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YARNLADY's avatar

Do you know you're old when you ask for a product and the clerks have no idea what you are talking about?

Asked by YARNLADY (46716points) March 27th, 2009

I went to several different stores today looking for a hair bonnet to keep the wind from blowing my hair arount. It’s a net that you tie on to protect your hair.

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25 Answers

scamp's avatar

Old age to me is when your mind makes a promise your body can’t keep!!
I heard that on my old radio while playing pong, ha ha!!

Bluefreedom's avatar

It might not be a consequence of you being old but instead, the clerks not knowing enough about the ‘good old days’ and all the different and nice things that came from that era. =)

lillycoyote's avatar

I had the same problem trying to find a yardstick. I broke mine and they’re good to have around not just for measuring things but for getting stuff out from under the couch, stove, etc. The first place I went the young clerk sent me to the outdoor/gardening department because they must have thought I wanted some kind of stick for my yard. LOL The next place I tried they didn’t know what it was either. Yikes it’s not that obscure. I tried to describe it, but what can you say. It’s like big ruler, it’s a big stick for measuring things, it’s long, exactly a yard long as a matter of fact. They looked at me like I was from another planet. Finally went to the fabric store, where I should have started in the first place but there aren’t many of those left either.

forestGeek's avatar

Try going davenport shopping! :)

RedPowerLady's avatar

When I first started cooking, and I am only 26, I was at a loss figuring out what “confectioners sugar” was. I guess no one cooks these days. I went into Safeway and asked the clerks. They had no idea. I even asked the bakery attendants and they didn’t know. One lady says she “thinks” it is powdered sugar. Of course it turns out she was right.

But I know what a hair bonnet is. I think part of it is that in these stores they aren’t hiring educated people. I recently applied for a supermarket position (because they offered great benefits). I have a Bachelor’s degree and five years experience in customer service. The interview went great. The interviewer was impressed with my survey results, the best shes ever seen, and with my experience with diversity. I didn’t get the job. Apparently i’m not qualified. Of course I talked with some HR people from other companies and they said it is probably that I am overqualified and nowadays no one is hiring “overqualified” people because they are concerned we will move up the company too quickly and take their job. Craziness!

YARNLADY's avatar

@lillycoyote That is really funny. I recently had to replace one of mine, and the choices were appalling. They were all made out of thin balsa wood. My best one at home is a full quarter inch thick and has metal band at each end.

ru2bz46's avatar

Hey @Yarnlady! When I read “hair bonnet”, I pictured a white cotton hood with a tie under the chin. Reading further, I understood it to be “hair net” like I think they wear in food service.

Dog's avatar

@Yarnlady He he he- I see you found one.

Sort of reminds me of the time I went to McDonalds to get just a cheeseburger ala carte. The girl stared and me blankly and said “We don’t have those here”

forestGeek's avatar

A few years back I went looking for a hot water bottle at Target, the kid had no idea what it was! I thought everyone knew what those were! I think that was the first time I experienced that. I also mentioned creme rinse to a younger friend…she was very confused until I told her it was conditioner.

scamp's avatar

While we are on this subject, whatever happened to the tan M&Ms???

AstroChuck's avatar

I’m old enough now where I can personally identify every object in antique stores.

ru2bz46's avatar

@AstroChuck…and some of them probably used to be yours. ;-)

YARNLADY's avatar

@AstroChuck I asked the clerk at the antique store what was the difference between their “vintage” section and the antique section. She said vintage is 50 years or less, and antique is older than 50. OM, I’ve been an antique for 16 years already!

Likeradar's avatar

I asked 3 different people at a Target where the doilies are… they all looked at me like I was nuts. I’m 28.

laureth's avatar

I bet Target doesn’t have any Antimacassars either.

YARNLADY's avatar

@laureth No, you have to make your own, or visit an antique store.

syz's avatar

@laureth I had to read about that one.

I went to B&N one day and picked up a CD I’d been looking for. The pimply kid at the counter looked at the CD, looked at me, and then said “Guess you’re never too old for some Nine Inch Nails, huh?”

ptarnbsn's avatar

@lillycoyote Your answer reminds me of the time I went into a store and asked where the tea hooks were. The clerk asked me what they were used for! Duh…...

aprilsimnel's avatar

@syz – And Trent Reznor’s probably old enough to be that kid’s father now, right? Sheesh.

The converse can also remind you that you’re no spring chicken: Today, walking past the school down the road from my building, I saw a boy who looked to be about 12 years old wearing a Misfits T-shirt. :/

A little voice inside my head said, “Don’t look back; you can never look back!”

forestGeek's avatar

@aprilsimnel – Mommy? Can I go out and kill tonight? ;)

SeventhSense's avatar

Well these young scamps today wouldn’t know a scooter from a scooter pie. And if I could have boxed the ears of every little rascal that gave me the business well.. I mean I’ll bounce around like a rubber ball the next rapscalion who can’t direct me to the nearest speakeasy. It just makes me sore that’s all.

Dutchess12's avatar

@scamp Testing showed that tan MnM’s made your babies come out nakid. See. So they quit makin’ ‘em!

Dutchess12's avatar

Yeah…sell the lunch boxes you used in elementary school as “antiques.” Remember the glass line thermoses? And the glass inside would break?!

YARNLADY's avatar

I saw a comment from a young woman who wondered what re-usable diapers are?

Dutchess12's avatar

@YARNLADY Well…they’re furniture polishing rags now!! Man, I remember as a teen I was babysitting a baby-baby and I hadda change it’s diaper. I was doing my best when the kid let out a wail. I looked up and dang! I had laid the diaper pin close to him and he clutched and proceeded to poke himself not far from his eye. Scared the crap outta me!!

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