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mattbrowne's avatar

Slowly saying goodbye to - Are you grateful for the great server performance and the warm welcome on Fluther?

Asked by mattbrowne (31735points) March 24th, 2009

I know some users miss a few of the old features and are surprised about the limit of the number of questions per time span. But isn’t the speed of Fluther just wonderful? And the warm welcome!

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45 Answers

JellyB's avatar

Yes, it’s nice to not struggle to get a comment going! And yes, they seem to be friendly here to me so far. :)

mattbrowne's avatar

I like the idea of having moderators. It will force users like JakeBrake to behave properly (if he should decide to join). Trolls are not allowed on Fluther.

JellyB's avatar

I know, that i will not miss from, but i will miss EVERYTHING else. :/

mattbrowne's avatar

The @name feature is something we have to get used too.

JellyB's avatar

Yes, i’ve got that under the belt already! I’m still trying to figure out how the points work (useless info but i wanna know!), and how to share a Q without having to type in the email address of the person you want to share with.

Staalesen's avatar

I like that you like it here :D

dynamicduo's avatar

I know there was a page that summarized lurve, but I can’t find it! So here it is off my brain.

You can only gain lurve, never lose it.
You have a limit of 100 lurve for each user, or 20 GA (great answers). Once you reach this, you can keep giving great answers or great questions, but they will not count towards the lurve score. This is to prevent gaming.

+1 lurve for signing in two days in a row
+5 lurve for a Great Answer
+10 (not sure) for a Great Question

I’m pretty sure there is one more, but I can’t remember it… :|

JellyB's avatar

@dynamicduo Oh! I know, that’s the page i can’t remember where to find either! LOL!

JellyB's avatar

@dynamicduo But on the page it says you get 5 points for answering someone’s question, but then when i’ve answered a few, my points stay the same. And then when i look again, it’s gone up by 20 and i have no idea why – unless there’s a delay with points.

Also, i think you get 3 lurve for adding someone, or being added to someone’s fluther….

Staalesen's avatar

there is a delay

jrpowell's avatar

There is a bit of a delay with Lurve. As far as I know it is done to increase performance. A script runs through every couple of minutes and adds it. Don’t quote me on that, but that is my understanding.

JellyB's avatar

@johnpowell I think you are right, i see now that i’ve gotten points for comments that i’ve made a few hours ago… :)

mattbrowne's avatar

@dynamicduo – Thanks for this wonderful explanation! “Lurce” seems like a great term.

mattbrowne's avatar

@johnpowell – I’ll applaud the Fluther admins for this smart software design decision. Delay is good. I had recommended something similar to the admins but they always remained very stubborn which lead to serious load problems on Overall was far too dynamic and full of nice-to-have features killing performance.

dynamicduo's avatar

That’s right, you get a few points for being added to someone’s Fluther.

@JellyB – you’ve read the page incorrectly. You do not automatically get lurve for answers. You only get lurve if someone clicks on the “Great Answer” link below your comment.

There is a slight delay, but you can see all of your lurve increases by going here.

Trustinglife's avatar

+3 for great question
+2 for being added to someone’s Fluther

jrpowell's avatar

The link is at the top of your “lurve box”.

jrpowell's avatar

And I would like to add that we focus on answers.

I have I lot of lurve:

questions asked: 73
responses written: 4559

Most question never get any points.

JellyB's avatar

@dynamicduo Oh, ok! :) So if someone marks my comment as being great, i get 5 points?
Tnx! :)

jrpowell's avatar

You get five for a comment. I will give you five in a second. You get three if someone thinks your question is great.

ksea's avatar

now look what you have done, and I thought I had loosed the grip of scalnetwrking, but it drags me back in . . .

dynamicduo's avatar

Yes, I as well have posted very few questions. You get most of your lurve via answers.

Maybe this is a fundamental difference in the two sites, and could be why the new wis.dmers are trying to post questions so hard.

