General Question

Jude's avatar

What's your favorite genre of music (say if you had to narrow it down -- maybe, similar artists)?

Asked by Jude (32210points) March 26th, 2009
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11 Answers

Les's avatar

Jazz. I would have said Classic Rock, but Jazz is really something I can listen to all the time, without getting tired of it.

zephyr826's avatar

Prog Rock, hands down

marinelife's avatar

Can’t pick just one. I love Classical, the Blues, Jazz (not that fusion slop), folk (although not quite as much), world music, Oldies rock.

hug_of_war's avatar

More generally alternative rock, more specifically bands along the line of coldplay, snow patrol, keane, etc

shadling21's avatar

Right now, I’m lovin’ the chiptune ;)

laxrrockr18's avatar


and Metallica

Jack79's avatar

blues, country and western, rock n roll, oldies, 80s pop, folk.

Narrow it down? something between Dire Straits, Eric Clapton and Queen.

Strauss's avatar

My taste is music is diverse. Here’s my station list from Pandora.
Gypsy Music Radio
Gregorian Chant Radio
Eric Sardinas Radio
Brave Combo Radio
Eric Burdon Radio
Weather Report Radio
Big Band Radio
Boogie Woogie
Blues Radio
Polka Etc., Radio
New Celtic Radio
Classic Rock

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