General Question

asmonet's avatar

What's the very best way you could distract me right now?

Asked by asmonet (21465points) March 25th, 2009

I keep messing with my stitches and I need to stop. I want to do something that will distract me, what are your favorite flash games? Odd websites? Puzzle websites? Anything at all.

Besides Fluther, what are your favorite time wasters? Anything interactive is good.

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29 Answers

bythebay's avatar

How about Lexulous, Mo?

EmpressPixie's avatar

Video games. Because you need two hands and attention. If you don’t have a system, do you have any friends with a gameboy or DS you can borrow?

I’m also very pro-baking or other cooking. Baking generally takes two hands. And! You get a nice reward at the end. Make cupcakes and decorate each one differently.

jeanna's avatar

Ah, before I read the details, I started forming a rather sinister and sexual comment.

I read a lot, so I don’t know if that would work for you. I read and write constantly. I also like @EmpressPixie‘s idea of baking cupcakes!

bythebay's avatar

Yes, baking is a great idea! I had to bake & decorate cupcakes yesterday for a basketball party and it took hours!

FGS's avatar

I do this really great song and dance number…would that help ;)

asmonet's avatar

Baking and video games are not options, I’m at home, stranded and all my fun stuff is in storage. Internet only. Normally, great suggestions! :)

@FGS: Why yes, I think it would. ;)

asmonet's avatar

@bythebay: Never even heard of that, looks like fun! Thanks! :D

cookieman's avatar

OK, so hold this magnifying glass. there ya go
Now, let me just whip out my…

asmonet's avatar

I will Nancy Drew that one…

EmpressPixie's avatar

Read Little Brother by Cory Doctorow. It’s great. And free online.

Mr_M's avatar

I can pull my pants down. You’d be surprised at how it distracts the nuns!

wundayatta's avatar

Why isn’t fluther distraction enough? Where are your stitches? Why did you need them? You could ask us for research assignments. Then you’d have to be really creative in finding stuff. Like, could you find a video about the sexual habits of gophers? Or slugs?

FGS's avatar

@asmonet Okay, here we go…..And a one, and a two…..

asmonet's avatar

@daloon: I got my wisdom teeth out thanks to an infection which required emergency extraction. See what you miss when you disable an account? ;) See avatar!

Thanks for the links guys. Keep em coming, I’m gonna take a nap and get straight to playing with them soon after.

Bluefreedom's avatar

@asmonet. I’m completely interactive. Start pushing my buttons and I turn out to be like a box of chocolates – you never know what you’re going to get. Lots of surprises but nothing dangerous. =)

creativejuices's avatar

When I first found this site I spent at least 2 hours looking at all the posts…

loser's avatar

I could bring some dogs over!

juniper's avatar

Have you tried Frenzic? You can get a free trial. So very addictive.

drClaw's avatar

NewGrounds & Hulu are both good ways of wasting time online.

sdeutsch's avatar

Three words: World of Goo . It’s been distracting me for weeks…

Hope you feel better soon!

creativejuices's avatar

@VS: I’m so addicted to PostSecrets! I go there every Sunday!

tekn0lust's avatar

I find playing in my kids webkins account a great time waster.

asmonet's avatar

Thanks, guys. :)
You saved me some pain, I’m sure. :D

skorned's avatar

you ARE aware of stumbleupon right? The biggest productivity booster EVAAR

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