General Question

Dansedescygnes's avatar

What is the one (or two) quality(ies) that annoy(s) you more than anything?

Asked by Dansedescygnes (2881points) March 28th, 2009

If you can single out those things. For me, hypocrisy would be number one. I absolutely cannot stand it and I will not let it go. I will fight against it with everything I have. Arrogance would be #2. And no, by saying this I am not saying I have never been hypocritical or arrogant. Those are just two things that I truly hate.

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25 Answers

Dog's avatar

I would have to say ignorance coupled with arrogance.

ABoyNamedBoobs03's avatar

arrogance, elitism.

kenmc's avatar

Never admitting when your wrong and thinking your better than everyone else.

TaoSan's avatar

I second dog

AstroChuck's avatar


forestGeek's avatar

Greed and ignorance…I’ve always felt those two are the root of so many problems we face in our world.

VzzBzz's avatar

Greed, Sloth, Apathy. I can overlook ignorance a lot of times because people seem more fluid to change in that area more so than the others.

RedPowerLady's avatar

I do not like phoney people, especially when they are phoney to the point of hurting others.
I do not like male dominance in the formal sense, when men in work positions feel they have a louder voice because they are men.
I do not like and will NEVER stand for racism or bigotry of any type and often speak out about it. I just cannot let it go.
I do not like people who stomp on others to get where they want to go.
I do not like people who “sell out”
Dang I better stop my list keeps going and going. I guess I don’t like a lot of people… hmmm.. maybe I should rethink this…

Blondesjon's avatar

Broad generalities.

RedPowerLady's avatar

@Blondesjon i think perhaps i used too many of those but i know what i mean, lol

Dansedescygnes's avatar


Instead of saying I dislike the actual people, I always say I dislike it WHEN people do certain things. Because it’s true. I don’t discount a whole person just for being hypocritical once. I HATE hypocrisy. It’s one of those “hate the sin, not the sinner” things.

RedPowerLady's avatar

@Dansedescygnes You know what you are VERY right. I know better. I work in the counseling field. I must be in a funky mood this afternoon. If I could go back and edit it I would. How embarrassing.

Blondesjon's avatar

@RedPowerLadyjust answerin’ the question ma’mm. don’t like it when things are lumped into groups and labled.

Ivan's avatar

Willful ignorance, apathy.

fireside's avatar


Myndecho's avatar

Intolerants and arrogance.

Myndecho's avatar

I was debating putting willful ignorance, but I have grown to see that intelligences is not everything, it would be the same as me putting willfully unhealthy (maybe) I try to stay healthy and intelligent and yes I would agree intelligences is more important but thus is only my own opinion.

Jude's avatar


Blondesjon's avatar

isn’t willful ignorance the same as being stubborn?

Ivan's avatar

@Blondesjon It can be, but I see it as being happy with their ignorance, rather than refusing to lose it.

Blondesjon's avatar

@Ivan…Do you mean “happy because they are oblivious of their ignorance” or “happy they aren’t burdened with a lot of facts”?

tay862's avatar

‘pathetic’ people who won’t help themselves and expect others to fix their problems.

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