Between your ears, or between your legs -- guys, what do you think women really want?
I suppose it’s different strokes for different folks. Some women are really turned on by intelligence, and others love a dangerous guy.
What have women told you they really want? Do you believe them? Do you think women believe they want one thing, but behave as if something else is important? I.e., are they as confused as we are, or is there some secret conspiracy going on right in front of our eyes?
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59 Answers
I jumped on this to write a thought out response. I then realized I have absolutely no idea what they want.
They appear to value psychic powers above all else, especially the ability to know what she meant, as opposed to what she said.
Oh, and proficiency with the telephone also seems to carry a lot of weight.
For a typical woman, the correct answer to that question will change back and fourth several times, during the course of any single week
@Likeradar Maybe but I think it varies less. Men are interested in what is between the legs 29–30 days out of the typical month.
They want both, didn’t you ever hear the joke? A woman goes into a building and a genie or something shows up out of nowhere and says to her “this is a building full of men who will be completely yours, on this floor they don’t have jobs and live with their mothers, but on the next floor up they have solid full time jobs” .... So the woman goes up a floord, and the genie shows up again and says “well they have jobs on this floor, but if you go up one more they’ve got even higher paying jobs and a college degree”.... So of course she goes up another floor….. “The genie shows up again and says, ok they’re good here, but on the next floor up they have all this and on top of that they have GREAT manners and workout regularly”.... So naturally she goes up YET AGAIN…. The genie shows up and says “If you think they’re good here, the next floor up will just shock you….” Before the genie can even finish speaking the woman just runs up to the next floor and suddenly finds herself locked on the roof with a dozen other women and a sign that says “Well this just proves that you can never make a woman happy.”
@westy81585 So true, women have the power to bring down the most powerful man in the world, without a single gunshot. Just ask Clinton!
**Disclaimer: I am not a man**
@daloon, I know you can vouch for me when I say that in my world it is all about what is between the ears.
I’d like to believe that women would like both of those things equally in their men. I’ve never been able to fully figure out what a woman wants, though. That’s part of their mystique and our frustration. =)
If the between the ears part isn’t there, it makes the between the legs part all the more tragic…what a waste.
usually, they want more of that which you have less of…... :)
@westy81585: Whoa boy. Clinton may be a pig but is still a multimillionaire, gets a jillon dollars per speech has 24/7 secret service protection and lives seperately from Hillary (that alone shows he is ahead of the game). That don’t look ‘down’ to me.
When he started talking liberal politics to me (and told me he voted for Obama in the primaries) I almost jumped his bones.
But then again, he was also pretty cute.
I want the best a man has to offer, plain and simple.
I’d hate to generalize because no woman is the same. It’s finding and catering to those differences that makes them happy imho.
I can guess what you have to offer, @Tits ;)
Haha just kidding.
Where does that come from, the chest?
Also not a man.
However, it’s what’s between the ears that determines how clever they are with what’s between their legs. And what’s between their ears provides a lot longer-lasting pleasure :>D
lol, this could be fun.. i guess answering this question has the effect of describing your own unique approach to the mathematical problem of gaining/maintaining female attention regardless of what you say.. but i’ll bite..
Most (like, literally 98% of women) will want 1 or 2 main things:
– they want someone who doesn’t fully seem to like them until SURPRISE! it turns out they do. (hence the bad-assery)
– they want someone who knows how to act like themselves well. know what i mean? it’s the difference between someone who can play your character well and someone who looks like an amateur who’s faking it.
Long answer: I find they seem to not be able to handle it if they feel that they know you are interested in them for sure. Which is a very strange thing! You’re not allowed to let them know or else they will lose interest and consider you unworthy. They tend to enjoy the game more than the guy. Hmm.. in fact, they seem to associate the game with the guy. (really, this is weird) Without the game, they don’t want the guy even though the end result is predictably: “Surprise! we like eachother!” it’s quite funny.
I guess the point is you just have to make a fun and non-transparent story for them to play in. In relationships, men are like directors trying to impress an audience with a good film.
Why not a little bit of both? clever and spontanious isn’t impossible to be.(I try, but how well is yet to be determined I suppose)
Different women want different things.
As far as what I, as a man wants, I would go for brains over all else.
I don’t think a lot of women really “want” the badass type of guy. The thrill and excitement of the rebellious male provides a new experience for a lot of women but I think the only ones that stay with the badass just end up on ‘Cops’
hmm, well i don’t mean a PERFECT bad ass all the time. i think bad assery can manifest itself in civil actions. could be as simple as disagreeing with them about.. everything. but giving in to their unreasonable demands in the end.
I found the desire to experience bad-assery was difficult to give up, long after it was no longer appropriate. In fact, my name used to be “bad-ass” except it was in another language. It was wishful thinking, of course, but still, it was my own secret dream.
