General Question

phoenyx's avatar

What if homosexuality had a distinct physical trait?

Asked by phoenyx (7419points) March 24th, 2009

For example, it is (usually) easy to tell male or female, old or young, black or white, etc. What if, for the sake of argument, it were purple eyebrows (onset at puberty perhaps)?

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14 Answers

dynamicduo's avatar

As far as I can see, the only effect would be an increase in the eyebrow dyeing market. Oh, and razor blades for shaving off one’s eyebrows.

TenaciousDenny's avatar

They’d probably just be subject to more hateful words from those who are intolerant, so it’s probably best that they don’t.

Harp's avatar

It would put to rest the debate about whether homosexuality is a choice. The whole “sin” thing would have to go away.

MrItty's avatar

It would be impossible for anyone to be “in the closet” any longer.

EmpressPixie's avatar

@Harp: Psh. Nothing would get rid of that. The sin is copulation without the intent to beget legitimate children. Condoms are a sin, sex before marriage is wrong, and homosexuality—where sex can never beget a child—would still be a “sin”.

However, I think it would put an end to some of the “we get hated on” in-fighting. There are a lot of people who say the fight for gay rights is nothing like the fight for civil rights because you can hide being gay and cannot hide being black/asian/latino/whatever. Then everyone could continue to fight prejudice and hatred together.

Also, I bet it would take like five seconds for purple eyebrows to be declared the mark of Cain.

dynamicduo's avatar

Oh, what about bisexuals? Or people who don’t have any sex whatsoever? What color of eyebrow would they have?

EmpressPixie's avatar

Asexuals have white eyebrows and bisexuals have one blue one and one pink one. And straighties all have black ones. But they bi-brows merge towards whatever shade of black or purple you belong more towards.

kevbo's avatar

I have a pet theory that there’s something different about the mouths of homosexual men and women. It’s hard to describe, but I know it when I see it. They (the mouths) move and purse differently. I couldn’t say it’s true across the board, but it seems prevalent.

TenaciousDenny's avatar

@kevbo I agree. Dudes with purses is usually a total give-away. Now a European Carry-all, that’s a difference story…

Harp's avatar

There was this study in 2000 that linked relative finger length to homosexuality. I don’t know whether that has been followed-up.

marinelife's avatar

I think there is enough prejudice as it is without adding a physical characteristic. I think we would be better off recognizing our commonalities. Gays are people with the same hopes and aspirations, faults and problems as any other person.

The sooner all people recognize that the better.

loser's avatar

If there was some sort of physical characteristic I think people would be aware that there are a lot more gay people than they realized and have to deal with it. Maybe homophobia would be go away quicker but it would probably still exist like racism still does.

fullOFuselessINFO's avatar

then there would really be no way to be IN THE CLOSET and therefore i think that it would be more widely accepted.
if NOBODY that was gay was ashamed or felt like they had to hide it then i think it wouldnt be so taboo or unaccepted.
there would be no COMING OUT, no hiding it.

i dont know if im expressing my point well or if it sounds like jibberish… sorry :]

adreamofautumn's avatar

I’m not entirely sure that purple’s my color…

also would there be a trend to that, much like hair dying? I mean being born blonde is a physical characteristic that people either remove or add by chemical all the time. Would there be a spike in people dying their purple brows another color to hide them, would purple brows become trendy and lots of non-homosexuals would suddenly dye them purple and cause all sorts of confusion? What if it turns out that some super-high-profile celebrity had purple eyebrows (note: in my assessment this happens tomorrow, suddenly all the gays are outed without warning, including those that didn’t even know themselves!) and then all the kids want to be just like him/her and dye their eyebrows? It would be so easy to hide/change/duplicate you’d never be able to judge accurately. Though it could be another lesson in not judging/categorizing people (which would actually be really nice).
On that note…while I do think it might help eliminate homophobia faster, I also think that it might just make those with purple-eyebrows a clearer target or it would take like .35 seconds for scientists to start figuring out how to eliminate the “purple eyebrow” gene (funded by those that are sure it’s a genetic disaster, the will of god to remove it, etc).

Wow this is gibberish. Sorry!

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