General Question

Jude's avatar

What are some little, everyday things that make you happy?

Asked by Jude (32210points) March 28th, 2009

It’s the little things…

For me, fresh cut flowers in my new pad makes me happy.

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41 Answers

RedPowerLady's avatar

Good food for sure.
The sun shining after a particularly dreary day.
A nice note or conversation from/with my husband or friend.
A good laugh.

Blondesjon's avatar

My daughter yelling “Daddy!” and running out to give me a hug when I get home from work.

dearest_prudence's avatar

when my children do something to surprise me for no reason at all

Darwin's avatar

Seeing a Cardinal (the avian kind, not the priest kind) or a Curlew or a Roseate Spoonbill.
Being greeted by my pets.
Discovering my kids have cleaned up after themselves.
Seeing all the different green leaves in our yard.
Waking up naturally instead of to an alarm.
Discovering something has bloomed in the garden.

AstroChuck's avatar

Blondesjon wrote exactly what I was planning on posting.
I think that was the hardest thing for me about my divorce, not having the kids all the time. My two girls would always run out and greet me when I came home from work. They’re both grown now, with families of their own, but my (current) wife and I have a nine year old who always greets me with a hug. She’s my greatest joy.
It’s those little things that really make the difference in what defines a happy life.

SillyGirl's avatar

Little drawings of flowers and aliens, wet kisses and surprise hugs..:)

Visiting my most favorite website on the Internet where all my friends through out the world “use” to gather…..:)

And of course seeing a smile on a furry face makes me happy..:)
And sunshine on my shoulders…

SuperMouse's avatar

Seeing my boys’ eyes light up as they climb in the car when I pick them up from school.
Taking a nap in the middle of the day.
Watching (and hearing) Jack the Pug skid to a stop just before he runs into the front door when we play fetch.
Debriefing with Gimmedat at the end of the day.
Someone bringing the lurve on Fluther.

AstroChuck's avatar

Also, when people add me to their fluther. That’s such a compliment and a boost to my fragile ego.

VzzBzz's avatar

Opening my eyes after waking
My dog acting excited to see me (I know- I know, it’s just about the food)
A surprise song, poem or quip of love sent from a friend
A co worker who says I smell nice

Facade's avatar

tending to my candle. cutting the wick…shaping the wax

Facade's avatar

@VzzBzz are dogs really only excited because you feed them?

Likeradar's avatar

@VzzBzz The food probably helps, but I bet your dog is just happy its best friend is around!

Getting hugs at work
Flowers starting to pop up in the spring

Blondesjon's avatar

I’m with @AstroChuck on this one. Everytime I’m added to somebody’s Fluther I feel AstroChuck’s ego toughening up.

jeanna's avatar

Seeing the sun set is enough for me. It always makes me smile though I don’t get to actually see it every day.

Garebo's avatar

The bugling trumpeter swans in the nearby pond.
The distant droan of trains passing by at night.
Waking up without pain.

ubersiren's avatar

I’m woken up every morning by the sound of my son asking, “Where’s mommy? Mommy?” When I go to get him out of his crib, he says, “There’s a mommy! Want Cheerios.” It’s funny and adorable, and better than coffee.

jo_with_no_space's avatar

Sitting down. Sunshine.

Bluefreedom's avatar

- A smile from my wife
– An overcast, rainy day
– Helping someone in need
– Reading a good book
– Watching a good movie
– Going for a nice run
– An all day trip to the zoo
– Playing with my pet cats
– Spending some quality time on Fluther
– Playing some video games
– A nice road trip

YARNLADY's avatar

I don’t have to look far to find things to make me happy. I made a pledge to myself to be happy every day for the rest of my life. I am happy to wake up when I feel like it. Since I am a homemaker, I sleep in until I wake up naturally, unless I am babysitting my grandson, and I am happy when he wakes me up. That makes every day start out right.

aprilsimnel's avatar

An email from my sister with photos she took that weekend attached.

cookieman's avatar

Driving my daughter to school. We have the best conversations in that forty five minutes.

Having a “slumber party” on the couch with my wife and daughter.

Tucking my wife in at night.

Honestly, pretty much any time spend with my wife and daughter makes my day

cak's avatar

When my husband calls me and tells me he is really missing me and can’t wait to see me later.
When my son gets home from school. I love when he starts his sentence, “Mommy, you’ll never believe what we learned today!”
When my daughter comes home and we catch up and go over her day.
When I find a post-it note my husband leaves for me. Usually something sweet or funny on the note. I have all of the notes he’s ever left me. I just put them in my journal – on the day he left it to me.
Watching my dogs play. They’re just fun to watch.

Cardinal's avatar

Not missing every red light on my AM school bus run.

SeventhSense's avatar

A good cigar
A cup of strong coffee
Really good chocolate
Watching birds fly
My niece when she smiles, scrunches up her nose and gives me a hug.

casheroo's avatar

Watching my son learn something new. Happens pretty much every day.
A good cup of coffee or tea, enjoyed at a coffee shop with my son eating a cookie and having a nice conversation with him.

fullOFuselessINFO's avatar

raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens
brown copper kettles and warm wollen mittens
brown paper packages tied up with string
these are a few of my favorite things

EmpressPixie's avatar

Waking up with my boyfriend.
His cat.
His cat snuggling with my for four hours today. Four!!! It was amazing.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

the feeling of my dog sleeping under the blankets, pressing up against me as hard as she can.
watching when one of my Madagascar Hissing Roaches molts (this tells me they are healthy).
that first cup of coffee in the morning.
when my co-worker gives me a hug at shift change.
when my truck starts.
waking up without pain.

SeventhSense's avatar

And then I don’t feel so bad!

MacBean's avatar

– text messages from my nephews
mangeons‘s avatar
– new books
– ...old books
– Netflix movies in the mailbox
– new Wait, Wait… Don’t Tell Me!

Pol_is_aware's avatar

Making someone else happy
Making a substantial amount of noise with a guitar

sdeutsch's avatar

- hugs from my hubby
– a cup of coffee and a good book
– chatting with my little sister, who lives WAY too far away from me
– the smell of the air after it rains
– an email from a friend I haven’t talked to in ages
– sunshine streaming through my window
– mint tea

essieness's avatar

Jokes I love when people make me laugh
Hanging out with my family
A good book
Playing with the dogs
The NORML Stash podcast

forestGeek's avatar

toilet paper
my bed
sleeping in

YARNLADY's avatar

@forestGeek Anyone who has been without toilet paper will applaud your list.

forestGeek's avatar

@Yarnlady – like gold!! :)

OpryLeigh's avatar

When my boyfriend calls me “just to say hello”
Being with my animals
Reading a good book that you don’t want to put down
Having a really good belly laugh
Shaving my legs (I don’t know why but I really enjoy doing that!)
Feeling ok (which to me means not worrying, feeling paranoid or permanently anxious)
Having a good meal when really hungry
Sitting on swings
Making other people laugh
Listening to Barbra Streisand
When a really good song comes on the radio while I’m driving
Cups of tea

My list could go on….!

aprilsimnel's avatar

@Leanne1986 – Right there with you on a cup of tea.

mattbrowne's avatar

Listening to great music or audio books during my daily commute.

bunnylennox's avatar

A happy moment with my kids

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