General Question

ABoyNamedBoobs03's avatar

Why are there still fears over nudity?

Asked by ABoyNamedBoobs03 (7551points) March 28th, 2009

There’s been a lot of morality questions today, and the boobatar war question kind of puts them in the same boat. Why are male nipples acceptable but a woman’s not? essentially the same thing(beleive it or not men CAN lactate) Why is nudity still frowned upon? As human beings I think it’s safe to say we all see one or the other set of naughty parts on a daily basis, and we’re all aware that the other exists and what they look like. So I ask, is it logical to frown upon nudity?

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23 Answers

NinaBeena's avatar

Good lord, they actually removed my question about the boob avatar. Sheer stupidity.

ABoyNamedBoobs03's avatar

lol really? did they give you a reason?

willbrawn's avatar

cause I’m Too sexy naked.

DeanV's avatar

I guess so ^^...

ABoyNamedBoobs03's avatar

hell hath no fury, I suppose.

but seriously people, what’s the big stink over nudity? I think it’s a rather outdated viewpoint. Same with sex still being viewed as taboo. The whole notion that it’s a sin to have sex before you’re married is rediculously laughable.

galileogirl's avatar

It’s not the nudity in most cases, it’s the visual pollution. Most people are not scenic in the nude.

galileogirl's avatar

ABoy: “Sex is still being viewed”? Do us a favor and go indoors. You might be doing yourself a favor,too. Sunburn can be painful.

NinaBeena's avatar

@ABoyNamedBoobs03 Oooh, awesome! So do I! We should tan together. Nekkid.

casheroo's avatar

I had to remove my recent avatar, because people complained. Fluther doesn’t allow boobs or genitals.
I’m not sure why nudity is taboo, but I don’t think some things are appropriate for public sites. my avatar was fake boobs, like a cake

ABoyNamedBoobs03's avatar

I knew I spotted something fishy about those boobs

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

I am sure it has something to do with America being founded by the Puritans, we all know how prudish they were, and then some of the blame comes from the Victorian Era, and of course, the religious folks always have a say in what is acceptable and what isn’t. I was raised Baptist and I was taught sex was dirty and the naked body was something not fit to be seen beyond the bathroom or bedroom.

When I cornered my parents about people being born naked and many artists claiming that the naked human form was a beautiful thing, they of course spewed Bible verses and other religious nonsense at me. So those things listed above are probably part of the reasons nudity is seen as verboten in the US.

And for some stupid reason, nudity is automatically equated with sex in America. I don’t know how many times I’ve heard Christian leaders equate family naturist facilities as havens for pedophiliac child molesters. Look at all the trouble Jock Sturges and Sally Mann had to deal with for their nude photography. It’s fucking insane!

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

@casheroo yet ass cheeks are perfectly acceptable. That’s odd.

TitsMcGhee's avatar

I feel like I’m practically immune to non-sexual nudity, being a photographer and art student. I see photographs of the naked form, both those that intend to be erotic and those that are using nudity for purely artistic and aesthetic reasons, I’ve photographed nude people, I’ve had live nude models for drawing. @evelyns_pet_zebra is right; it’s basucally a function of the fact that it is ingrained in our culture. and those who rebel against that are always the outsiders(eg: nudists, those crazy kids in the 60s, prositutes, etc.)

DrasticDreamer's avatar

When you take into consideration the fact that men can go shirtless and women can’t, it becomes especially ridiculous when you think about it logically. Women have breasts to feed babies. How, in the name of whatever deity anyone chooses to believe in, is that dirty?! It’s a sad day ( in America especially) when breasts are viewed as nothing more than sexual objects, when nature obviously intended them for different use. Women can’t even publicly breast feed most places without being asked to stop, cover up, or get kicked out of a place if they refuse to do either.

willbrawn's avatar

Im for women going shirtless

laureth's avatar

If breasts were for breast-feeding only, other people would find them as (ahem…) titillating as, say, barnyard animals find barnyard teats (once they’re weaned). As anyone who knows a man or who has ever been on the Internet can attest, they’re not. They serve in many capacities, both nutritional and erotic. Similarly, the penis is for sex as well as urination – if it were merely for elimination, it wouldn’t be untoward for men to go around wagging their junk, right?

RedPowerLady's avatar

I think fear of nudity exists because of predators. We have so sexualized everything to the point that one can’t feel safe breastfeeding their own child let alone being nude.

Bluefreedom's avatar

Everyone I know accepts nudity in all its forms. Even me. If you want to be an exhibitionist, I’m all for it. If you’re a voyeur and you want to see someone else nude, I’ll arrange a showing for you. Don’t fear the birthday suit.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

@RedPowerLady The fear of nudity is exacerbated by the media teling us that sexual predators are EVERYWHERE. I do agree that everything has become over-sexualized in America, though. I am a nudist in my own home and occasionally go outside in my fenced-in yard, but even with a six foot privacy fence, my greatest fear is someone’s nosy kid will peek over my fence, see my wife and I in our birthday suits, and when they talk to their Mommy and/or Daddy, I get arrested and charged as a sex offender for something I did in the privacy of my own home or backyard.

This is the sort of shit that royally pisses me off. Privacy is no longer a right in America, it seems. If people would keep an eye on and discipline their goddamn brats, instead of letting the little shits run wild, there wouldn’t be this problem, in my opinion.

And any one who thinks a woman breast-feeding her child is somehow offensive, well those people are morons.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

@laureth your comment reminds me of the argument I once heard an atheist use against a fundamentalist: “Why did God put a playground right in the middle of a toxic waste dump?” referring to the dual uses/location of our genitalia.

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