JellyB's avatar

@johnpowell :D Why thank you! ;)

JellyB's avatar

@dynamicduo Well mind you, we also got most of our points from commenting and answering, not much from posting questions. But, the more questions, the more responses, therefor more points! :)

mattbrowne's avatar

@JellyB – Every online community has slightly different rules and a different culture. I think we really should be grateful for the Fluther folks giving us this warm welcome. Jelly, I miss too. Some parts about were really great, but the performance was poor to say the least. Some of the rules or limitations here seem to address performance issues. I really like the fast response time. We will find a way having some jokes over here as well. Humor is important. But so are serious questions and good answers. Agree?

mattbrowne's avatar

@ksea – Great to have you over here! Let’s continue our good discussions.

JellyB's avatar

@mattbrowne Of course i agree. :)

mattbrowne's avatar

@JellyB – Great answer, JellyB. I just gave you an extra point ;-) Happy?

JellyB's avatar

@mattbrowne LOL! Yes, i’m happy! ;) TY! Hehe!

SuperMouse's avatar

It is great to hear from the Wis.dmer’s who like it here. Fluther is a great place and once you get the lay of the land you find you are very rarely moderated and when you are it will probably make perfect sense!

Welcome one and all!

OpryLeigh's avatar

Yay! It’s great to see other people from I’m still getting the hang of this site but I think I will enjoy :)

mattbrowne's avatar

@SuperMouse – Thanks! I think you made a very important point: “very rarely moderated”. Some users are really afraid this system might lead to total censorship which definitely isn’t the case. I like the moderator idea to keep away trolls and spammers (there were a few on Maybe a trusted user could be allowed to ask a few more questions per time span as long as server performance doesn’t get hurt. But we are all new around here and it’s much too early to throw change requests around. Thanks again for the warm welcome. I look forward to getting involved in all the discussions.

Trustinglife's avatar

@mattbrowne I really appreciate your gratitude at being welcomed here. Look, this ain’t exactly a picnic welcoming all y’all. We are doing so with the faith that in the long run this influx of new users will increase the value of our community. We are opening our arms, knowing that it will be difficult at times. Anyway, just appreciating your attitude, and seconding what SuperMouse said – it’s a great place, and you probably won’t be modded if you put thought into what you do. Welcome.

Dutchess12's avatar

@Trustinglife I can’t ever BEGIN to imagine Matt being Modded!! BTW, do you, by chance, call them the “Mod Squad”? :)

Allie's avatar

@DutchCat Haha, yes, we’ve been referred to as the “Mod Squad” once or twice, but that’s not a formal name or anything. =]

Just to sum it up:
+1 for joining.
+5 for a Great Answer.
+3 for a Great Question.
+2 for being added to a users Fluther.
+1 for visiting two days in a row.

mattbrowne's avatar

@Trustinglife – Thanks. I’m looking forward to getting involved in the debates. I just tried the chat and it’s great too.

Dutchess12's avatar

@mattbrowne Here ya go…SLAM!!!!!!! do you feel at home now? :)

mattbrowne's avatar

@DutchCat – Ah, that felt so good. Easing my culture shock. What would Fluther be without slamming doors ;-)

Dutchess12's avatar

@mattbrowne :) Anytime, my dear! And I got a land line phone just for your calls because…can’t slam down a cell phone, remember? :) Hey…they’re “landing” on A…whatever the Nevada Desert Planet is…..I don’t have enough time in the day to read like I want! Saying goodbye to and my new job which I started today….

mattbrowne's avatar

@DutchCat – first things first, books are very patient – but I promise you a lot of surprises after their fake landing in Nevada. Hope your new job works out fine.

Kelly27's avatar

Server performance seems to have gone down since we got here or is it just me?

Staalesen's avatar

@Kelly27 It not just you, it is all of us :p

Kelly27's avatar

@Staalesen Can this site handle a lot of new users? Maybe it seemed so fast when we first got here because there was not a lot of people, how many users does this site average on a normal day? (before we all got here from

Pfaffanator's avatar

i don’t think anything will be like, but i’m liking flutter so far

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