General Question

Trustinglife's avatar

If your inner critic had a positive intent, what would it be?

Asked by Trustinglife (6671points) March 25th, 2009 from iPhone

I know, this could be a big stretch. But I believe all of our parts truly do serve us, even if how they go about their business doesn’t seem like it.

This may take using your imagination.

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12 Answers

Nially_Bob's avatar

A healthy and reliable source of constructive criticism if kept stable.

cookieman's avatar

To get my fat ass moving in the morning.

you suck, keep moving, you suck, keep moving…

qashqai's avatar

Inner critic is vital.

It shows me my limits, and helps me to respect them, where applicable, or trespass them, where there’s space for improvement.

Without it I would be a careless smartass robot.

Bluefreedom's avatar

My inner critic would help me find balance on a good day and get me into trouble on a bad day. Since there would be little chance of finding any middle ground, I’d probably always be just a couple steps away from a total meltdown. It’s a good thing they make medication to ward off things like that. I might need some.

jeanna's avatar

@Bluefreedom I love your answer and was going to say something similar to the first sentence. So now I must add you to my fluther. Woohoo! I have discovered a new person to enjoy.

Jiminez's avatar

A guide to my own self-actualization, I suppose.

ninjacolin's avatar

i think his intention would be to help me to make sensible decisions.

aprilsimnel's avatar

To keep me safe.

wundayatta's avatar

To push me to do ever and ever harder things. To never let me be satisfied for one second. Of course, sometimes he goes overboard, which means he has failed in his job, because I stop trying if he is too critical.

ninjacolin's avatar

yea, he can be a real jerk sometimes.

marinelife's avatar

They have a purpose. Mine can make me rethink whether something I said might have hurt someone so I can go check with them and apologize if needed, for example.

The problem is, in our culture, they are out of control. 90% of the messages of self talk are negative and 80% are repetitive.

It is very important to slow it down, challenge it, and reprogram as necessary.

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