General Question

Jude's avatar

Have you ever felt tapped out emotionally and got to the point to where you couldn't give anymore of yourself to anyone?

Asked by Jude (32210points) March 23rd, 2009

It’s not so much that you want/need to shut down; it’s more that you feel that you need to shut others out for awhile and give yourself time to regroup (emotionally speaking).

Have you ever experienced this? I’m going through this right now and even responding to an email from a family at this point is draining and something that I abhor doing.

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20 Answers

EmpressPixie's avatar

Yeah… I think we all get there at some point. And it’s miserable. I generally just go to sleep and hope to wake up in a year.

bythebay's avatar

Absolutely. SOmetimes I don’t even want to answer the phone or look at emails. Take some time for yourself, recharge.

jonsblond's avatar

Yes. During the holidays I shut out my family and friends. I felt terrible for doing it but I just didn’t have the energy to pretend that I was happy.

Les's avatar

Sure. My mom and I have this idea where we try not to talk to people on Mondays. So I’m sort of breaking my rule right now. Part of the problem is that people get on my nerves so much, but they’re everywhere. ;-) If you’re feeling super miserable, just excuse yourself politely from gatherings, etc. As for that email, just wait a couple of days. Chances are you’ll feel more like yourself soon.

Likeradar's avatar

Yes, absolutely. In my case I find it’s associated with slacking off on taking my depression meds. I like to take myself on a date when this happens- I get a magazine, go to dinner at a salad bar, and see a movie… leaving the phone at HOME!
Take some time to re-charge. Ain’t no shame in putting yourself first.

marinelife's avatar

I have felt that way at several times in my life. I think it is a completely reasonable way to be to protect yourself during a serious loss or huge series of problems.

Dog's avatar

Yes. As an introvert in an extrovert world I get to the point where I want to crawl into a dark corner and cut off all stimulus.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

pretty much the last three months have been this way. I don’t even have any desire for sex, and for me, that’s almost unheard of. I’m hoping Spring and warm weather will rekindle my lust for life (and other things).

essieness's avatar

That happened to me over the holidays. I went through a LOT of bullshit last year (a divorce, lost my job, almost died, then was diagnosed with a chronic disease). I was also dealing with some really ridiculous drama from some friends at the time. I had to literally choose what I could and couldn’t handle anymore. I had to deal with the divorce, I had to deal with my new disease, I had to pick myself up and get another job… so those dramatic friends didn’t make the cut. I have since basically retreated into my own little world and it’s been a nice change. I’m enjoying spending time with myself, as weird as that may sound. I really needed the time to recharge.

For your example with the email, I would just maybe not respond. You can’t carry around everyone else’s shit on your shoulders (if that’s the case). It will just wear you down. People will generally understand that you need some time alone. If they truly love you, they’ll be there when you get back.

casheroo's avatar

Yes, I never realized how draining having my own family could be. Just being a daughter…it’s easy, in my opinion. Now, I’m a wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend. It’s a lot to handle some times. I need to just shut off and get away from it all sometimes.

lercio's avatar

Yes, after a bereavement I would happily have been locked up in a cell for a year.

aviona's avatar

Yes and that’s why I haven’t been able to return anyone’s phone calls lately.

SuperMouse's avatar

YES! Yes I have and it is a very exhausted, frustrating, drained feeling. The worst it ever was for me was when I was in my first trimester with my second son. My sister-in-law was thrown in jail (bail $250,000) and my sister’s husband took out a restraining order against her. Neither my family nor my ex’s family could find their backsides with both hands so I was jockeying around to get bail and get to court hearings. Aye, aye, aye. Good times.

forestGeek's avatar

I definitely have. I do this maybe 2–3 times a year for a week or two. It’s usually after I had far too much going on to a month or two, really busy at work and under a lot of stress. I get very, very introverted and elusive.

cak's avatar

I’m pretty much there, now. I have a world of stress on my shoulders and I’m still hurting from my father’s death. I am the person that people seem to turn to (in my offline life) for advice, help and just to listen. Right now, I can’t handle it. I can’t listen to the problems, I can’t think about them. I feel like I’m just going through the motions, everyday. This isn’t the kind of person I am, it’s scary for me, but I know it will pass.

bythebay's avatar

(((((for cak))))))

Turtle's avatar

Yes. Sometimes it’s best to withdraw for awhile and look after yourself and conserve your energy until you feel better able to cope. Listen to your gut instincts.

bythebay's avatar

I feel this way today…

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