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SpatzieLover's avatar

Name that pet. Please?

Asked by SpatzieLover (24614points) March 23rd, 2009

Okay, so we just adopted a parakeet friend for our elderly budgie, Lovely. Lovely’s a boy (thought he was a girl when he was named 10yrs ago). The new budgie is BRIGHT blue. I’d like something fun and creative for him, but it has to work for our three year old son, and be easy for the bird to learn, too.

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28 Answers

marinelife's avatar

Happiness (as in blue bird of happiness . . .)

bprz's avatar

bluebird :)

aprilsimnel's avatar


What can I say? I miss eating TimTams.

SpatzieLover's avatar

@bprz That’s what my 3 yr old’s been calling him ;D

marinelife's avatar

OK, let’s go with classic art. How about Blue Boy?

SpatzieLover's avatar

@aprilsimnel you made me look that one up ;) From Australia, too ;)

SpatzieLover's avatar

@Marina Hmmm…you’re on a roll, son loves Mother Goose rhymes, too. Little boy blue’s not bad either.

chyna's avatar

Blue, Feathers, Midnight, Petie, Skye, and Tiki. Thats all I can think of right now.

dlm812's avatar

I like Little Boy Blue! You could come up with a lot of cute nicknames for that too which would be easy for your son (such as Bluie, Lil’ Blue, Boy Blu, etc.)

Dog's avatar

How about Dizzy after the great blues legend?

aprilsimnel's avatar

BooBoo. Because you know your little one will try to say Blue and it’ll come out Boo.

augustlan's avatar

Wild Blue Yonder
Blue Angel

SpatzieLover's avatar

@aprilsimnel Actually, he’s quite GREAT linguistically If it were “Lellow” there’d be an issue ;)

augustlan's avatar

I think I like Blue Boy the best, though.

_Liz's avatar

Honkey Magoo

mcbealer's avatar

Indigo sorry missed the bright blue part
how about Sapphire?

aprilsimnel's avatar

@SpatzieLover – Hee!

I like where @mcbealer‘s going, naming him after a shade of blue.

popo7676's avatar

My first bird name was Petey . It’s fun to say and works better for the smaller birds.

augustlan's avatar

If it wasn’t for the three year old, I’d name him Azure.

elijah's avatar

Periwinkle. I know it’s not a bright blue color, but it sounds so cute.

augustlan's avatar

That’s a good one… you could call him Peri to make it easier on the child, too.

Darwin's avatar

Cerulean, Cobalt, Indigo, Lapis, Beryl, Royal, Teal, Navy, Turq (for Turquoise), Lupine, Cyan, Azul, Sky, Vishuddha (the fifth chakra symbolized by the color blue), Noonday, Denim, Baby Blue, Cornflower, Iris, Ceil, or even Happiness (as in The Blue Bird of…).

I would suggest Blue Boy but I know several blue Budgies named Blue Boy, so it isn’t too original. You could try Bleu Boy or Rocqy (short for Rocquefort).

May2689's avatar

Azul, Bluebell!!
@Darwin: loved the pet names… very original!

Michale's avatar

Perhaps Skye?

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