General Question

Zen's avatar

You are chatting with someone who is close by, would you prefer to meet them and actually talk?

Asked by Zen (7748points) March 30th, 2009

I know it depends upon the situation and circumstances, but is the next generation growing up indoors and communicating via screens?

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13 Answers

Amoebic's avatar

For me, yes. I’ve often gone out of my way to go have coffee with nearby internet strangers. I often go over to my sister’s place to talk instead of just calling her. However, I think that with the proliferation of internet culture and the rising costs of transportation (combined with things like social eating becoming a luxury) many people are resorting to staying home instead of going out. One of the few businesses that is really exploding right now is internet gaming – more people are staying home and dishing out a few bucks for a game they can play for weeks instead of spending three times that amount in one night going out and socializing.

veneziana's avatar

I would rather keep chatting than actually meet them in person. It’s the new generation.

DragonFace's avatar

I would rather meet up and chat things up than be on the computer all day.

timeand_distance's avatar

I would much rather just sit in and chat, unless we were good friends and I was bored.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

Meeting them is much better, I think. Chatting online is great, but you don’t get facial expressions & voice intonement. Being face to face is always better, IMO.

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

Depending on the situation and circumstances then yes. Online interaction puts me in touch with people I share common interests with I might not otherwise meet by chance while out in my city.

adreamofautumn's avatar

It depends on the circumstance. With people I don’t know very well I feel like the screen takes away at lot of the awkward “uhhs” and “umms”, but with friends i’d rather grab a cup of coffee and chat.

Zen's avatar

@jbfletcherfan Intonement means to recite in a singing tone. Intonation is the pattern or melody of pitch changes in connected speech, esp. the pitch pattern of a sentence, which distinguishes kinds of sentences or speakers of different language cultures.


jbfletcherfan's avatar

@Zen Oookkayyyy, I stand corrected. You knew what I meant.

VzzBzz's avatar

That would depend on what it is we talk about online. Romantic banter? Well then that could be nice. Friends for hanging out, great. I really like being able to exchange a lot of communication online, observing shared interests and ways of interacting with other people from the safety of my screen- so much information ahead of time with no physical risk.

dearest_prudence's avatar

It would be ok if it were a girl or girls, but not safe if it were boy/s
as long as they took no pix

Zen's avatar

@jbfletcherfan Of course I knew what you meant, but we are also here to learn. Thanks for sending me to the dictionary. It’s from, btw, the best on the net imho.

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