Would you be willing to travel anywhere in order to attain a secure job?
I’m going to be graduating this spring and with the job market the way that it is I feel as if I’m applying to jobs all over the U.S. hoping that I at least get a job…somewhere. I don’t particularly mind, I’m up for something new. But if it came down to sheer desperation would you be willing to go to the ends of the earth to put a roof over your head?
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17 Answers
Where I live doesn’t support my field as well as some other places, plus it’s not my favorite, so yes.
You might want to browse this book and others by the same author.
I wouldn’t go to Antartica, or the Sahara. No extreme conditions.
No, there are certain places I just know I could never live.
I’m always up for a new adventure although everybody is different. If you are a very family oriented person you might end up getting terribly home sick and going back home. If you’re not, then I’d say go for it. I’ve lived in a few different places in the US and I learned to love each place in its own way. I always say, the world is too big to stay in one place. I wish you luck and I hope you get a great job in great place.
It might suck, but if it meant a stable, well paying position…I’d seriously consider it.
Being in the South would be very, very different.
most definitely. as to where, i have no idea yet.
I’m quite the homebody. Not just in the sense of I’d rather stay in than go out, but I don’t really like to travel much, and I am rather connected to what I consider home. I don’t think I could take relocating to somewhere too adventurous
@kheredia, I’ve moved around quite a lot my whole life, i’ve lived in 3 different states and have gone to 10 different schools—moving and living in a car is basically a norm for me I guess. At this point, where I live now is completely inappropriate for my job interests so picking up and moving again is guaranteed. I’ve been applying all over: New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Maryland, D.C., Oregon, and California…So its just like who knows!? I guess that’s the beauty of it, the not knowing and the added sense of adventure. I definitely agree with you, the world is just too big to not go poking around in somewhere new :)
Thanks for the input, the luck is definitely appreciated!
Only if that really was the only way to keep a roof over my head. Often the choice might come down to moving for a better job, or living where you want, even though you have to lower your employment expectations. In a toss up between the two, I would choose the better place to live over the better job.
In real life,Hubby loves his job, and when his employer paid us to move, we moved. They certainly made it worth our while. We are able to visit “home and family” several times a year, so that helps. Plus we own a much bigger, nicer home here (Sacramento CA) than we could have there (San Diego)
I was about to laugh and say no way.. but then I realized I’m here in Korea.. with my secure job… so.. drat.. I guess I am willing.
These are some of the things I would consider:
1. Will it further my resumé?
2. Is the job in a community I would be happy to live/take part in? Will a language barrier factor into this move?
3. What opportunies for advancement are there?
4. What is the company’s culture, and what type of people will be my colleagues?
These days, with the internet and cell phones, you just might find that an overseas job isn’t all that far away! Good luck whatever you decide, and remember to start the app process for a passport early!
When I graduated, I had no connections strong enough to keep me in one place. I was willing to travel anywhere.
Now, I have a boyfriend I’m madly in love with. I’m still willing to go most places, but only if he’ll visit or come with. It’s those pesky connections that keep you in one place.
No, I couldn’t be in the middle of nowhere. I have to have lots of people and culture nearby.
Depending on your field, a secure job may be as elusive as pink unicorns. Job security is becoming harder and harder to come by globally.
That being the case, you have to ask yourself would you like being where the job prospect is if that job went away.
Almost anywhere. No rural areas.
Job security is a fiction, so I live in a place I like.
In this crappy economy, I would probably be willing to go where I needed to go for a decent paycheck. I don’t think I could ever live in a really cold place (i.e. Buffalo NY immediately comes to mind). Having said that, I should let you know that I am considerably older now. When I was fresh out of college, I took off for NYC, more for the adventure of the big city than for employment opportunities, although the employment opportunity came almost instantly. Thank God my job is about as secure as any right now. As long as people break the law and go to prison, they will file appeals and I will be employed.
Good luck in your new adventure.
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