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lillycoyote's avatar

Do you think that Homer Simpson is a good father?

Asked by lillycoyote (24875points) March 28th, 2009

I think he’s the best father he can be, that he knows how to be it’s just that his best isn’t really very good.

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31 Answers

AstroChuck's avatar

I mean no!

cak's avatar

That whole choking the son thing, well…no. I know, I’m such a stickler for that whole abuse thing!

Dansedescygnes's avatar

Well, what cak said kind of makes him look not as good. But he has done many good things as a father and a husband. He’s supposed to possess a lot of qualities of real fathers. At least he’s a lot better than his father was to him.

lillycoyote's avatar

@AstroChuck Sure, he makes mistakes sometimes. :) But there’s a lot of love there isn’t there? He’s selfish and crude but he really loves his family don’t you think?

lillycoyote's avatar

@cak, @AstroChuck sorry I meant to direct that one to cak, I’m new around here.

AstroChuck's avatar

If you define child abuse as love.

FGS's avatar

I think Homer Simpson is the quintessential father to be honest. There isn’t a manual that tells you how to be a good father. It’s all OJT to be honest.

lillycoyote's avatar

@FGS I think so too. Even when he screws up royally, the love he has for his wife and kids is enough to get him back on as good a track as he can get, only to screw up again of course, but that’s Homer. And his wife and kids love him enough that they are usually able to forgive him for being the selfish idiot that he is. We all do the best that we can and hope that those we love love us enough to guide us back on track.

FGS's avatar

@lillycoyote Expressed perfectly!! There’s a reason you’re one of my very best friends :)

lillycoyote's avatar

@FGS Right back at you FGS. :)

casheroo's avatar

not at all

cak's avatar

@lillycoyote I just can’t move past that choking thing!

I will say that yes, I see where the love shows up and I see where in a “going around his butt to get to his elbow” way of things, he does eventually try to do the right thing.

I will fess up…I’m burnt out on The Simpsons. I just can’t watch them, anymore.

AstroChuck's avatar

Hank Hill = Good cartoon father
Homer = Bad cartoon father

But I love them both.

lillycoyote's avatar

@AstroChuck Yep, I’ll give you that one. I too love them both. But Hank reminds me a lot of my father. Homer does not remind me of my father at all.

PupnTaco's avatar

“Just remember, son: if something is hard to do, it’s probably not worth doing.”

Dansedescygnes's avatar


That’s the scene that made me cry.

flameboi's avatar

He is a good father, is a total challenege for his whole family to stick together around him, just think about it, he must be good to still have a family…

$pringfield (quote)

Lisa: I just had a bad dream!
Homer: Ah, sure, you just lie down and tell me all about it.
Lisa: Well, I know it’s absurd but I dreamed the Boogeyman was after me and he’s hiding in the…
Homer: AAAAAHHH! BOOGEYMAN! You nail the windows shut, I’ll get the gun! (storms into Bart’s room and wakes him up) Bart, I don’t want to alarm you but there may be a boogeyman or boogeymen in the house!
Bart: Aaaahhh!

Shecky_Johnson's avatar

@lillycoyote I agree. He does try very hard to do what is right by his family.

I’m not so sure about Peter Griffin from Family Guy (just in case there any squares out there).

Blondesjon's avatar

he’s a cartoon character…

lillycoyote's avatar

@Blondesjon He is? I get so confused sometimes. Well then, nevermind.

Blondesjon's avatar

@lillycoyote…lurve for the gr. we’ll all miss her

lillycoyote's avatar

@Blondesjon Yeah, the “nevermind” was only one of the many perfect moments Gilda Radner provided us. She was a great talent.

Blondesjon's avatar

she will be missed

Pedazo's avatar

i think thet homer simpson is a good father because he help bart and lisa but sometimes he missed about maggie and marge
he always think in sex

Pedazo's avatar

You have to talk

Pedazo's avatar

can yuo answer my question
is that homer simpsom is a good father or not

lillycoyote's avatar

Do I know you Pedazo?

birdland33's avatar

Homer Simpson is a far better father than Peter Griffin, but not as good as Hank Hill, but ultimately Homer’s heart is in the right place so he is a good father.

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