Now, I think, I’ve given up that dream. But I still fantasize about it.
i never had a lady ask for it between the ears before.
well, not directly. <wink>
@crisw – you make a very valid point.
If they don’t have it going on, between the ears…well, what’s between the legs is not as interesting. After all, isn’t the brain the biggest sexual organ?
Oh man! Are you saying I gotta be able to put it between my ears? And here I thought biting my ELBOW was hard enough!
I promise I’ll try.
Between the cover of your bank book.
No one can say what ALL women or even MOST women want. I am a woman and what I want is probably totally different than what other women want. And thank goodness, there are men who are looking for something other than what the stereotypical male wants.
Why must everyone be stuffed into a catagory.
I think most women and men want the same thing, to be treated with respect and dignity and loved for who they are.
Always comes back to the golden rule for me!
no, that’s clearly bs. thanks for your opinion though. :)
haha, it’s true that not all women are one way but as guys we know what most women are like because we’re the ones who have to deal with them.
Ninja: I bet you deal with a LOT of women and speak for ALL men. lmao
so i’m opinionated, sue me. lol
I’m a chick…
@Harp I think you hit the nail on the head, LOL.
I think the longer we try to figure out women, the more time we are just going to waste. Women are extremely complicated, and honestly, some things are best left alone.
hell I can’t figure myself out let alone expect you guys to!
Can’t speak for every woman, but what’s between the ears is far more important to me. Most of my female friends would agree wholeheartedly.
both and the power over both.
Women I think prefer what’s in between the ears.
Gals on the other hand, prefer the brawn of a man.
At least that’s my opinion.
i personally don’t want a guy who has been with twenty girls. actually it’s fun to be with guys who arn’t exaclly experienced, some guys who are experinced don’t care what you want. But less experienced guys like to know what you like. Between the ears.
I have asked that question for a long time. The answer I have concluded is “Women have no idea what they want.”
You left out “between the ribs”... I want a man who has a heart, too! Balancing heart, mind and body is difficult, but I hope to find a man who appreciates the value in having balance, and who strives to acheive it as I do.
Well, for me personally its whats between my legs. I may not be the sharpest tool in the shed but I’m certainly the biggest most all purpose tool. I mean, not to toot my own horn, and I mean that, because plenty of others gladly toot it for me, but well…well that just about says it all doesn’t it? The toilet water isn’t just cold for me, its also deep. It’s a gift and a curse I guess…sigh…day after day dealing with the gawking women with their stuttering flustered demeanor and with their men, who are understandably both jealous and angry. Oh it’s a hard road for a “big” man with little upstairs, but everyday I somehow manage to get out of bed, and do it all over again. ;)
I want a guy that thinks he’s badass, but I secretly know that he’s not so BADASS at all. I want him to treat me with respect no matter who’s around.
i know quite a few women who’re fond of intelligence, but deep down i have absolutely no doubt that women most want a guy with power, be it reckless badboy or corporate shark.
next time you’re out with a group of male and female friends, watch the girls. dominant guys make women turn all girlie, intelligence doesn’t no matter how much they appreciate it. makes me suspect they’re hardwired to prefer power deep down regardless of what they’re preference is consciously.
This might sound corny but as a woman, I want it all. I want the man to use what’s between his ears to the best of his abilities and to lie if he has to but to say I am the inspiration for some of it. I want to see my man energized, enthralled and inspired to make the most of what he can for the two of us as a couple, for the people we both care about and this does include taking care of or improving his physical health. I want a man who will give no less effort than I do.
From my experience, often what’s between my ears clamped firmly between her legs. :)~
@SeventhSense – not sure why you put the tilde on that one. Seems pretty accurate : )
lol, ahhhhh, now i gotcha
it’s also the fluther meme for sarcasm : )
You should know by now I don’t play by the rules
I use this for sarcasm ~_~
and this for smily with tongue :)~
speaks with forked tongue or just when I need a phallic symbol <(((((((((((((((:>~
winking beatnik with goatee ;)>
following the status quo…..><O>.... ><o>
and bald man looking around ‹(•¿•)›....any reason
Beats me——I’ve been happily married for almost 10 years, and I am still trying to figure that one out! Lol.
The problem is almost all men are in their own heads rather than actually interacting with the woman they are speaking with.
Women want what is between our legs really bad. We could, in theory, relax and enjoy their company, and it would work out most of the time.
We, being dumb, ignore their signals and try to impress them and brag and employ strategies. They watch us do that for awhile and we slowly look dumber and dumber. They eventually move on to some other guy who hasn’t made himself look like a tool yet.
Sadly neither, a good many women wants what is in the bank, if it comes with a smart phallus it is a plus but not the requirement.
Wow, a sex question where the OP did not get blasted, IT has happened on Fluther, go figure ~~
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