General Question

_Liz's avatar

If you were wealthy, what would you do with your money?

Asked by _Liz (226points) March 23rd, 2009
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27 Answers

syz's avatar

Travel, travel, travel, travel.

Sr_Q's avatar

First, I need vacations. Anywhere is fine. Then, I’d pay for a good education. (and a BMW!)

kenmc's avatar

I would buy a house, get an education, travel, and build homeless shelters.

JamesL's avatar

I’d indulge in a few selfish hobbies/activities, most notably traveling to different parts of the world, hopefully learning the languages of region. I would not let myself get too wealthy as I find that extremely greedy. In doing so most of my “excess” money would go towards charitable organizations that I have researched.

EmpressPixie's avatar

Travel. Get my next degree. I’m going back for it anyway, having the money to do it would be so nice.

Balmung's avatar

be comfortable

LanceVance's avatar

Pay college tuition at a renowned US university… provided that I get accepted.

VzzBzz's avatar

Get my health up to par, set up two communes in the U.S. and then start to traveling with friends.

_Liz's avatar

I see most of you want to go (back) to school…hmmm
That wouldn’t be on my list.

_Liz's avatar

@VzzBzz I’d fix my body too

VzzBzz's avatar

@_Liz For some people, fixing their body has a lot to do with their health. I have a few friends I’d help with that, get them some new limbs.

tiffyandthewall's avatar

i was thinking about this the other day.
seeing the ridiculous amount of development happening around me, if i had tons of extra money, i would buy some land that hasn’t been tampered with yet, and just keep it like that. it just depresses me so much to see all of these natural habitats and whatnot being destroyed because we absolutely need MORE condos. ugh.

Dutchess12's avatar

@Balmung Find a new home for Balmung.

Dansedescygnes's avatar

Well, my parents are wealthy, but if I personally were wealthy, I would buy my own large house with a large yard. That is really the first thing I would go for. I know traveling is what a lot of people said, but I’ve already been to 16 countries. I think that I could sacrifice a little of that to get a house with a large yard. I love landscaping and I would love to have something like that.

The house is just what I would start out with. Depends on how much money I would have left to do other things. I’d love to donate to various causes; my parents do that all the time, it always seemed better not to hoard money without even using it. And it’s even better to not use it all on yourself if you can.

exitnirvana's avatar

Pay off school loans and other miscellaneous debt, buy a car that runs a bit better than the one I have now, and settle down somewhere comfy.

delirium's avatar

Give it away.

casheroo's avatar

Pay off any debt, get an education, savings for my child, travel, donate…

Sofia_R's avatar

Travel, pay off any debt, donate, and buy a great house and a nice car.

Kevisaurus's avatar

Buy and keep it affloat and then make sure I don’t have any controlling interest in it since that would not be wise.

mattbrowne's avatar

Promote education and enlightenment for everyone.

Dutchess12's avatar

@mattbrowne Buy 1,000,000 copies of your book! (And resell them at a profit!)

mattbrowne's avatar

@DutchCat – Great, what is your cut for having this idea? 10%? 50%? Are you a venture capitalist? I’ve got to get used to the “Cat” in you, what happened to the “ess”?

Dutchess12's avatar

@mattbrowne 75%. Take it or leave it!
Well, “Dutchess” was already taken, believe it or not! But…the mods said MAYBE, since I’m new, they’ll see what they can do…I just wanted to get on quick…

mattbrowne's avatar

@DutchCat – Playing hardball, I see ;-) I guess we need to negotiate some more…

Federica's avatar

Become a freelance journalist!

Balmung's avatar

Buy a soccer team

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