General Question

mcbealer's avatar

How do you process rage?

Asked by mcbealer (10232points) March 26th, 2009

This question was inspired by a segment on NPR Morning Edition on Thursday morning. I hope you will feel inclined to follow that link and check out the background on this question.

Basically, the segment highlighted a business started by Sarah Lavely in San Diego, CA called Smash Shack where you can go release anger by—you guessed it—smashing stuff.

The segment went on to discuss the opposite school of thought on this, which is, “The more you get angry, the angrier you get.”

So where do you fall in this conundrum?

Are you like me, eyeing for the next cheap flight to San Diego? Are you a zenmaster, and rarely display your ire?

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33 Answers

berocky1's avatar

I have a very nice punching bag. And very loud music. But. Only during the day because the other apartment tenants could get angry. At night. I try eating new foods and going to the gym. Also. FLUTHER

Facade's avatar

I often want to destroy things but i don’t have the opportunity. I used to not even have a temper…weird.

ABoyNamedBoobs03's avatar

I kill babies… preferably in bulk… cheaper that way you know, and in this economy, you have to do what you can…

Facade's avatar

The place you mentioned is relatively cheap too!

YARNLADY's avatar

Some people have stronger reactions than others. I wonder if my lack of any such feeling is related to my overall lack of motivaion and aversion to physical activity.

aprilsimnel's avatar

I study gojo karate to take my angry energy and do something constructive for myself with it.

eponymoushipster's avatar

eponymoushipster SMASH!!!

Blondesjon's avatar

I like to ignore it.

then it just disappears

fireside's avatar

Yeah, rage subsides pretty quickly.
Plus I avoid people or situations where it seems likely to occur.

My cousin had that same idea years ago, she wanted to build a little shed out behind her house where she could take her old pottery that didn’t fire correctly and toss it against some bright red tiles.

tinyfaery's avatar

I can’t say I have ever been in a rage. I don’t even get angry often. The trick is to accept and and let go; don’t let things build-up.

londly's avatar

Evaluate how much it is worth. Usually it’s not worth much so I just let it go.

Then again, if I feel that there is a need to be mad and angry and shout et cetera I’ll do it. Horrid habit: I’ll go outside for a couple of smokes afterwards.

Most times it’s not worth it because it’s really not that significant and doesn’t warrant so much rage. Let it go.

wundayatta's avatar

Years ago I saw that research debunking the “let it all hang out” therapeutic philosophy. I’d always held my anger in. I hate being angry. After I saw that, I had a good justification for doing that. Anger hurts me more than it helps me, so it just isn’t worth it. It also shortens my life. I didn’t hear if they mentioned that on the articile this morning.

YARNLADY's avatar

@daloon I agree completely.

apenguininthedesert's avatar

Most of the time I just take a deep breath. I like to think about how big the universe is and how small we are and then things don’t really seem to matter anymore. I guess you could say that the bigger picture calms me down.

SeventhSense's avatar

That’s what the reach in freezers in the shed are for silly.
To process rage.

RedPowerLady's avatar

Although smashing stuff sounds likes loads of fun there is actually evidence based research that states that smashing things does not help process anger. In fact anything causing impact prevents rage from truly processing. Boxing for example. When you impact something (or someone) your fist is stopped. Just hit yourself in the hand and you will know what I mean. The movement is stopped. This builds rage or at least doesn’t allow it to release. What actually helps is allowing fluid movements. Oddly enough circular movements such as bicycling and swimming have been found to be the most effective. Also rubbing your feet on the ground can help calm you down. It grounds you and produces a fake foot massage. And music helps as well, no matter what type.

Well that’s the research for ya. Not as fun as smashing stuff though.

mcbealer's avatar

@RedPowerLady ~ no wonder… it all makes sense now! nothing calms me down as much as going for a ride on my bike, while listening to my rage playlist on my iPod.

RedPowerLady's avatar

@mcbealer I know it seems illogical that rage music can calm a person down but it really can. It is all about how you react to the music. For some people listening to contemporary may enrage them. So what the research says is that the person should listen to whatever music they enjoy, even if it is rage music. And the circles thing is just so odd but true.

I’m of course assuming that you are being honest and not joking with me. LOL

3or4monsters's avatar

Rage rolls in quickly, overtaking all rational thought. I’m possessed by it… for about 30 seconds to a minute. Here and gone, it’s so brief. It leaves me weak-kneed and slightly embarrassed, as if I’d spontaneously orgasmed in the middle of a sparsely populated public place. I don’t have to “do” anything to process it, it really just works itself out pretty quickly.

I love it while it’s happening (“Rage is energy, like food*”), but I hate it all other times.

*If anyone can identify that quote, I will love you forever.

RedPowerLady's avatar

@3or4monsters That is a good quote. There is sad truth in the fact that it feels good while it is happening. That is one reason it is so hard to break out of.

mcbealer's avatar

@3or4monsters ~ just scream PANCAKES next time you get mad?

Also, very good quote. Good example: people who are able to lift a car off of someone. Adrenalin is amazing in general.

@RedPowerLady ~ not kidding, in fact -
nothing compares to the zen I can attain on bike rides, angry or not.

RedPowerLady's avatar

@mcbealer I definitely need to get my new bike seat and try it out. Funny that I know the logic but haven’t tried it. zen is such a peaceful word.

nebule's avatar

OH wow… I asked a similar question a few days ago but finding out about circular movements I think will help me a lot… I usually hit things and throw stuff… but will try rubbing feet too…thanks!

VS's avatar

I am of the thought that anger fuels more anger and there are some people who thrive on it. There are many anger junkies who live for the moments of rage. I used to work in the field of rehabilitation and have seen this on a number of occasions.

My remedy? When I feel anger rising up, my first thought to myself is: five years from now, will I give a shit about this? Will it adversely affect my existence in some irreversible manner? If the answer to both of those questions is no, I let it go, and break out in a smile for the triumph I feel in having vanquished the anger. If, however, the answer to either of those questions is yes, then somebody may get a well-earned ass-kicking. <just kidding> I am such a pacifist, it takes very little for me to let go of anger. Like daloon, I know on an intellectual level that anger hurts no one more than me, and I am not willing to force my blood pressure through the roof for anyone.

SeventhSense's avatar

Nice. I like your strategy.

VS's avatar

@SeventhSense Thank you. It took me m-a-n-y years to achieve that kind of self-control.

RedPowerLady's avatar

@lynneblundell Definitely try it out! :)

SeventhSense's avatar

And more often it’s not even will I care in 5 years but will I care in 5 minutes, 5 hours or 5 days.
Live by the sword, die by the sword.

YARNLADY's avatar

@SeventhSense @VS Very good points.

mattbrowne's avatar

The punching bag is a good idea. Or some other exercise for 45 minutes with a pulse > 130. Find a person you trust and have a talk. Then sleep on it and take a fresh look the next morning. Works for me most of the time.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

If I am mad at my wife, I go clean the toilet. How does that help? I use her toothbrush.

okay, I stole that line from a joke I got in an email.

SeventhSense's avatar

your avatars are getting harder and harder to see dude

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

@SeventhSense you might not want to see that one, it’s rather scary. If you really want to see it, click on it, open it in a new tab, remove the word ‘thumb’ at the end of the address, and it should open normal size.

Better yet, I’ll just change it again.

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