Once bit, twice shy. If you’re still reeling from the pain of a past relationship, it can be very difficult, if not impossible to open yourself up to the possibility of being hurt again.
Why not be honest about this? Just tell him what happened, and that you are just interested in a very laid-back kind of thing. You don’t want pressure to move faster than you feel safe. If he can back off, and be cool, and really, just be friendly for a while, then you can get to know him, and see if he’s safe enough to go a bit further, emotionally speaking.
If you’re throwing yourself into relationship after relationship, and finding it hard to trust guys, this may mean that there’s more to it than just what happened in a few relationships. If that’s the case, therapy can help.
It’s important to know that as long as you are looking for a relationship to complete yourself, or to build up your self-esteem, you will find men who do the opposite. If you find a way to become comfortable and confident in yourself, you will find men who respect and care for you.
Obviously, if you have low self-esteem, it is a difficult task to rebuild that self-esteem. Don’t ask me how to do it, because I don’t know. I haven’t been able to do that trick on myself. I will tell you this—if you aren’t confident about yourself and your power, then pretend to be. Act as if you are strong and powerful, and can have your choice of men, so this guy better be good, or you’ll drop him. If you act it, they say, you will become it. I don’t know if that’s true, but I do believe it helps.
You’re in control. Don’t let it go any faster than you are comfortable with. You do have power. Use it to keep yourself safe. No one else is going to keep you safe.