General Question

Knotmyday's avatar

Why is the Left always championing my First Amendment rights?

Asked by Knotmyday (7516points) March 28th, 2009

Are those freedoms REALLY that innate? C’mon, ya Libs.

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6 Answers

Ivan's avatar

Because the left cares as much about your rights as they do about their own.

_bob's avatar

Because the Right is busy defending your Second.

Yay team work.

Bluefreedom's avatar

The left likes you. The right is in the wrong.

laureth's avatar

They’re not always championing the First.

Knotmyday's avatar

Ooooh, touché, Laureth. Everybody loves Tipper. Anyway, see you all in a week- Libs and Cons all. Don’t go spyin’ on me now!!!

Tangent_J's avatar

libs find a cause to champion…and generally they need to defend other rights to get their cause where they desire

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