Can you tell me what the advantage to adding people to your fluther is?
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31 Answers
There isn’t one, really, but the person you add to your fluther gets 2 lurves, which is nice for them.
When you have people in your Fluther, you can use the “your Fluther” tab to view only questions from the people you appreciate the most. It’s also a way to show someone a bit of appreciation for being a great user.
It is a form of friendship.
The main advantage is that it narrows the site down to people that you want to interact with the most. So, if you find that you really, really, really dig richardhenry’s avatar (like I do), then you add him to your fluther and follow his Qs. Of course, that doesn’t preclude you from surfing the whole site, but, as Fluther gets bigger, you might find that you only want to read Qs from people in your Fluther.
@peyton_farquhar O. Thanks! So….if we remove them do they lose 2 lurves? (What the heck is a lurve???)
@DutchCat Lurve is the little point total you amass as you ask-answer Qs (5 points for a great answer, 3 points for a great question, 2 points for being added to someone’s Fluther, and 1 point for logging on daily). Look below your avatar and see that at this very moment you have 244 lurve.
@richardhenry um, I notice you can add yourself to your own fluther…..that sounds kind of…kinky or something! Why would I want to do that? So I can tell myself that I ask great questions??!! :)
@DutchCat Just try it…. You’ll never be the same again.
I look at my fluther as a friends list. Kind of a list of people you identify with or respect, whether you agree with them or not. Basically people who entertain or stimulate you. I actually just started building my fluther in the past week.
Apparently, for @shilolo it means he has a crush on you ;)
I add people to my fluther as I become close to them, or appreciate their answers a lot. I don’t always remember to add people to my fluther, but I’ve been working up to it. You can see which questions they ask, because they’re “in your fluther” they still show up under “all” also.
@casheroo I forget who is in my fluther sometimes, because like I said I just started one. I wish I would of started earlier so I wouldn’t miss anyone. I wish there was a way to see who was in your fluther while reading the questions, a different color box around them or something.
I don’t want to only follow their answers though, so I guess creating a fluther is kinds pointless for me in that sense.
@elijahsuicide that’s a really good idea! i’m always checking profiles, and seeing that i haven’t added people yet. i wonder if doing what you suggested would be complicated.
There is a limit to the number of people that you can add to your fluther. I think it is around 200 (correct me mods if I am wrong). I found this out one day when I went to add someone and it told me I had reached my limit. I had to remove several people so I could add more. In fact, another member (kullervo) coined the term FFW (fluther friend whore) for me since my fluther was so large!
@shilolo—um…will I get pregnant or something?? That would definitely have that effect!
It’s nice. And, as they say, you can only get lurve—never lose it. (So if you add someone and later realize they are an utter tool, too bad! You gave them that lurve!)
By adding me you are entitled to one free car wash (and my undying respect).
Just bring it by some Sunday and we’re square.
I didnt see you Last Sunday. Which car was yours?
It has helped me keep all my friends in one place :)
“In a cold world, you need your friends to keep you warm.”
All the fine jellies in my Fluther keep me nice and toasty. The advantage for me for adding people to my Fluther is that I acquire more and more friends and that’s makes me happy just by itself.
I am parsimonious in fostering the growth of my fluther.
@AstroChuck Let me try to translate for the mapleless wonder. Hmmmm. I am…. letting it trickle out in little bits (?) ... doing it slowly (?) ... in encouraging (damn! another big word) pushing the way (?) my fluther grows.
Ah, the hell with it. Why use one word when a dozen will do?
But it’s so much fun to use big words! How often does one get a chance?
Besides which, how else can I hide the fact that I don’t pay it much attention???
Anyway, what do you care? You’re in it! (at least, now you are)—(I wish we could double whisper)—(‘cause this is kind of embarrassing)—(oh well, I think I’ve made embarrassing myself into an art form)—(hmm, are there any other parenthetical comments I can make?)—(damn! another long word… what to do? what to do?)
When you add a user to your fluther, you become a follower of their posts under the tab, “your fluther”, you can then see all your fluther friends posts in one grouping versus the “just for you” tab which is what the fluther generator picks out or the “all” tab which is all posts in chronological order.
That’s a good question and one that desrves a serious answer.
The basis of the fluther is to attract like minded jellyfish. They spawn in the fluther matrix and release their eggs to propulgate multitudes of flutherites. The flutherites worship the fluther king at his throne and are sent off as emmissaries of the fluther doctrine which has been laid out on golden tablets kept in the cave of Neptune. One day the great fisherman will drag us up from the depths in his net to enter the light of Fluthervana after acquiring sufficient lurve karma.
I trust that clears it up. :)
@AstroChuck and @daloon get a (chat?)room, please. Just kidding, @daloon that was funny:Anyway, what do you care? You’re in it! (at least, now you are)—(I wish we could double whisper)—(‘cause this is kind of embarrassing)—(oh well, I think I’ve made embarrassing myself into an art form)—(hmm, are there any other parenthetical comments I can make?)—(damn! another long word… what to do? what to do?)
I wish we could double-whisper made me smile!
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