My parents divorced when I was 7, and it ended up being very traumatic for me as a child, as well as had it’s residual affects on me as an adult. Since was so young, the court ordered me and my two sisters to be in my mom’s custody until I was 11 (my sisters being 12 & 13), at which time we could chose which parent we wanted to live with. At seven, I very much idolized my dad and was his little shadow—we sere inseparable—and he obviously very much loved his son.
The separation from was a very difficult thing for me, as I didn’t understand it, and divorce wasn’t all that common yet or talked about much. Though we visited dad every other weekend and had a great time, at the end of the weekend, the pain of the separation was always back again. I did get easier over time of course, as I started to understand more as I got older.
So at 11, when it was time to choose, 4 years had past, I had my friends and school, as well as my routine and comfort zone. I chose to stay with my mother, and this broke my dads heart, and he took it out on me, my sisters and my mom. Though we continued to visit on weekends, things changed. He talked shit constantly about my mom, started to flake on our weekend (sometime not even showing up when he said he was) and missed our birthdays and school related stuff like plays & sports.
This hurt me very much, and I didn’t understand it at the time, but as an adult I realized that he was an asshole and shitty father. He was mad at my mom for having to pay child support, and I know he felt she talked us into staying with her so he would have to pay her money.
Looking back on all this, losing my idol, and the person I loved the most in the whole world, has definitely had an affect on my adult relationships and breakups are very difficult for me to this day. I have a daughter, and though her mother and I are not together, I have vowed never to do to her, what my dad did to me, and her mother and I are friends.
On the positive side, my mother handled all of it in an amazing way by talking us through everything that was going on, always talking very nicely about my dad to us, and providing us with a solid home in what could have been an otherwise rough childhood. I also never heard them argue, though my mom said they did a lot, they just used discretion and kept it quiet.