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Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

Ok. Fess up people! who bought something during todays WOOT! Off? what did you buy?

Asked by Sueanne_Tremendous (11295points) March 26th, 2009

Woot dot com is having a Woot off and I am really curious to see what you guys bought. I am waiting for some headphones but have passed up some cool stuff while waiting.

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28 Answers

giltesque's avatar

Ive never heard of it but will go explore.

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

@giltesque : I must warn you…it is addictive! Woot Offs only happen on rare occassions, so be prepared to call in sick when they occur.

bythebay's avatar

<———BRB, I need to go check it out! I’ll follow up.

kevbo's avatar


Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

sorry…I can’t help it…I’m a woot off whore

cak's avatar

@kevbo—oh! You said shill!

I gotta find EmpressPixie…I think she likes Woot. I’m heading over to see what they have!

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

my refresh button is about to die

kevbo's avatar

The story of Sueanne Tremendous’ life.

“Sorry… I can’t help it… I’m a _____ whore.”

The End.

love you, Sueanne ;-)

bythebay's avatar

…that looks like a dangerous place.

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

that, my friend kevbo, made me laugh loudly, although I did not wizz myself…this time

kevbo's avatar

yeah, save that for your date with my gf

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

@bythebay : it is. You have to keep refreshing so you don’t miss the good stuff when the item up sells out. While I love a good Woot Off it does make me tired. It’s nice to only have to check Woot once per day.

jlm11f's avatar

Oh darn, I never know when the woot offs are going on. I’ll probably take a peek later on tonight if it is still on, but I have yet to actually buy anything from woot. In all honesty, rarely have I thought that they had a spectacular deal going on that I just need to jump on.

casheroo's avatar

So, they sell one product at a time? I’m not understanding the site. lol

kevbo's avatar

It’s like if shut down and everybody had to migrate to a fluther version.

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

@casheroo : On normal Woot days they post a new item at midnight and it is the only thing they sell that day. During Woot Off days they put up a new item as soon as the current item sells out. You can tell it’s a woot off day by the yellow warning lights.

kevbo's avatar

@Sueanne_Tremendous, I can just picture you now sitting in front of the computer in your undies with a bowl of cheerios and a smile. Just like Saturday morning cartoons.

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

@pnL: I’ve found some great deals on headphones and MP3 players and some other geeky stuff like USB power extensions. But they do have a lot of stuff I have no interest in…like toy helicopter or marshmallow guns.

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

no cheerios. no underwear. just a smile

kevbo's avatar

two smiles?

elijah's avatar

I just signed up, thanks for the info! If it has anything to do with shopping then it’s where I want to be.
I wish I needed a head lamp

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

I know…the freakin’ headlamp has been up wayyy toooo long. I want more stuff!!!

benseven's avatar

Sprays @kevbo and @Sueanne_Tremendous with Fluther-grade garden hose. Break it up!

giltesque's avatar

@Sueanne_Tremendous At the risk of a horrible first impression. I thought that site was whack. I went as an avid shopper ready to explore and buy something since Im on Amazon everyday but it had a plastic helicopter. Cute:) novel..but not my cup of tea. Don’t hate me, I did give a “woot” enough to check it out off your suggestion:)

EmpressPixie's avatar

Not me! Not yet! But I looooooove it.

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

Ok, here it is: A Samsung Bluetooth Headset for $9.99. Not a great deal, but an ok deal and I feel good now!

kevbo's avatar

I thought for sure you’d go for the Datastick Sport.

ratboy's avatar

Homer Simpson USB table lamp.

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