girl (people in the UK know what I mean). She made direct passes at me, first in the form of compliments and light flirting, eventually in a much more straightforward fashion one night she’d had a bit more to drink. I agreed to take her back to my place (I hadn’t had sex for at least 2 years). But first she had another beer, and insisted on driving me in her car (the only reason I agreed to take one car was that I’d drive it for her, since she was too drunk). Admittedly, she was a brilliant driver, even under the influence of so much alcohol, but we still did have 3–4 near misses on the way there. Oh and of course she needed another drink once we arrived, and stank of alcohol. It was almost dawn by the time we got to my place, and I just wanted to get it over with and sleep. And then she started commenting on the wall colours and how I’d have to repaint the house if she was ever going to live there (as if I’d ever even ask her out again). At some point I just gave up and asked her to leave.
The next day she tried again, and because I felt bad about it, I agreed to give it another go, but this time we’d go earlier. We had a nice meal and then went to my place again, where this time we heard some music and she didn’t talk about the walls as much. In the end we did have sex, but the whole experience felt more like getting a job out of the way than really enjoying the company of another person. The worst part was how long everything took with her, stopping here and there and always drinking “one more for the road”. My time is far too precious for that, and she was simply not worth it.
Don’t forget the cheese..or then again save the melted stuff like chocolate for dessert.:)
@glow ~ I completely understand how u feel, and tried everything myself. I don’t get it either…how can a guy not want sex at least once a week..or in my case once every few guess it’s proof that some guys just aren’t into sex.
as elijahsuicide put it….
the only “effort” i’ve ever had to make was getting out of my house to a bar or party of some sort and make eye contact with a guy, rub his arm, and laugh sometimes. though i do have to go through the trouble of having a good time and a couple of drinks, gosh life is hard! then it is off to pleasure town (i.e. anywhere remotely private) to have my way with him! haha
ya… effort.
I dont approach the guy he approaches me!!!!!!!!!!!!lol
I texted for them to fix me a drink, unlock the front door and to get in the shower since I was less than 10 minutes from their home and in no mood for another night of playing footsies or watching bad movies on Blue Ray.
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