Why did that little blurb just below my name insult me?
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March 24th, 2009
Who writes those things? It called me an uncomplimentary name.
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28 Answers
I think you’ve got that mixed up. It says you don’t look anything like the chupacabra!
I don’t think the Blurb God would insult you. He’s too polite.
I dunno, but it had me at hello ;)
@augustian, that is what it said, which is a backward sort of insult, isn’t it?
i’ve never had the blurb insult me.. quite the contrary.. it’s an ego boost
chupacabra is a monster, so it said you do not look like a monster. that thing has always been nice to me… a little too nice! is it hitting on me!?
So, I just refreshed the front page a few dozen times till I got the blurb in question. Here it is: “That’s not true, you look nothing like the Chupacabra.”
I assume that it’s the second half of a dialogue that you’re having with the Blurb God. The first half (your part) would go something like: “Oh no! How horrid! I look just like a Chupacabra today! Now Teddy will never ask me out on a date!”
Usually when someone says you don’t look the least bit ugly, it is because you have been insulted. That sounds exactly like a backwards way of insult to me. I know that I am overly sensitive, but why even bring it up?
i want proof first that you really don’t look like a chupacabra. I think it would be a worse crime for them to be lying.
I don’t know how to put pictures on this site, other than the avatar. See the cute rabbit ears?
Just so you know. Most of those blurbs are suggested by users of the site. Once in a while they will ask for suggestions.
Sometimes, they’re a bit more jabby than outright complimentary.
The little jerk just told the Nobel Prize Committee I wasn’t home when clearly I am.
He’s got a sense of humor. :)
Dr. J (as our Jelly up there^^ is called) has his tongue very firmly planted in his cheek.
Now it says my desk is a mess, and I am using a laptop, my “desk” is my lap, how is that for insulting?
Your desk, which a kinda small has a computer on it. That is messy.
hahaha, it’s actually on the laptop table just above my lap, but definitely not messy. Now, my sewing room, well, let’s not get into that.
My little blurb sez I’m hitting my stride and not to tell but I am its favorite.
What??? I thought I was his favourite. I’ve been played!
@shadling21 you are sadly mistaken for it is I who is favorite :P
apparently now, ”[My] breath smells wintery fresh!”
I just brushed! ... but how did it know?
… I’m getting a stalker vibe
Now the little blurb said, “You have something in your teeth…left side. Other left. Got it!”
My blurb says it missed me. I think the only insulting thing it ever said/did to me was to drink. my. milkshake.
now it says I look smashing! I like that.
@Yarnlady – I have to crack up when any of the hair “compliments” come up…I’m nearing the end of chemotherapy. I really don’t have hair right now, just a few that refused to leave my head – so when it comes on and compliments my hair, I just laugh.
Right now, it’s telling me, “We <3 you.” It’s always nice to hear that you’re loved!
by the way, I love your rabbit ears!
@Yarnlady, I think you just have been getting my comments by mistake. My desk is horribly messy, and I don’t look anything like a chupacabra (which I always find reassuring), and besides, I had something in my teeth. Want to swap? It has a crush on you.
@Jeruba I think you’re right. It says I’ve hit my stride, now. I better be careful, I already have one stalker online, I wouldn’t want it to become a habit.
Beauty, like insult is in the eye of the beholder. Should you wish, you could just laugh at the foolishness of a blurb presuming to insult you
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