General Question

FGS's avatar

If you could add a completely unnecessary convenience to your home what would it be?

Asked by FGS (1932points) March 25th, 2009

Dumb waiter in the kitchen? Elevator to the basement? Kitty bidet? I’m kind of partial to a brass firehouse pole ;)

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54 Answers

bythebay's avatar

A laundress, who would also drop off and pick up the dry cleaning. Really, is that too much to ask for? :)

FGS's avatar

@bythebay Decadence…pure decadence ;)

EmpressPixie's avatar

Either something that makes the perfect cup of tea as soon as I wake up or, similar to @bythebay, a washer set into the floor of my room, so that when I shed clothing, I just drop it on the floor, as usual, but it goes into the washer immediately! I mean, really, that would make my life much better.

basp's avatar

One of those vacume systems built into the house. My sister in law has one and I am so jealous!!

FGS's avatar

@basp My sister had one installed in her old house. That would really be nice.

Mr_M's avatar

A remote control to move the television remote control closer to you.

berocky1's avatar

I’m with empresspixie. The perfect cup of tea in the morning would be pure bliss.

Harp's avatar

@Mr_M I know a guy who has a remote control fireplace

Mr_M's avatar

@Harp, doesn’t surprise me. Years ago Radio Shack sold these wireless remote control modules you can plug into a wall then plug a device into. They even had modular wall light switches.Then you had this control box.

From my easy chair, I could turn on ALL the lights in the house (even the OUTDOOR lights), make them blink or dim, turn on the stereo, even turn on the Christmas lights.

berocky1's avatar

@ mr. M. That is amazing. I would turn my childs ( if I had one) light off remotely. What fun!

Mr_M's avatar

Actually, I think other companies still make them.

And you could buy more then one control box, so I had one in the basement and one on the bedroom floor.

Harp's avatar

I’d like liquid crystal windows, that could go transparent or opaque electronically my cats systematically wreck anything resembling blinds or curtains (for that matter, kevlar-upholstered furniture would be nice, too) They’d be programmed to go opaque at nightfall, and programmable to go gradually transparent at a certain time in the morning, for a gentle weekend wake-up.

berocky1's avatar

@ harp. I have those!!!! They are amazning!!! I can’t program them but they are marvelous because I live right downtown and people always look in my windows! I higly reccomend them

SuperMouse's avatar

One of these to cook, clean, do the laundry, make beds, mow the lawn, shovel the snow…. You get the picture.

I would also really love a laundry shoot, the only problem is I live in a single story house.

bythebay's avatar

@SuperMouse: Exactly! The laundry just dissapears…

Harp's avatar

@berocky1 Honestly? Wow, I was just daydreaming!

xenializ's avatar

self-cleaning kitty litter box.

May2689's avatar

I need a robot for the kitchen.. a robot who knows how to cook and how to clean up would be just perfect.

jonsblond's avatar

A monkey butler that would live in a tree house in the backyard.

shadling21's avatar

A trampoline that I would use instead of stairs.

Mr_M's avatar

An electric, variable speed, back scratcher.

casheroo's avatar

@Harp My cats detroy blinds as well! So frustrating!

I would want a fancy coffee maker, to make whatever I ask for in the morning. Maybe I want that right now, because I’m having trouble waking up.

crisw's avatar

My boss’s parent’s house actually has a brass firehouse pole- it’s a huge house, and they had 11 kids! The pole comes complete wth requisiite black fireman’s hat.

I want a Roomba :>)

crisw's avatar

@casheroo Ever read any of the Callahan’s Crosstime Saloon books by Spider Robinson? They have just the coffeemaker you are looking for :>)

Response moderated
Mr_M's avatar

^^^ Dude is posting sites not in English! TROLL ALERT!!!!! ^^^

Mr_M's avatar

And he’s doing it in a FEW questions.

shadling21's avatar

Marked as spam. S’all good. The mods will see.

jonsblond's avatar

I promise the troll isn’t blondesjon, he’s working. Plus, it wasn’t Finnish. :)

Adina1968's avatar

I would add an idoor swimming pool with as pool boy to care for it. I love to go swimming!!!

Dog's avatar

I want a hidden staircase that leads to a hidden tower room where I can get away from the chaos.

It has to be wired so that if someone is hollering for me I will know where that person is and my responce will come out a speaker on the opposite side of the house. Also a camera to be sure it is safe to exit without detection.

Inside will be my music, great books, a paint kit, a tv with a remote of my own.

Oh and a fridge stocked with good wind and fine cheeses.

I ask for so little

Dog's avatar

*Alas- I meant good wine and fine cheeses.

KatawaGrey's avatar

I’d love to have a big garage. It would be great for parking my car and putting all of crap in!

VzzBzz's avatar

A skating rink, of course.

hug_of_war's avatar

Personal chef. I hate to cook.

Harp's avatar

I bet Judi’s wishing for an automatic response crafter :)

Dog's avatar

@Harp Funny- I wonder where she ran off to and how long before her computer goes to sleep

casheroo's avatar

judi’s will be the greatest answer of all

bythebay's avatar

@Judi: it’s been hours; we’re all on the edge of our seats; we can hardly breathe; what Judi, what…is…your…answer…?

Dog's avatar

She is just toying with our emotions.

jonsblond's avatar

Another jelly has been abducted. Quick, contact her fluther buddy!

shadling21's avatar

Ahhhh! I can’t take it! Judi, for goodness’ sake, POST!

EmpressPixie's avatar

She’s gone!

Dog's avatar


Harp's avatar


casheroo's avatar

what happened?! where did she go?!?!

KatawaGrey's avatar

Damn, even I checked back every couple of hours…

jonsblond's avatar

Another mystery unsolved:(

FGS's avatar

I was waiting for some mind bending frivolous convenience…....damnit all!!

Strauss's avatar

A clapper (clap on, clap off) for the TV remote.

Judi's avatar

sorry guys. The aliens just put me back after informing me that I already have enough gadgets to choke a chicken. I am not allowed any more. The abduction was relatively painless. My ears were popping in reentry though.

Judi's avatar

@EmpressPixie and @beroky1, The Keruig coffee pot comes pretty darn close to the perfect cup of tea and practically instantly.

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