General Question

SN25P's avatar

Are there any positive effects of software piracy?

Asked by SN25P (11points) November 17th, 2007

Does anyone have links to pages which inform of eventual positive consequences of software piracy? Thanks in advance!

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6 Answers

bpeoples's avatar

Eh… not going to get into the general ethics of software piracy, largely because I’m in the GNU camp. (i.e., why pirate software—risking prosecution—when you can get 90–125% of the functionality for free, legally?)

Anyway, wikipedia had a couple good links:

The first link to Arstechnica is more of a “if you’re going to pirate, please pirate our software”—meaning that if someone is stealing your software, they’re more likely to buy it in the future.

The 2nd one is a horribly written article talking about how the Pres. of Romania credits the rise in IT savy in his country with software piracy. Reading it, it may be sort of a “spoof” article. Although, I have heard similar arguments quoted on legit news from Chinese sources.

jrpowell's avatar

I will simply say this. I stole Photoshop, got a job using Photoshop, then work bought me Photoshop.

glial's avatar

Same as johnpowell here

SN25P's avatar

Guess I’ll have to complicate it a bit, but thanks for the answers :)

MedivhX's avatar

Of course that there are! Some companies even like having their software pirated, because that makes it more popular, and the user who used the pirated program, may change his mind and buy original when next version of that program gets published.

DryaUnda's avatar

The least controversial answer I can think of is what is known as “abandonware,” programs that can’t be bought legally.

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