General Question

Jude's avatar

Have you ever gotten to the point to where you drank so much alcohol that you couldn't remember, say, what happened during the last part of your evening?

Asked by Jude (32210points) March 23rd, 2009

This happened with a friend over the weekend and has happened in the past with her. She had had quite a bit to drink and the next day, when I asked her about specific things that had happened later in the evening, she remembered none of it. A few things had happened with her and I while she was like this and they weren’t good. I had to confront her about it the next day and she didn’t remember any of it. It bothered me. It wasn’t a good thing.

When I have had too much, doesn’t matter how bad I am, I know what’s going on as messed up as I am.

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28 Answers

TitsMcGhee's avatar

This describes about half the weekends of my life.

srmorgan's avatar

I was 18 once. Of course.


eponymoushipster's avatar

nope. got a pretty high tolerance.

_Liz's avatar

no. i have a very low tolerance. i drink about one drink and then i’m tipsy and good to go….can anyone tell me why people get drunk off their ass?

Allie's avatar

It’s happened before. Once I think. I usually remember most of the night, but I might forget certain parts or specific details.

essieness's avatar

I don’t remember most of my early twenties for that reason…

Jude's avatar

@jasongarrett that’s what it is. It scared the shit out of me, though, because she wouldn’t back off – physically.

Bluefreedom's avatar

It happened to me once after a party I attended while in high school. It was unpleasant and scary having to learn of things I did from friends the next day. I never let it happen again. I don’t like it when I can’t remember things and when I don’t have control over my actions.

forestGeek's avatar

Far too many times in my 20’s…at least I think…!

elijah's avatar

I’ve been there. I would hear about the things I said or did and I was disgusted by my behavior. There’s nothing worse than a sloppy drunk.

casheroo's avatar

When I first started drinking, maybe years ago. It hasn’t happened in a long time.

aprilsimnel's avatar

No I haven’t. I’ve never been that drunk. I’ve babysat pals that drunk, though, and the looks of shock when they learned what they had done the night before…

eponymoushipster's avatar

@aprilsimnel that’s why video phones were invented.

shrubbery's avatar

Once or twice in the short amount of time time i’ve been drinking, but I didn’t really like it. I don’t plan on letting it happen again, but I’ve got a lot of “drink to get drunk” years to go so who knows. Luckily no one really had to “babysit” me, so I don’t feel too guilty, and as far as I’ve collected I didn’t do anything revolting or embarrassing.

gailcalled's avatar

I was 18 once also, but I could never hold my liquor, thank goodness.

Jude's avatar

Well, she was 30 and she apparently she didn’t get the ‘no, means no’ memo. She was pretty persistent in what she was doing with me and felt like shit the next day when I told her about it. That I had to physically push her off of me.

Mamradpivo's avatar

To answer your question, yes.

bprz's avatar

I always remember most things, but I know I was really drunk when I don’t recolect my walk home from the bar. Or I wake up and wonder at what point I took my clothes off lol

cak's avatar

No. I spent far too much time trying to keep my sister from landing in a bad situation. I’d get a call from one of her friends and I would go pick her up from a party – sloppy drunk – before she did something she truly would regret. I had already figured out she never seemed to regret getting that drunk.

Nially_Bob's avatar

I regularly forget large portions of any given day regardless of whether I have ingested alcohol or not. My memory is atrocious.

Likeradar's avatar

Yes. Strangely enough, it happens more as I get older.

basp's avatar

If your friend is drinking enough to not remember what happened the next day on a regular basis then she has a drinking problem.

Sellz's avatar

YES!! LOL! Back in Germany that’s how every weekend was lol. Cant wait ta get back… In Iraq right now.


Blondesjon's avatar


augustlan's avatar

I’m sorry you had to go through that jmah. Doesn’t sound like you had a fun night at all! I’ve been drunk off my ass, and have never forgotten anything. I know many, many people that do blackout, though. None of them have done terrible things during these episodes, other than just being drunk… but they don’t remember conversations, rides home, how they broke their nose, etc.

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